Author Topic: Finally! Hvy F-4U Off Cv  (Read 2036 times)

Offline DamnedRen

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Finally! Hvy F-4U Off Cv
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2003, 09:24:52 PM »

I agree with you but I have a tendency to look at fuel management as more of a part of the stategic picture and not a tacitical one. Tactically speaking I always know my fuel state and when to head for the barn, just as you do. I also know what fuel capacity my plane fights the best with. From a gaming stand point carrying gas in DT's do the same job that loading up a tank does. So if the fuel burns differences are off it really isnt goin to effect my fun in a dogfight.


Offline hogenbor

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Finally! Hvy F-4U Off Cv
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2003, 09:02:29 AM »
To come back to the original question : I only manage to take off with totally loaded up F4U-D (2x1k bomb, 8 rockets 100% fuel) when rolling back, full flaps and WEP.

NEVER managed it any other way. Is may be possible but no matter what I tried (trim, subtle rudder inputs, lifting tail early, whatever) doesn't seem to work. Some people may manage it though but I can't figure it out. So I'll take the long route... that works fine.

Offline snafu

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Finally! Hvy F-4U Off Cv
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2003, 12:09:44 PM »
Might as well add my bit to this, I find the biggest problem getting a heavy Dhog off a CV is it dropping the left wing. I find full up Elevator trim and about half right airliron (sp)? trim sorts it out. I really struggle without wep though but basically full power, hit wep, start dropping flaps and get the gear up as soon as you leave the deck.

Here's a film of me doing it 3 times in a row (Just to prove it was not a fluke) ;) No rolling back just straight out of the tower.

Heavy D Hog off CV About 400k

One of the tasks Vmf323 have to do to earn their wings is take a fully loaded D Hog of a CV and land it fully loaded 3 times without crashing and without backing up. The take offs are a breeze, It's landing heavy that I have nightmares about.
