Author Topic: A vote against Pizza map that I would accept  (Read 365 times)

Offline beet1e

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« on: June 18, 2003, 10:19:27 AM »
OK, lots of people don't like the pizza map. You've only got to see the text buffer when it's up and view the whines on this board. I don't "like" it as such, but it offers diversions like good tank battles, and the chance to escape the steamrollers.

I don't think map withdrawal should be based on who can whine the loudest, especially as only a minority of AH gamers post on this board. A better way would be for HTC to conduct one of their anonymous pop-up polls at log-on. Each person would vote for their favourite map. The poll would need to be open for a full map cycle to allow infrequent players to get a chance to vote. Those who have not voted in that period (5-6 weeks) play the game too infrequently to be voting for which maps stay and which go. If any map received a proportion of the votes cast which was smaller than the proportion of the time it is up, I would accept that the map does not merit continued usage. For example, if we have five maps (using round figures here), each map is up for 20% of the time. If an HTC anonymous poll found that the pizza map (or any other map) gained less than 20% of the votes cast in the pop-up poll, I would have no objection to that map being retired. This method allows everyone who plays the chance to vote, and for his vote to remain confidential. I think votes are better than bribes and whines.

Does this sound fair?

Offline JB73

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2003, 10:49:34 AM »
well if the vote was for "favorite" i would be undecided between MINDANAO and Trinity.

if either of those maps went away i would be really bummed. and i am sure there are others who have more than 1 favorite.

the other problem i see with this is people not understanding what they are voting for (ie a map is going to be removed) or they might vote for not their favorite but a less popular map to make sure it stays around. (vote fraud)

another problem... my "favorite" map gets the least ammount of votes and is removed.... am i less valuable to HiTech Creations? i'm sure some would feel that way.

basically i dont think there is an answer to the problem of the map rotation. maybe the only thing is a 48 hour rule.... 48 hours of same map without a reset then poof. that idea still has flaws... maps like pizza and trinity will never be reset.

dont forget the purpose of the large maps.... remember about 8-10 months ago where the small maps were being reset in like 1-2 hours, sometimes 3 maps in a night on a weekend. these large maps are here so the ISN"T a reset right away.... or easily. they are designed to need teamwork and time to defeat an enemy.

oh well my 2¢
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Gloves

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2003, 12:15:45 PM »
How about a pop up that simply asks if you like the current map.  Answer is yes or no for each map.  60-70% say no, then bye-bye map.

Just a thought.


Offline Grimm

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2003, 12:28:37 PM »
I dont really Care for  "--Tonight! ---All you can Grab Pizza!"

But,  one thing it does...  It makes me appreciate the other maps all the more.   Everyone has a favorite and a least favorite.   Remove Pizza and everyone would be asking a different map to be removed.

There are some good concepts on Pizza, but for some reason when they all got lumped together it just didnt turn out as good as intended.   Maybe if it has a rebuild as Trinity will,  it could be made to work better.

Offline SlapShot

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2003, 12:42:47 PM »
Wait a minute here ...

The AKs' sent in a revised map to HTC, with revised altitudes and I believe revised colors. Why has HTC not brought these changes forward ? Anybody ?

These changes, along with the types of changes that NoBaddy made to Trinity (replacing VBases with airfields), could make this map very playable and enjoyable. Personally, I like the map.

I enjoy larger maps much more that I enjoy the smaller maps, so rather than lobby for removal, why not lobby to see the changes that Wabbit made, before pulling the plug on this map.

The AKs' put in a huge effort to make that map and to throw it away is not right ... Tweak/Change ... DO NOT REMOVE.

Would the AKs' or any AK look at implementing some of the tweaks that NoBaddy (changing Vehicle Bases to Air Fields) or would that be an exercise you might consider after your current changes have been implemented ?
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Offline SunKing

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2003, 12:58:52 PM »
Originally posted by JB73
well if the vote was for "favorite" i would be undecided between MINDANAO and Trinity.

if either of those maps went away i would be really bummed..


Agreed. Looking forward to a week of Mindanao. Stalling fighting in those valleys can't be beat.

Offline Lizard3

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2003, 01:16:06 PM »
IMHO Pizza is an OK map. Its hard on the eyes after an hour or so, where it was refreshing when it first came out, its just a pain to look at now.

I like GV's. I've had allot of fun in them, but I don't like a map that is GV-centric. Any map where 3 shleps can take 3/4 of the map in a night with GV's is to GV-centric.  Thats where Pizza and Trinity fail. While Trinity has a GV town, I think there should also be areas unaccessable to GV's.

Fin-Rus is a beatifical map. Fabulous. I don't know how the strat stacks up in there, but its allot of fun to play on. I wish it could be tuned for MA play. Maybe the Euro map as well. We don't have to have historical borders or sides, but the maps themselves are to cool just to be relegated to CT play. There was also a map with lots of snow and weather that would be cool as a change of pace. I believe it was Stalingrad.

I know HTC has AH2 to work on, but its time to throw us a bone. We've got months to go before its release and the boredom factor is redlined. No new crates to bust up, no new maps...(edit:er...maybe a new map!)

« Last Edit: June 18, 2003, 01:19:20 PM by Lizard3 »

Offline CptTrips

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2003, 01:40:41 PM »
The AKs' sent in a revised map to HTC, with revised altitudes and I believe revised colors. Why has HTC not brought these changes forward ? Anybody ?

I generally ignore these discussions but I just want to make sure that inaccuracies are not propagated.

About a week after the desert map was released, I sent HT a revised elev file that scaled the elevation down quite abit.  This was merely offered as an option incase he felt the fields were too high.  It might have gotten misplaced; he might have decided against it; there might have been other problems I wasn’t aware of.

I have never however sent any kind of texture update.  

That map is HTC property; they can do with it what they like.  They seem to know enough about running their business, to not need my advice.  However, if my opinion were asked, I’d prolly recommend retiring the desert map.  

It has served the purpose we intended it to.  It allowed HTC to have a large map to exercise the zone implementation about 8 months before another large map would have been available.  It provided HTC with a testbed for the 1.10 code base and large map effects on arena dynamics without having to pull their artists of producing new aircraft to go make them one.  Lastly, it provided us an excellent learning experience to master the editor and develop some related tools.

Frankly, I’m kinda surprised the desert map is still in rotation.  Of course, I also expected that there’d be a steady flow of user-developed maps appearing and the older ones eventually retired. I imagined 5 or so large maps with the oldest one getting dropped ever time a new one is added.

I guess for that to work there’d have to be more players willing to put their effort where their mouth is and produce rather than pontificate.  So far, in the year since the desert map was released, there has been just one to do so.  (I hear there is another map but I haven’t seen it.) Just one in the course of a year.  

That’s sad really.  Or perhaps the proper term would be “gutless”.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline SlapShot

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2003, 02:25:04 PM »
Thanks for the response Wabbit <>.

I wasn't sure about the revised colors, thats why I said "I believe", thanks for the clarification.

I still like the map and feel with some revisions and tweaking it could be a very viable, playable, and enjoyable map.

Considering the amount of crap that you (Aks') have taken personally with regards to the map, I can understand your wanting it to be dropped and maybe not willing to take on the tweaks and changes task.

<> AKs'
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Offline JB73

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2003, 02:33:40 PM »
sort of ditto....

i have said negative things about the pizza map myself (i dont care for it is all)..... but i believe never directed @ the AK's.

the effort it takes to make a map is amazing. i started knowing nothing and gave up after no word from HTC about the basic plan (weather they wanted me to continue and try to make it based on the concept)

and was a great effort. (just not some players cup-o-tea) i hope you dont feel that your time was wasted. the map did a lot to forward the community.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline NoBaddy

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2003, 02:33:44 PM »
Originally posted by AKWabbit
It might have gotten misplaced; he might have decided against it; there might have been other problems I wasn’t aware of.


Resend that puppy. The last time I talked to him about it (I wanna say this was end of winter..early spring), he told me he didn't understand why he had never gotten a map from you with the alts updated.  ...and people wonder why Heater keeps callin him "THE Putz" :).

BTW, I think with the alts dropped to a max of about 7 or 8k...the desert will suffer from much less whinage :D.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline NoBaddy

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2003, 02:42:26 PM »
Personally, there is something I like in all of the maps. The only one I really have a problem with is Mindanao and that is because it suffers from a major imbalance problem.

Anyone that does like Trinity, should thank Wabbit for his efforts. Without the Desert, I probably would never have done Trinity.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline beet1e

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A vote against Pizza map that I would accept
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2003, 03:49:55 PM »
JB73 - some good points there. I like Gloves's idea (voting YES/NO) to the map that's currently on) which might also address some of your concerns. The thing I was trying to sell when I wrote the initial post is the pop-up poll vote for the maps. The fine details will need further input.

I'd be sorry to see Pizza Map alts reduced. I've really enjoyed the hi-alt P47 stuff - zoom climbs then 500mph pursuits and all that. It can be done on the other maps, but the climb to 20K takes 10 mins or more, and your quarry might dive to the deck if attacked.

Been flying the CT for the past two days - a VERY welcome change...