Hey Shuzzy,
Thats good news, I am actually running win2k, I should have mentioned that, but I think win2k may have the same problem.
I have actually changed Refresh Freq in Display properties from 85hz to 100hz then 120hz with no avail. I then tried the the program RefreshForce - that is what actually bumped it up to 120.
I downloaded RageTweak and set the card up as specified in one of the above links - weird thing there I could not unlock the advanced settings. ( Maybe I have to buy RageTweak)
I know some guys that are getting 200 fps with ATI cards, I would like to be able to take full advantage of the card, but I can definately live with it the way it is.
BTW you guys don't use OpenGL your DirectX right?
Thanks for the reply, you guys do a great job!!! I love the sim and can't wait to try AH2.