Author Topic: Increased hard lock ups on game start  (Read 189 times)

Offline Tilt

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Increased hard lock ups on game start
« on: July 05, 2003, 02:11:13 AM »
Usually whilst loading the game upon accessing an arena...........

My system seems to chug away sorting the clipboard map out then beginning to notice local icons and clouds / object action (fires etc) plus updating the text buffer......... mouse availability during this period is  sporadic.............and finally showing the MOTD

I reckon 2 out of 5 times of late it does not make it and locks up solid requiring a hard reset with scan disk etc etc...

I fancy that if I give it another "job" before its all loaded (like changing field location) this lessens my chances of making it thru to full game play.

Given my system limitations is this normal?

Celeron 1000 (100Mhz)
512 MB ram
GForce 4MMX 440 (high image, fog emulation on, AA (quincunx)on, V32 drivers)
SB audigy (accel =average)
Proview 17" 770

Win 98 se
DX 8.1

Other  "non essential" progs running
Saitek game profiler

AH Video settings
32 bit
1024 x 724
45fpm limit
mipmapping on.

DT Video settings
32 bit
800 x 600
refresh rate set to optimal
Ludere Vincere