Author Topic: CV Takeoffs & Landings  (Read 1168 times)

Offline Happy1

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CV Takeoffs & Landings
« on: July 31, 2003, 04:57:37 PM »
Greetings every1 :o)

Newbie to Aces High, last time I flew was in AWMV a cple of wks,
b4 it was taken off .  Presently I'm attempting to learn everything
from the very beginning.

Am interested in CV Ops takeoffs & landings, however the films I've found just show an a/c above water with NO Carrier deck.
In order 4 me to practise carrier landings & takeoffs I've to SEE the flight deck.

Any help in providing me w/these films would be greatly appreciated:^)    Btw, pls answer the following questions:

  (1) In offline flying HOW do I take over controls of a/c to master
        my gunnery, landings & ACM?

  (2) In obtaining hits on a/c with nme plane in flames, is that a
kill or do I have to blow it up?   No easy task as bogies are very uncooperative.

My plane of choice for CV Ops is the F6F;  for land based a/c it's a
toss-up betwix the 38 & the 51.  Love 'em both.  Whilst in AWMV
I practiced in a Spit9.

I solicit ur advice, films & any recommendations/suggestions.Thx.



Offline Ramesis

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« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2003, 06:56:42 PM »
Hiya Happy... I don't fly the f6f often but I can tell you it will prop easily on a CV trap.. I mainly fly the Hog and trappin it is almost 2nd nature... However I will suggest this for trapping the cat..
   1) get ur speed down to about 125 mph prior to approach and if necessary crab it
   2) Just prior to the trap get ur nose up abit to prevent the prop
   3) Practice Practice and then Practice some more :)
   4) Oh and seems the few times I do fly and trap the cat I use 2 notch down on the flaps
"Would you tell me, please,
 which way I ought to go from here?
 That depends a good deal on where
 you want to get to. Said the cat."
    Charles Lutwidge Dodgson a.k.a. Lewis Carroll

Offline Montezuma

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Re: CV Takeoffs & Landings
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2003, 07:34:16 PM »
Originally posted by Happy1
Greetings every1 :o)
(1) In offline flying HOW do I take over controls of a/c to master
        my gunnery, landings & ACM?

(2) In obtaining hits on a/c with nme plane in flames, is that a
kill or do I have to blow it up?   No easy task as bogies are very uncooperative.

Not sure I understand #1.  Pick a plane from the hanger and then select which runway spot you want to take off from by selecting one of the little icons in the lower left corner of the clipboard.

On #2, the offline drones can keep flying without their wings, it is not like that online.   The ability of a plane to keep flying with parts missing depends on what parts are missing, what kind of plane it is, and the skill of the guy flying it.  It is NOT like AW, where planes mostly flew along fine until they ran out of hit points and blew up.

Online whoever did the most damage to the plane gets the kill credit once the guy crashes, explodes, or bails out.  Shooting at a flaming wreck where an ally already did the fatal damage is considered rude.  

Welcome to AH.

Offline Happy1

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« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2003, 08:17:33 PM »
Gentlemen (Ramesis, Montezuma & akak {Ack-Ack}:

Thx ever so much for ur prompt replies, really appreciate ur clarification & assistance.

Ramesis .... flying & landing a Hog is quite something, I'm just starting out slow with an F6F, once I learn the a/c I'll then proceed to the F4U-1C.

Montezuma .... sorry, I wasn't too clear on Question # 1, what I meant to say is when I'm watching a film, par example "p51_vs_
f6f", how can I take over controls in piloting the a/c & attempt to
kill the nme/s?  Any possible way of achieving this?

akak .... Ack-Ack .... thx much 4 ur P38 films, I DL all 21 films & am
studying flaps usage, throttle cuts etc ... I'd gain a lot more if I were able to take control of the 38 & attempt to shoot the nme dwn myself.

Still looking for CV OPs Carrier takeoff & landing FILMS by ANY naval a/c (Hogs, etc... Japanese naval a/c) plus

P51 films... have only two.

Ur assistance is appreciated.   Thx.



Offline BigMax

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« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2003, 10:01:40 PM »
I'd recommend that you start with a Spitfire5 (land based)/Seafire (CV based) exclusively....  Learn the feel of our flight model and then progress into the more difficult planes...

As far as controlling planes in films... You are a spectator only.  However in the AH Film Viewer outside tha game, you can choose different planes to fly in to see what is good and bad about each one's tatcics.

Welcome to Aces High!, drop me or any of the other trainers an email for some 1 on 1 time...

Offline gofaster

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« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2003, 09:21:50 AM »
I would suspect that the reason you can't see the carrier in the films is because you don't have the map .bmp that was used to make the film.  Since you don't have the map installed, the film doesn't know what to show, so you just get a blank sea.

If you want to practice some traps, I recommend using the Seafire, A6M2 or A6M5, or Fm2 as these have the best over-the-nose visibility and low-speed handling traits.

Offline Cobra412

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« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2003, 12:22:13 PM »
I've found the easiest way for me to see the carrier while landing is to do a typical circle track formation starting from the front left or right of the carrier.  Get my proper alt, airspeed and distance from the carrier then circle in towards the carrier keeping the deck in view for the longest time possible.  

Then complete almost a combat landing as the C-130 does today on normal runways. This way keeps the carrier in view for almost your complete approach until you straighten out at the last second and touch down.  It takes a bit of practice to get this down so you can get the proper alt and airspeed, turning and decent rate.  

Come in to hot and you'll slam down on the carrier.  Come in to slow and the carrier's deck won't be in view long enough and you have to pray your lined up properly and your decent is correct.  Alot of the times if your turn is to early or too late you'll end up long and miss your engagement or too short and if decent is too deep end up smacking the end of the carrier.

One other good thing about this type of approach if it's feasible during a combat engagement is that you can tell when that pesky carrier is turning out on you and can knock it off at the last second.  Hope this helps some.

Offline MachNix

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« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2003, 01:20:24 PM »
1. Taking over control of the a/c in films:  You can't.  In AW you pressed something like F6 (or was it F7?) to take control of the aircraft.  This is not an option in AH.  You can use the AH Film Viewer to get the view from other aircraft in the film.  From the other aircraft's point of view you can see if you where pulling enough lead, if you should of turned left instead of right when they where on your six, etc.

2.  Killing other aircraft:  Montezuma answered this one fairly well.  The only thing I would add is the kill credit appears to be based on the number of hits instead of the amount of damage.  Damage may be a factor incase of a tie in the number of hits.  If someone puts two .303 rounds in an aircraft (which practically does no damage), then someone puts a single 30mm smack in the middle and blows the plane up, the kill seams to go to the two .303s with the 30mm getting the assist.

On CV Ops:  If you find you are dinging your prop on landings, it may be caused by landing too slow and striking the deck with you tail.  The aircraft will pitches forward onto the prop if the tail is the first to touch down.  You definitely want to land on your main wheels first.  You can get an idea of the proper landing attitude by sitting in the plane on the CV and making a note of how the deck looks out the windshield (or at the side edges of the glare shield).  You never want to land at a steeper attitude than this.  Use flaps and power to control your approach speed and rate of decent, and avoid the temptation to over flare at the end.

Have fun.


Offline Happy1

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« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2003, 01:52:43 PM »

Thx to ALL OF U who've been so very kind & attentive to my queries & needs.

I greatly appreciate ur responses to further my education plus ur sending me appropriate films I requested.   I'm grateful to ALL of U.



Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2003, 09:58:30 AM »

Taking off the on Carrier with a fully loaded F6-F is not as hard as taking off with a fully loaded F4-U.

Make sure you have full power and WEP on as soon as you start rolling.

You can pop a notch of flaps near the end if you want, I generally don't.

As soon as the wheels clear the deck, you want to raise gear immediately.

The plane will drop quite a bit and will want to stall to the left. Don't panic and over control. Be gentle with alieron control and rudder to compensate and you will begin to climb out nicely.

Landing has been described nicely above by others. I didn't see it mentioned above nor did you mention it, but you can practice these offline on one of the CVs ... can't see you getting much from a flim.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Happy1

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« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2003, 01:54:56 AM »
Hello SlapShot:)

Thx much for ur additional reply to my questions, ur input is likewise very much appreciated.

My request for films was predicated on flying in Airwarrior, obtaining films from the better versed pilots, watching their tactics, maneuvers & ENTERING THE FILM by pressing the F8 key
to practice my own ACM against the nme or to practise Takeoffs &

This in itself proved to be a great adjunct in furthering my education & improving my gunnery plus the kill ratio.  This ability to enter a film was of a great & educational benefit to 1 & all.

'Tis a shame that Aces High doesn't have this feature available.

Regarding my practising offline in AH landing on CVs, where would I be able to find on the Clipboard an area where there are
CVs afloat?



Offline Blank

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« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2003, 03:51:14 AM »
surprised no one has mentioned it yep but this is very very important!

learning to back up!

If you lower your flaps then set rpm to around 2000 ,(i cant remember exactly but I'm sure someone will post correct rpm's), you should start to roll backwards.  Just back up to rear of CV for a longer run up, will help no end with getting heavy aircraft up, also will enable you to rearm your aircraft (sit on trap wires)

Tip for landing:  I set my forward hat position to look over nose, set it by pushing forward on hat or depressing keypad 8, then hold'page up' until required view is found then push F10 to save view.  this will keep cv in view for a bit longer on approach  :)

Offline Soda

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« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2003, 11:33:52 AM »
The "backing-up" trick is really only necessary on a super heavy Hog from what I've experienced.  Even then you don't have to back-up if you know exactly how to get off the deck.

Landings, here are my tips:
1) Set up the over-the-nose view like Blank stated, but I also shift my head to the side and up.  This give a much better view.
2) Come in reasonably steep, too shallow and you have a crappy view and you are trying to fight to maintain altitude.  You don't have a good angle for judging distance and you tend to sink too low, impacting the rear of the CV most often.
3) Don't aim for the CV tail when descending.  Since th CV is moving forward, aim infront or at the nose of the CV until really close.  If you don't then you tend to come in too shallow (see point 2).  Remember the rear of the CV will be where the front is in a short period of time, so anticipate the movement.
4) Lots of flaps and really slow.  Get yourself right down to minimum speed early.. no combat dives into landing.  Get the gear out, the flaps out, and the hook extended, then float it down onto the deck.
5) you don't need to line up perfectly to start with if it means you can't see the CV deck.  You can always stay slightly offline so you can see the CV better.  I tend to do this to the left of the CV because the CV superstructure sticks up higher on the right side and makes it easier to see the position of the CV.  When I get nice and close, then I slide over just a bit onto the correct path.
6) chop the throttle the second you are about to hit the deck.  Put it all the way to 0% as there is a bug that can sometimes catapult you off the back of the CV if the throttle is on.  The issue is, the wheel brakes are unlocked if the throttle is on at all (hence the backing-up trick).  If you hit a wire and the brakes are off then sometimes it'll simply rebound you off the back of the deck.

Offline MaddogJoe

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« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2003, 05:05:25 PM »
You can also check out the Mafia web site. We have alot of tips there in plain english, including a nice write-up by "Trix" on how to take-off and land the F4U-1D on the carreir. Check it out !

and btw, Welcome to Aces High ! :p

Offline Happy1

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« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2003, 12:11:06 AM »
Soda & Maddog:)

Thx much for the additional info re my requests, thx to all u good people I now have everything I need.   U've all been very kind &
considerate indeed.:D

