Author Topic: Public Civility  (Read 405 times)

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2000, 06:51:00 AM »
Agreed Dr00.

I've just logged out of the MA.  Tonight, one of the better fliers for our side (Bishops) was making a complete bellybutton of himself.  He'd made a mistake, and followed a con into the ack, but of course it wasn't HIS fault ..... it was the fault of the enemy pilot for not being considerate enough to die gracefully.

Now our bishop pilot proceeded to abuse his opposite number on common channel, "F^%$ing amazinhunk", "F%$#ing ack-hugger" etc.

I tell ya, it made me embarrassed to be on the same side as this guy.  

And the worst thing?  He's very well regarded for his piloting skills in the community, and is therefore someone to whom the new guys tend to look up to.

A great example to follow, eh?

C.O. Phoenix Squadron
Aces High Training Corps

Offline leonid

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« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2000, 07:23:00 AM »

Agree 100%.  Respect is what it's all about.  If respect is given, it should be received.

"If you want to be seen, stand up.  If you want to be heard, speak up.  If you want to be appreciated, shut up."
ingame: Raz

Offline DR00

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« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2000, 09:44:00 AM »
The trully "great" pilots have the control. Regardless of what their kill/death ratio is.

Offline Citabria

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« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2000, 10:28:00 AM »
I've just logged out of the MA. Tonight, one of the better fliers (Citabria) for our side (Bishops) was making a complete bellybutton of himself. He'd made a mistake, and followed a con into the ack, but of course it wasn't HIS fault ..... it was the fault of the enemy pilot for not being considerate enough to die gracefully.

Now our bishop pilot Citabria proceeded to abuse his opposite number on common channel, "F^%$ing amazinhunk", "F%$#ing ack-hugger" etc.
I tell ya, it made me embarrassed to be on the same side as Citabria.
And the worst thing? He's very well regarded for his piloting skills in the community, and is therefore someone to whom the new guys tend to look up to.

that was me making an bellybutton of myself to an opponent (GADGET) who I regard quite highly.
I appologized for letting the game get the better of me and proceeded to go on flying with my mouth shut after blowing my lid twice.

the thing is I should have vented on private channel because the pilot I was flying against understood my frustration (one of us ends up getting frustrated whenever we fly against eahother, ussually me)

just squelch me automatically or put me on autosquelch list when HTC implements such a thing.

I'm ussually pretty level headed but this game sometimes pisses me off and I will surely be pissed off by this game again.

maybe I will have the forsight to type my rage on channel 123 instead of channel 1

Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline flakbait

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« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2000, 11:02:00 AM »
I find this utterly astounding. I've been hosting H2H games a lot here lately. Usually there's a few beefs that go around, but nothing more. Except this morning. In the wee hours I was hosting a game, as normal, just waiting for bait to show up. Finally a few people join up, and we get into a proper free-for-all with 2 rules. Don't vulch, don't ackstar, and I won't have a problem.

Well, someone decided to vulch. No big deal, he appologized right away after learning I didn't exactly like that. The player who was blasted didn't think much of it either, and took it as I did; an honest mistake. Fast-formard 15 minutes, or there abouts. He does it again, this time against me.

I didn't get mad, didn't yell, didn't throw a fit; I told him not to do that again. Again, he appologized. Five minutes later he takes out three guys on the runway with engines turning over. Now I'm mad. I dive in on the guy, blow off his right wing with my M.G. 151/20 and climb out.

His response? "*%# #(*^*^%@ @(&%^$$#!!!!!". I won't repeat it word for word. Anyway, I decided to give the little fragger a taste of his own medicine. I vulched him every time he took off. He'd get about 4-500 feet up and BOOM! Back in the tower with his lazy butt.

He left, thank God. I've had a few, and I do mean FEW, arguments blow up in games I've hosted. All I have to say is "Now, now ladies, calm down" and it stops there. Just once have I had to threaten to Alt+F4 and kill the game.

Unlike most H2H games, I put my name on mine. That instantly identifies who's the host, and the boss. Rarely is there a problem, and when one does crop up I deal with it there and then. In the morning hours, between 1am and noon, there's a lot of great pilots joining games. So that's when I host.

During my 2 week trial I was in the MA only during non-peak hours. I purposely avoided the peak hours to stay away from the idiots. To repeat a story I've told before:

Originally Posted by Flakbait:

There were 20+ Knights over A6 defending it against a horde of Bishops. 20+ fighters of most any type. I'm on the ground playing GCI [ground-controlled intercept] officer in an M16. A few comments about me not flying go by on the buffer, taken in good humor.

Then another wave of Bishops shows up. A B-26 is near the tail-end of the mob. I call "B-26 NE ovr 6!!". No one engages or pays any attention. I thought they would see the sucker on his second pass. Nope. 4 passes he made before retreating.

5 minutes later a B-17 shows up. Now there's at least 25 friendly fighters over A6 between 10 and 20k. I call when I spot the BUFF "B-17 N ovr 6!!!". No one responds. Then I spotted someone in a postion to intercept.

"Dude, turn around; b-17 on ur 6".

His reply?

"cc delta......stop commanding people".

Instead of teling him to blow it out his whazoo, I log out.

25 friendly fighters and not one single pilot engages. I gave up on the MA after that. H2H games is where I'll stay until something happens that drives me away from Aces High.

Am I tired of this crap? Damn right I am. Am I gonna do something about it? Yep. I'm gonna shoot down, vulch, and hammer every little idiot I find. You vulch someone, I'll vulch you until you either get the point, leave, or I run outa ammo.

Delta 6's Flight School
I'll tell you anything once. If I have to tell you a second time I understand. Maybe I wasn't clear enough or you just didn't get it. If I gotta explain it three times I'll shoot you and move on to the next idiot in line!!

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2000, 11:13:00 AM »
You do know you can type .eject playername and he won't be vultching anymore?

Offline kidcol

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« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2000, 11:17:00 AM »
I think HT may have secretly put some kind of "maturity enhancing code" into 1.041. hehe

Used to lose my temper all the time (I've got a nice pile of busted joysticks to attest to that), now, whenever I'm royally pissed about going down in flames (& when else are you ever really pissed about something?) the 1st thing I type into the buffer is:


before I hit enter I stop and think about what the other pilot did that made me so mad. He shot me down. HOW is not important. He shot me down, that's what the game is about. Then I hit enter.

Sure sometimes I still feel a lil pissed about whatever happened, but the other guy is playing the same game I am.

I try to keep in my head something one of the best virtual pilots I've known, -dkfi-, told me over & over again (usually right after he killed me): "Don't fly angry". That was all he'd type, implied was:"fly smart". Well, I usually forget that in the heat of the moment, but when I do remember, I can put up a good fight.

Wish I could be as succinct & mature as the rest of the posts in this thread. Agree 100% with you guys & I actually feel this is the direction a lot of the vets that may have been hot-headed in the past are headed, community-wise. WTG Citabria for your post. You blew your top & were adult enuff to not only admit it but also try to avoid it in the future.

- kidcol -

<editing after seeing flakbait's post>

flak, I see what you're saying about vulching in areas other than MA. I've seen it in TA a few times. In there a good "dweeb hunt" usually suffices. H2H's I wouldn't be able to really comment on, I'd like to fly em, but usually suffer bad lag or disco probs when I do. Would think there would be a command if you are hosting to eject them.

As far as working from tower is concerned (or just trying to get a country to get together) I have found this to be the fastest way to start a brawl on the radio. People are just gonna fly the way they want, That's the way it is... not much more I can say about it than that.

[This message has been edited by kidcol (edited 09-16-2000).]


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« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2000, 12:17:00 PM »
Originally posted by Hangtime:
Computer keyboards should be licensed. Totin a laptop in a carry case should be considered the same as carrying a concealed weapon.. the bastid should get life with no parole if caught in public.

Call yer congressman. Email the president. Club yer little sister sensless with the mouse the next time you catch her on AOL.

Lets stamp out this insidious deadly weapon BEFORE it kills again!


Damn Hang, you hippy liberal bastige!   First off, every american SHOULD carry a concealed weapon, non-licensed, non-registered so they can't come take them away after they got a list of everyone who has one!

Offline Thog

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« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2000, 01:10:00 PM »
Hey DROO, that phone number is a porno line!  Hell, they all are from what I can tell...  nasty, sleazey basta... oh wait.  I hit speeddial again, didn't I?

Heh.  Sorry.


Offline JoeMud

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« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2000, 04:24:00 PM »
Be glad I only mess with you people over the net otherwise it could get ugly.

Offline 10Bears

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« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2000, 11:23:00 PM »
Hangtime, Er Coyote is right
10Bears- 808-883-8463

Offline flakbait

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« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2000, 12:31:00 AM »
Actually I didn't know that Kieren, but thanks to you I do now.

Delta 6's Flight School

Offline hblair

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« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2000, 12:38:00 AM »
How ugly could it get joe? Aren't you a 15 year old kid?



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« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2000, 02:24:00 AM »