Author Topic: Simple questions on CT  (Read 327 times)

Offline acetnt

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Simple questions on CT
« on: June 10, 2003, 03:54:55 PM »
Simple questions -

How does one get involved with combat theater?

Do I need to join a squad that is involved in CT?

How do I know a squad is involved in CT? Is there a list somewhere?

How regularly are CT ops run - and at what time?

IS it fun?

THanks in advance for your replys

Offline Ghosth

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Simple questions on CT
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2003, 04:41:38 PM »
You can drop into the CT anytime.

Perhaps you have it confused with Squad ops? There you have to be registered with a squad ahead of time. Both for side balance & so you can get orders.

There is a squad ops site but it got moved. :(

Easiest way to see what squads involved in CT are to fly in there a bit.

CT runs 24/7 with a new planeset every friday.

Squad ops run 3 or 4 weeks in a row and are on Fri eve or sunday.
Squad ops are one life event, so watch how you fly once you get in.

Offline acetnt

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Simple questions on CT
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2003, 05:06:40 PM »
Thanks for the reply Ghosth. You are right I am pretty confused.  I have flown exclusively in the main area and really had no clue with regards to CT and squad ops.

Hope you don't mind but I have just a few more questions:
As you said anyone can drop in to CT -- How would I know what were the targets to hit etc? Do I just pop in to CT and ask anyone whats going on? Is there some format to participating?

The thing is I am looking to get involved in something other than the continuous frag fests that are the main area. I like furballs sometimes but not all the time. Missions, when run right, are really good so I am hoping this is the same in CT or squad ops...

Thanks again

Offline KG45

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Simple questions on CT
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2003, 05:55:55 PM »
the CT is usually some kind allies vs axis set-up, just 2 sides.

semi-senario maps; (okinowa, n. african desert, battle of france, etc,) with the appropriate era plane sets. changes every fri.

i think you'll quickly grasp what going on in the CT

this week has some wierd '56 scenario, but heck, you get free 262's!

it's where I do 99% of my flying.  :cool:
all you fascists, you're bound to lose...

Offline Dennis

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Re: Simple questions on CT
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2003, 07:08:27 PM »
Originally posted by acetnt
Simple questions -

How does one get involved with combat theater?

Just drop in and fly.  Not unlike the MA.

Do I need to join a squad that is involved in CT?

No, but you might find you enjoy things more if you do.  I flew 'lone wolf' for quite a while before finally choosing a squad, and still fly solo quite a bit when the squad doesn't have anything organized going.

How do I know a squad is involved in CT? Is there a list somewhere?

Yeah, you could check the score pages.  They'll not only tell you which squads are racking up the kills and points (if that sort of thing's important to you) but also who's in the squad and who's 'in charge.'  But I'd recommend shopping around a little; watch and listen some night on squad nights in the CT.  See how the squads operate; treat each other; treat the nmy.

How regularly are CT ops run - and at what time?

For some reason, most of the larger, more active squads that frequent the CT have their "Squad Nights" on Tuesday and Thursday (beginning around 9 or 10 Eastern time, U.S.)  On those nights, the squads typically run a mission of some sort, be it fighter sweep, tactical bomb runs, bomber intercept, base defense, etc. ... depending on the setup.  Some squads are less organized than that.  It varies.

IS it fun?

Yup.  Sometimes circumstances conspire to rob you of some of the fun .. depends on what your frustration threshold is.  But by and large, I think, it's the best thing available.  AH2 might change that.
I fly the CT almost exclusively.  Haven't been in the MA for months ... until this week.

The thing is I am looking to get involved in something other than the continuous frag fests that are the main area. I like furballs sometimes but not all the time. Missions, when run right, are really good so I am hoping this is the same in CT ...

This sounds more like what AH2 might be.  Other than what the squads themselves put together on squad nights, you'll very rarely see anything that resembles an MA-style "mission" in CT.  In fact, I don't think I've seen the Mission Builder used more than once or twice in all the time I've flown there.  

Largely, CT is a less-populated MA with axis-vs-allies plane sets (except this week) on much kewler maps than the MA.  A furball generally sets up between the two closest opposing bases.  Milkrunners tend to go after undefended areas away from the furball.  There's vulching.  There's gangbanging (especially on squad nights).  There's fleet parking and ack running.  There's Ch1 whining, pissing, moaning and trash talk.

It ain't perfect, but for most of us regulars, it beats the alternative.


13th Sentai

Offline singh7

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Simple questions on CT
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2003, 10:22:30 PM »
Thanks a lot folks. I will drop in CT next time I am on.

