Author Topic: What has happened to AH?  (Read 5174 times)

Offline beet1e

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #195 on: June 10, 2003, 07:13:21 PM »
Originally posted by Zippatuh
Grow some stones people and engage!  Jebus!
ROFL!  A member of 13th TAS, instructing others on how they should fly, how they should spend their $14.95/month?  Muhahahaha! I can see you're struggling. Don't worry - help is at hand. Mr. Toad has a plethora of remedies for those pilots who find that the rest of the arena won't fly "their way". Calling Dr. Toad...

Good one, Zip!

Offline Don

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« Reply #196 on: June 10, 2003, 07:34:58 PM »
>>Admittingly, im am confident in fighting like this but still make the mistake of being over-agressive and augering when trying to force a shot on a low f4f type plane.. Which always p's me off because i'd do such a good job of making him milk its e.. <<

You just described an aspect of your flying which needs work :) You are aware, and therefore, you are halfway there.
Aggressiveness is good too, but patience is more valuable.
For example, Shane is viewed by some as being a loud mouth. I submit that he is not, he is cagey, and taunts people while he uses his patience to gain advantages. I remember him from AW and, he has improved his game immensly from those days.
The E style is ecclectic and makes use of various tactics, but it is not turn fighting. The type of a/c used are the more powerful ones that can get out of its own way. An F4F is slow but, capable of turning on a dime...slowly. Let it turn, and meanwhile you use a vertical turn (high yo-yo) and get back down after it; you will eventually shoot it down.

Offline Don

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« Reply #197 on: June 10, 2003, 07:41:23 PM »
>>i'll still shoot you anyway, especially if you used it all up spraying at me! <<

Hehe, and I would expect nothing less from you ;)
But, I rarely use up all of my ammo, and I gave up the ole spray and pray a long time ago :)
One thing is for sure, I will judge my approach to a smoking spitty coming directly at me, with friendlies calling out over CH2 that, he shot the nmez engine out, and it's his kill.:(
It takes all kinds of dweebs nme or friendly.

Offline Don

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« Reply #198 on: June 10, 2003, 07:46:15 PM »
>>QUIT whining about head-ons. Every one here knows at least two methods to avoid a head-on. If you don't like 'em, avoid 'em. If you get your panties in a wad and feel the need to shoot at the guy, take your medicine.<<

Hmmph! Sounds like a big fat juicy rationalization to me.
Ho dweebs are HO dweebs. Calling a thing as it is, isn't a whine, it's a statement of fact. It aint gonna ruin my enjoyment of the game; just makes me kill em at their own game. I'd rather let them do the whining as they fall helplessly smoking to the virtual ground. If you happen to be one of em, then when it happens to you from my guns, you will know I have nothing but disdain for your chosen method of fighting. :D

Offline Don

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« Reply #199 on: June 10, 2003, 07:57:10 PM »
>>Here read here

Boom And Zoom Tactics.<<

Hehe, yer doin a damned fine job here Batz.
This is the way (IMO) a thread like this ought to go;)

Offline Don

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« Reply #200 on: June 10, 2003, 08:03:57 PM »
>>Eventually, these newbs are going to get it and begin to realize<<


I hear what yer saying but.... the new guys "getting it" won't happen by some miracle or by osmosis. Or, if it does, they have a lot more determination to hang in there.
Training will help cut out some of the unnecessary trail and error and get them to realization quicker.
I know that this is why many organized squads hold bi weekly or monthly squad training sessions.

Offline Don

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« Reply #201 on: June 10, 2003, 08:08:01 PM »
Wtg Tw9!!!

Offline Don

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« Reply #202 on: June 11, 2003, 08:22:32 AM »
>>He owned me of course the rest of the way.. <<

Did you look at the films afterward? When you do, notice how the opposing a/c will dip its nose before the merge, or in specific a/c types the pilit must do certain things after a pass or merge to keep the advantage; alt isn't the only important thing.  And, as in real life combat, the pilit who see's the nme first has an advantage. Its when you trade alt for E that gets tricky. For example, the La's will zoom past and do a very fast zoom climb but, that will only last a short while; the La's bleed E very quickly in the vertical; they will dive down after a short while a try to reacquire you. A good pilit will be looking for you as he is zoom climbing, and do everything he can to keep you in his view range until he makes his next move.  So, knowing this, you get your plane in a position to counter that move; it will prolly result in a series of scissors moves between the two of you.

Offline sqwurl

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« Reply #203 on: June 11, 2003, 09:19:27 AM »
Some of the guys that have fought me (usually 2+vs1, me being the 1) know that I dont run. The only time i try to disengage is when I lose an aileron or elevator, and see friendlies, then I drag. Other than that, I'm balls to the wall in the fight until one of us is hitting silk or dirt.

Offline rshubert

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« Reply #204 on: June 11, 2003, 10:38:32 AM »
Originally posted by Don
>>QUIT whining about head-ons. Every one here knows at least two methods to avoid a head-on. If you don't like 'em, avoid 'em. If you get your panties in a wad and feel the need to shoot at the guy, take your medicine.<<

Hmmph! Sounds like a big fat juicy rationalization to me.
Ho dweebs are HO dweebs. Calling a thing as it is, isn't a whine, it's a statement of fact. It aint gonna ruin my enjoyment of the game; just makes me kill em at their own game. I'd rather let them do the whining as they fall helplessly smoking to the virtual ground. If you happen to be one of em, then when it happens to you from my guns, you will know I have nothing but disdain for your chosen method of fighting. :D

I don't EVER go looking for a head on, since I lose much more than half of them.  I think (but this is just a theory, mind) that a fast connection has a disadvantage over a slow one in combat--I see warping, he doesn't.

It's still a valid tactic, if you are willing to take the considerable risk.  It's about the only tactic a heavy Jabo can use without dropping ord.  It's also very easy to avoid, if you are willing to forego taking a shot.  Just barrel roll.  They can't hit you.  Or go for horizontal or vertical separation prior to the merge.  No HO.

Offline slimm50

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« Reply #205 on: June 11, 2003, 12:52:44 PM »
Heck, I'll turn fight anybody in anything. I'm certainly not above knife fightin a Spit or Zeke, while I'm in a Pony. So I die alot. BFD. Like th man said: "It's a video game."  But really good fights, 1 on 1 or 2, are very rare, seems to me. I guess that's why I die so much: I get so imaptient after searching high and low for a good dogfight, and I don't mean furballs, that I end up tanglin' with 5 or more enemies cuz that's about th best I can do. That's why I quit AH for th next year or so and show up in H2H once in a while. But I keep lookin in on th boards hopin for some encouraging news.

Offline ccvi

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« Reply #206 on: June 11, 2003, 01:47:38 PM »
Originally posted by TW9
I know you're kidding but i went and looked anyways... Since i wont dare go scanning through all those freaking tours again, here's the last 2.. I dont know what bearing this has or if it classifies me as a runner or not but here ya go..

Tour 39 Kills / Hour 4.176

Tour 38 Kills / Hour  5.508


Those are tours you had a K/D > 1. That doesn't compare to those stats that Batz and now Shane claim to be runners.

Let's have a look at earlier tours:
34: K/D 0.47992, K/hr 2.844
35: K/D 0.41808, K/hr 2.304

According to Batz' theorie those stats prove that you have been doing lots and lots of running. Have you?

Batz(Wotan) himself has scores that according to his own theory show that he started as a complete runner dweeb (beta scores homepage currently shows server not found):

Tour 12: K/hr 3.24
Tour 13: K/hr 2.52
Tour 14: K/hr 2.16

And he is running more and more with each tour :eek: :p

Offline Batz

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« Reply #207 on: June 11, 2003, 03:08:13 PM »
ccvi and his idiot euro math again. Stats simple back up and confirm what I observe with my own eyes.

You make some many assumption to get find "fights per hour" that no one can take it seriously. You are idiot and have been corrected several folks already. Theres no standard flight between fights or standard time for which a fight takes place. Take killing bombers. 3 kils can be made in 30 sec. But say its an alt monkey bomber and it took you 35 min to catch him and the rest of the hour to rtb, replane or respawn. Fights per hour cant account for that.

Theres no way fro youy to show fights per hour without a bunch of guessing. So quit trying.

If a guy has 12 kills per hour and a kd of 12 he could have fought way more the just 12 fights. If he had a fight every 2 min thats 30 fights. He doesnt have die or get a kill every time.

A guy with 2 kills per hour and a kd of .5 can have fought as little as 5 fights an hour. In 4 fights he dies 1 fight he landed 2 kills.

I can maniplulate the numbers just as easy as you can. But theres other "evidence". Witnesses.

So stfu with your euro math.

As Gruen and laz have both said a lo kd and a lo k/t you suck and arent fighting.

Yeah right tardlo, you dont run :rolleyes:

Now why would you lie about that when we both know thats just not true?

You ran beyond way beyond icon range a couple times I saw ya. Now I suspect you are know going to tell me because you knew it was me and just for for laughs you ran to a get a response, right?

You certainly didnt scissor, yo yo or even turn when I saw ya. Wells thats not true a few times you made a piss poor gun pass and I was able to roll behind ya and land enough hits to kill ya so I guess you dont always run.

I know you remember Brady, Drunky and I fighting you guys by 16? Are you telling me I just made it up that you ran? And you think Brady and drunky didnt see the same thing I did?

Before you argued about "conservative flying" and choosing not to turn fight" etc.......

Nows the arguement is you dont run? Blah, lying is onething but you are becoming patholigical. You know you are a runner, I know you are a runner, others know it as well.

Offline Skuzzy

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What has happened to AH?
« Reply #208 on: June 11, 2003, 03:16:06 PM »
I think that is enough of this.  How many times does someone have to hit thier head against a wall before realizing it does not feel good?
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese