Ah, if I make the analogy with services in Unix then
I understand - if there is no service listening on
that port in Unix, then if it is open through the firewall,
there isn't much a hacker can do with that port.
Unix makes more sense to me :-)
Still, slow progress on getting things to work with
the router... Even if I make it a DMZ it seems to just
hang as soon as I get onto the server. I am not sure
entirely why. On dialup I notice that it tries UDP for
some services, and then defaults down to TCP. Any
idea if there could be issues with the implementation
of (presumably) NAT on the router that might leave
the system waiting to make that UDP/TCP choice?
The lack of response mirrors what happens with dialup
before it makes that switch.
I've tried all combinations of inside and outside the
DMZ, Windows XP firewall on or off in addition, and
nothing works, so NAT seems the only thing left that
I can think of.
Some other games seem to work.
I'm getting desperate! I'm also checking networking
related help sites too. Netgear customer support still
hasn't emailed me back.
Thanks very much for your help, Skuzzy.