Author Topic: If you could change anything in the game...  (Read 1223 times)

Offline Grimm

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2003, 02:57:33 PM »
I want a Tractor beam that holds my enemies right in front of me so they quit dodging my bullets!   ;)

Offline DmdNexus

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2003, 03:39:47 PM »
"yearning for more realism"

This is no dig to you, but go fly a real plane if you want realism.

Fly in in the Marchetti SF260 - that's lot's of fun... I did that, loops, and yo-yos...barrel rolls, yeh-haw!

Join the air force and go fly there too, I did that too.

Ain't going to get realism in a computer game.

I still want the virtual pixel planes go BOOM when I shoot at them.

And all the arogant wannabees can go BOOM too, yah those who never have, never did, never will do anything of significant importances in their life in regards to realism, except perhaps squeeze out a wet fart as they rub their celilous twinky filled fat butt cheeks together while over working their joy sticks grunting for that.... what? Realistic virtual kill? Yah's that's as close as they will ever get to reality in air combat.

Want realism?

Then do it, don't play it.
Get your ticket and ride.


  • Zinc Member
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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2003, 03:44:33 PM »
The larger fields need some 88 or 105mm ack cannons, because lets face it it shouldn't be easy for a swarm of buffs to fly over a large field at 15K and lay waste to everything nore should it be simple for the single jabo to come in high untouched and suicide the field. Then you could use the 88's or 105's agianst GV's just slow the rate of fire to what its suppose to be.

Offline Widewing

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2003, 03:53:18 PM »
I'd like to see realistic accuracy for bomber and pintle mounted flexible guns. As it is now, it's a pipedream. I've fired tens of thousands of rounds through M2HB .50 caliber MGs, and getting hits on an immobile truck at 1,000 yard is a difficult task. Getting hits on a small fighter at 2,000 yards (considerably less area than a large truck) that is moving, from a moving platform, is utter nonsense or blind luck at best. Actually shooting off wings is beyond science fiction.

Here's an example of what you can expect to see from the tail guns of your B-17.

My regards,

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline EDO43

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2003, 03:57:49 PM »
If I could change anything in the game what would it be?..............

Let's see....

Having been playing AH for three years and having mostly a good time, I would do the following things to make it better (IMO)

1.  Remove the suicide dweebs who can kill a carrier with  a couple well placed  bombs.  While doing the previous, toughen up the fleet by more AAA and stronger armor.  Naval vessels in WWII were bristling with AAA both small and large caliber.

2.  Change the focus on the game to more of a strategically based game with tactical becoming more of a secondary role instead of the gigantic landgrabgangbang that it is now.  Winning would necessitate dropping the opponents strat to either nothing OR taking all his bases cept one.  (like now)  either way that would win it.  Existing strat targets would have to be reduced to residual effectivity so they can't rebuild  an "HQ" for example.  Flying a bomber to a target only to have it rebuild before you return to base is highly discouraging.  If we've gotta have skill/luck to hit the damn target from high altitude, then it should have an effect for a period of time longer than 15 minutes.  FYI, I do like the modeling of the current HQ.  It cannot be resupplied unless it's all down.  hint, hint....

2a.  Incorporate, into the tactical/strategic, the ability for ground vehicles to land, not spawn near an enemy target and kill/take it.  Fleets should be able to spawn ships with ground vehicles in them.  Of course, more coastline bases would have to have shore batteries added.

3.  Eliminate the damn furballers.  Either bring AW back or give em an arena of their own.  Three bases would be enough....2 miles apart and at sea level.  They obviously don't like the dueling arena.

Them's my suggestions.....
Mawey -a-  tsmukan

Offline Westy

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2003, 04:12:45 PM »
Nexus, I can't afford to fly in real life so I do it "online."   No matter if I could as there are no places setup with Spitfires, Macchi's or Messerschmitts to let me fly them in mock aircombat.   And because I do that on a computer doesn't mean I, nor anyone else, should foresake wanting to replicate or simulate "flying" in a WWII airplane.  Otherwise why have any features at all beyond WWII aircraft "skins" grafted on fantasy, X-wing type vehicles?  With a computer you get NO tactile feedback at all outside of a mere 15-21 inch "window to the world" and any sounds that come with the program.  So why bother with things such as stalls, flaps, blackouts etc? if this is merely a game on a computer and it should or could never be more?   Why?  Because some aren't content with simple and easy. Some like the challenge of greater immersion and don't mind tackling a longer learning curve to enjoy that.  
 And that's just the "flying" part. For WWII aircombat "games" I'm also refering to the "gameplay."  For example -  for computer auto racing "games" there is the simulation "GPL" at one end of the game spectrum and at the other end is the arcade smash-em-up! "Dukes of Hazards."  And IMO that was also how AH and AW's were in relation to each other.

 Fwiw I am not looking to replicate WWII itself.  I am for replicating for WWII style aircombat set in a WWII technological environment. Almost like WWIIO to be quite honest. But they fugged that beyatch all up IMO. But, also IMO, AW had none of that (beyond scenarios) and AH, even with it's AWACS radar and fantasy MA setup AH was much more immersive if you wanted to feel you were in a WWII airplane and in a WWII environment.  Until the last year and a half with dive bombing Lancs and prok and auger jabo players.
 Ih the past people who prefered aircombat "arcade style" had  AW, FA and more recently WWIIO as choices.  Realism seekers had WB's and AH. Till AW went teats up and we have the MA as you see it now. And even WB's screwed up an ok thing with it's "flight model by committee."

 So that's where I'm coming from.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2003, 04:18:44 PM by Westy »

Offline 2stony

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2003, 04:13:11 PM »
I Would the game to make 999000 and tatertot fly above 5k in their B-17s.


Offline Midnight

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Change One Thing
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2003, 04:29:38 PM »
Remove the current "land-Grab" way to win the war and make it based on eliminating the enemy's ability to make war.

The war would be won by one side destroying the other's supply (rails, roads, bridges, etc.) and industrial (ammo, fuel, aircraft factories) infrastructure.

Make all maps with the HQ and factories in the rear, where huge bomber raids would be needed to penatrate and destroy. Front line fields could be cut off from supplies by destroying the roads and rails that lead to them from the rear supply areas. No new supplies would mean the field begins to run low on aircraft, fuel, etc and eventually is worthless to the defending army, forcing them to abandon it. (Capture by force could still work, but with greater numbers of troops)

The war would be won when one side has had their entire industrial infrastructure destroyed and all available supplies depleted below a certain percentage.

Offline AHGOD

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Re: Re: If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2003, 05:07:07 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Your handle !!!  :D

I love this handle, and no you can't have my rum and coke.:D :cool:

Offline JB73

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2003, 05:18:16 PM »
Hmmmm very good question.

it would be a toss up between a few ideas:

  • Fuel modeled like i posted in HERE thread
  • Model the ballistics better / more historically (ie. .50's taking off a wing from a pony D1000 yards back)
  • A "gameplay" consideration they used in the SEA once..... allow 109g2's off CV's
  • More radio channels. at least 1 more VOX and 1-2 more text. 1 text would be a dedicated "arena chat"for anything you want (easy to squelch) the an "arena message" that if you spammed with politics or carp you get muted :D used for giving 's and junk.
  • [/list=1]

    oh well just a lame though by yours truly.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2003, 05:22:42 PM by JB73 »
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline ALF

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2003, 05:32:07 PM »
My 1st thing (thats not part of AH faq) is the automatic logging and emailing of Xbrits numerous zingers....that guy has me peeing in my pants and augering in constantly with his 1 liners.  Im not sure what the imputis is...but once he gets going...its a hoot.

Offline mia389

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2003, 07:56:05 PM »
I would limit numbers of players in sectors so you can only have 5 -8 guys from both teams in a sector:-)  Then I wouldnt get banged as much......... Or every plane cost perks and when you die you lose em and when your out you gotta pay a extra 15 for that month:D

Offline mia389

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2003, 08:03:19 PM »
Alf love the P51 movie you made. If anyone hasnt seen it click on Alfs Combat hangar link

Offline snafu

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2003, 09:40:17 PM »
GV Damage Model & control system.


Offline beet1e

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If you could change anything in the game...
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2003, 02:47:12 AM »
Originally posted by humble
The very nature of the game has changed...originally the entire focus of flight sims was air combat. Yes base capture existed and it helped to frame the parameters of the fight....but 95% of the game WAS fighter on fighter air combat.

No single tweak can or will bring th game back to what many of us really seem to want. A more fundemental decision of some kind is required. Maybe AH II will be a step in a new direction. Realistically the only way to comabt the issue(s) brought up in this thread is to turn up the defensive ack leathality and target hardness.
Refer to the purple text in my sig. - the quote from Skuzzy.