Author Topic: Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.  (Read 2425 times)

Offline SunKing

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2003, 01:23:33 PM »
Yes I agree suicide attacks are outta control these days. I have an idea that "might" slow some of them down. Do not award perk points unless a sortie is landed. I'm sure some of them care about the points and will try to survive. Yes there will be alot of running but that shouldn't bother the LA7 guys.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2003, 02:13:45 PM »
They say the first step to a cure is to realize that you are sick.  Okay, here goes....

I AM A SUICIDE DWEEB.  I have been in the game for about 8 months, and I have died thousands of times.  If you want to see the stats, look up "shubie".  It's pretty sad.

I attack strat, even knowing that I might not survive.

I auger frequently.

I get shot down by the ack.

I get shot down by the kamikaze fighters.

I get shot down by the furballers.

I up at a vehicle spawn point many times to find and kill the campers.  I get killed by the campers, a lot.

Heck, I get shot down by town buildings!!

And Boy oh Boy, do I have fun at it.  Thank God this isn't real life.  Thank God this isn't really like WW2.

Nobody out there is looking for the root cause of the high death count in the game.  Do any of you really think that killing over THREE HUNDRED tanks in one month (last month for me) is realistic?  I have news--it ain't.  Here (IMO) is why:

1.  Death is not final, here.  Furballers, kamikaze fighters, and suicide dweebs ALL do things no sane person would do in real life, because of the incredibly high chance of getting dead.  Remember, in WW2, none of us would have survived the first DAY, much less survive getting shot down several times a week.  I looked at the stats for Furball ( Number 20 today, he has shot me down more than once), and he has a VERY high kill ratio (~7:1),  250 (!) fighter kills this tour, but HAS DIED 23 TIMES, and landed only (only is relative to real life, not my pitiful score, of course) 66% of his sorties.  
2.  Real countries ORGANIZE their armed forces.  There is consistent training, a hierarchy, and common goals.  We don't do that, because our purpose is to have fun, and people's ideas of what is fun differ widely.  Nobody forces anyone to get in the game and play.  Ever.

3.  Real air forces plan their missions with things like high cover, escort, and stuff like that.  That doesn't work well here, since everybody wants to do it their way. No problem, really.  Enjoy.

In conclusion, I guess that  I think that we have a pretty good game here, but we need to remember that it's a GAME, darn it.  It ain't real life.  It isn't even particularly lifelike.  It is a simulation of real life activity, and suffers from a lack of fidelity caused by the limitations I listed above, and others.  Could we make it just like WW2?  Probably not, but if we all go under military discipline, get a couple year's training, and are willing to never ever get back in the game once we are "killed" the first time, then we can make it more like reality.

That's not what I want from this game.  What do you want??

Offline lazs2

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2003, 02:29:00 PM »
perk bombs over 100lbs...

rshubert... I am glad that you are proud of your lack of skill..  In any case it is nothing to be ashamed of... I'm not very good myself but... simply proclaiming that you have no talent and are proud to shout it to the world does not negate the fact that you are spoiling the fun of a lot of other players... That is also ok if the talent and effort you put out is somewhat balanced by the effect you have...  For your abilities (or lack thereof) you should maybe be able to kill one hanger for every 20 sorties... that would balance out your talent with your effect.

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Offline Apache

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2003, 02:39:14 PM »
What do I want? For the suicide children games to not affect my ability to have fun.

Take this guy and multiply him by 20. How are those of us who fly this thing for the competitive air combat aspect supposed to stop them? Time is on their side. Eventually, no matter what their skill level, a base will get porked.

Agreed this is a game. But the air combat guys are slowly getting excluded. That sux.

Offline gofaster

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2003, 02:54:33 PM »
Originally posted by gofaster
What was the plane of choice?

So what is the plane of choice?  P51D? P47? P38?

Offline rshubert

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Can you say "duelling arena"??
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2003, 03:13:11 PM »
I completely understand that my way of playing might--just might--inconvenience you.  I am sorry, but I prefer my fun to your fun.  I do have a suggestion, though.  Why not go to the duelling arena?  

They have lots of bases there, and you can fly any plane you want.  You can find a few like-minded furballers and shoot each other down to your little heart's content.  As a bonus, there are very few people there now, and the lag should be minimal.

Is the reason you stay in the MA because it is such a target rich environment?  You gotta admit, it's a lot easier to shoot down a heavy slow P38 on an attack run than a light Co-E P38 that's looking for an ACM session.  I think that a lot of you "elite fighter pilot types" just LOVE to go after the newbies and ground pounders--it's not as likely to end up with you teleporting back to the tower, and your score looks good.  

Some of us enjoy the base taking, bombing, and all that strategic stuff you disdain.  It's not necessarily because we aren't as good as you are at the ACM thing.  It's because our interests lie in another direction.  I get a big time thrill out of evading all the fighters, delivering my ordnance, and (occasionally) getting back to base.  Do you see me pissing and moaning about you shooting me down while I'm carrying 3000 pounds of bombs and rockets?  You know you don't.  Then why not quit whining about my gameplay?  You have options.  I have options.  Let me exercise mine, and I'll let you exercise yours.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2003, 03:22:24 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2

simply proclaiming that you have no talent and are proud to shout it to the world does not negate the fact that you are spoiling the fun of a lot of other players...For your abilities (or lack thereof) you should maybe be able to kill one hanger for every 20 sorties

(sigh) Yes, Lazs2, that's about right on the damage/death ratio...

But don't be a jerk.  It's not a lack of talent, it's a lack of experience and skill.  Talent is God-given, skill can be learned, and experience can be gained.  I am learning.  And, in my defense, I have to claim that I have never, ever crashed a real world plane--it's too freeking expensive, and real crashes hurt a lot.  

But thank you for your totally sincere sympathy.  I'll bet your mommy is proud.

Offline Apache

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Re: Can you say "duelling arena"??
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2003, 03:36:33 PM »
Originally posted by rshubert
I completely understand that my way of playing might--just might--inconvenience you.  I am sorry, but I prefer my fun to your fun.  I do have a suggestion, though.  Why not go to the duelling arena?  

They have lots of bases there, and you can fly any plane you want.  You can find a few like-minded furballers and shoot each other down to your little heart's content.  As a bonus, there are very few people there now, and the lag should be minimal.

Is the reason you stay in the MA because it is such a target rich environment?  You gotta admit, it's a lot easier to shoot down a heavy slow P38 on an attack run than a light Co-E P38 that's looking for an ACM session.  I think that a lot of you "elite fighter pilot types" just LOVE to go after the newbies and ground pounders--it's not as likely to end up with you teleporting back to the tower, and your score looks good.  

Some of us enjoy the base taking, bombing, and all that strategic stuff you disdain.  It's not necessarily because we aren't as good as you are at the ACM thing.  It's because our interests lie in another direction.  I get a big time thrill out of evading all the fighters, delivering my ordnance, and (occasionally) getting back to base.  Do you see me pissing and moaning about you shooting me down while I'm carrying 3000 pounds of bombs and rockets?  You know you don't.  Then why not quit whining about my gameplay?  You have options.  I have options.  Let me exercise mine, and I'll let you exercise yours.

Reading comprehension you're weak point? You're arguing jabo runs. I stated plainly "suicide". There is a difference.

BTW, "end up teleporting back to tower"? Unlike you, I don't hide behind a BBS name with a different ingame name. My stats are there for all who care to peruse. Check before you make careless statements.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2003, 04:04:00 PM »
Apache, answer the question.  WHY not go to the duelling arena for duelling without soiling your lily-white silk flying scarf with the blood of us strat players???

I don't "hide" my identity.  When I signed up I didn't realize that my login name (rshubert) would be my screen name.  I like shubie as a nickname (my last name is shubert, and everybody I ever became friends with thought it up independently), and use it as my handle.  My first choice for a handle was already taken.  Rshubert sounds kind of clunky to me, but every net login I ever had has been rshubert.  Since I make my living as a controls engineer and network admin, I have more than enough logins and passwords to remember, so I try to keep the number to a minimum.

Talk about hiding, your real name apache??  Or is that a name you made up for yourself to "hide" your identity from the rest of us?

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2003, 04:18:09 PM »
And, BTW, Apache, you need to work on your (not "you're") grammar.  I read just fine.

You have been teleported back to the tower 20 times this tour, according to the stats.  Congratulations.  You are a really good simulated fighter pilot.  How long have you been doing ACM simulations?  

What did you object to in my description?  How would you describe the jump from the cockpit (or the ground) back to the tower?  I like "teleport", as it seems to be an apt description.  Quoting from "How Stuff Works" online magazine: (

Teleportation involves dematerializing an object at one point, and sending the details of that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where it will be reconstructed. What this means is that time and space could be eliminated from travel -- we could be transported to any location instantly, without actually crossing a physical distance.  
Most of us were introduced to the idea of teleportation, and other futuristic technologies, by the short-lived Star Trek television series (1966-69) based on tales written by Gene Roddenberry. Viewers watched in amazement as Captain Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy and others beamed down to the planets they encountered on their journeys through the universe.

'Nuff said?

And, by the way, I'm talking about Jabo runs, too.  You need to look at it from my side to understand my post.  But, that seem sto be most of the issue--you (as a class) "don't sully the purity of my ACM dance" self-centered furballers are CONSTANTLY whining about every other player type.  Why don't I see a lot of whining about the uncooperative furballers?


« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 04:29:34 PM by rshubert »

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2003, 04:21:19 PM »
Originally posted by Oedipus
I'm a shrub in real life.

That is

in case anyone needed to know

(p.s.   re: "What do I want? For the suicide children games to not affect my ability to have fun."   A big DITTO!)


I have to take the shot, since your name just BEGS for it:

In real life you are a mother****er

Nothing meant by that, but I think it's funny...

What's it like being a shrub?  Does it pay well?  I've been thinking about a career change.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2003, 04:24:30 PM by rshubert »

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2003, 05:10:21 PM »
now now hubert don't get all hissy on us...

All I am saying is that you should have to show a little more skill if you want to affect the gameplay of so many players... the furballers also affect the gameplay of others but... it is balanced.  what you do is make things less fun for whole groups of people and you do it with minimal talent... certainly you see that you should have to earn the right to do so?

I see nothing wrong with perking bombs over 100 lbs... the gv guys have to earn perks to drive uber tanks... us fighter guys have to earn perks to fly uber planes... even the fluffers have to earn perks to flly the uber fluffs so.... why shouldn't you have to show a little skill in order to earn jabo bombs?    What makes your fun so much more iomportant than anyone elses?   All the other guys have to earn the right to have an unfair advantage.

Offline muckmaw

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2003, 05:39:03 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
now now hubert don't get all hissy on us...

All I am saying is that you should have to show a little more skill if you want to affect the gameplay of so many players... the furballers also affect the gameplay of others but... it is balanced.  what you do is make things less fun for whole groups of people and you do it with minimal talent... certainly you see that you should have to earn the right to do so?

I see nothing wrong with perking bombs over 100 lbs... the gv guys have to earn perks to drive uber tanks... us fighter guys have to earn perks to fly uber planes... even the fluffers have to earn perks to flly the uber fluffs so.... why shouldn't you have to show a little skill in order to earn jabo bombs?    What makes your fun so much more iomportant than anyone elses?   All the other guys have to earn the right to have an unfair advantage.

Geez, Lazs, if you're going to perk bombs, why not perk bullets and rockets too?

As it stands now, you can take out a fuel dump much more easily with rockets or 20mm cannon fire than you can with bombs.

The solution lies in either adding more fuel bunkers, or toughening them up. And even if you harden them, you're still going to get the B-17 suicide dweebs porking the fuel.

The only fix I can see is adding more fuel bunkers, making them easier to rebuild, as someone else already stated.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2003, 06:20:21 PM »
This thread has inspired me to fly nothing but ground attack missions.  

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Offline vorticon

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Anatomy of a suicide dweeb.
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2003, 06:44:59 PM »
so in return for screwing up a  group of players fun you want to screw up a different group of players fun...