Author Topic: CT suggestion re base capture  (Read 1873 times)

Offline Shane

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CT suggestion re base capture
« on: August 29, 2003, 03:26:37 PM »
i've brought this up to individual CT staffers, but never here...

we all know some maps are more "milky" than others, i think it might be a good idea to make base capture require 15, 20, even 25 troops. this doesn't prevent serious base captures, but it does reduce the ability of 1 or 2 people to milk.

the time frame for the troops to capture could even been shortened.

i'd start with 15 to see the effect that has.

just a suggestion...  chime in with your .02
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Offline brady

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2003, 03:43:16 PM »
I think that most bases are barely taken with 10 troops if they are faught for, that is if their is actualy opsation to the capture. So raisng the number required would be an unnessary peanatility on those who want to fight for a field.

 Now you are right that it would slow/stop milkmen who operate alone or even in pairs, but milkmen are realy not that big a problem on most maps. If they take a bunch of bases so what we can always erase their work by switching them back, somthing I often do on maps so effected. Most CT maps we use now days are also almost imposable to reset so this is also not further reasion for uping them.

 Milkmen are doing what they do because it is fun for them, it rarely impacts the larger battles and if it threatens to do so we fix the map, if anything it alows us to see more of the larger maps by moving the front.

 Another down side to rasing the number of trops it takes to take a field is that someone will be porking their rank by doing a GV mishion and not geting a capture for it.

Offline Slash27

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2003, 04:51:41 PM »
peanatility :D

Offline LtMagee

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2003, 05:39:13 PM »
A couple of maps before last, Jester had the advanced BoB up. It was the allied advancement deep into germany. All the Axis guys did was base capture base capture base capture with the Tiger. Sure with a bonch of folks on it takes a lot to capture a base but with so many bases, it only takes one to two to capture it. Ther Tiger can not be stoped one vs one if the Tiger driver knows what he is doing.

I should know, Ive done a lot of it. Driving GVs can be a lot more fun cause my joystick crap make flying a pain in the ass. Shane is right, base capture needs to be turned down. If the Theme of the map is "Advanced Allies" then keep the axis base capturing to a minimum. Same with early war. Let the base capture represent the theme....basicly just let the CMs reset the map before PRIME TIME!

Offline brady

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2003, 06:34:35 PM »
A Tiger can be easly stoped by somewone who knows what they are doing, a 37mm Field gun that is maned can easly kill a Tiger, and a guy in a plane with a 500 pound bomb and a clue can easly stop a Tiger.

 The rest is just milking and anyone can do that in any vehical/plane combo.

 The France Map also has built in stops so at certain points you cant keep going in GV's you nead to up a plane and make the hop.

 The real isue hear is milking, and this goes back to the points I raised above, basical So what if they milk, as long as they cant reset the map doing it and the CT staff pay atention (which we do) it is not that big a deal. I would also counter if it is abig deal to you personaly do somthing about it and look at the map and stop them from doing it, granted their is sometimes a lot of off hours milking that takes place but that is whear we (the Staff)  come in.

Offline Batz

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2003, 06:36:57 PM »
heres where brady and I disagree so mark it here....

base capture is what ruined the ct experience for many folks. It leads to war winning and strat playing and takes away from the combat.

On a 256 x 256 map with just 40 folks its like the pizza map with just 100. Numbers of guys off battling buildings and milk running.

On the large maps there is lotsa folks who would come into the ct more often if you we get rid of any pretense of "war".

But I understand some folks like that sort of thing so at the very least it oughta be hard enough to force a team effort.

Fuel hardness ought to be increased and downtime shortened, fhs vhs and bh ought to be hardened and downtime reduced.

Ack emplacement hardness ought to be increased.

Mulit-engine bombers should be limited to medium or large fields.

And the map room hardened to take 20 troops.

This way you get rid of the 1 or 2 guys who trip off on the own during off hours and land grab unopposed.

if brady doesnt agree with me he is a biased subject of the emperor. Thats still a step above the whiney allied farmboy....


Offline Mister Fork

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2003, 06:43:58 PM »
Capturing bases using Tanks? Gee...that sounds a lot like German tactics in WWII...what was it called?Dweebcreig ...nope...nope..nope...brrrin gkring...nope...nope...nope.. .Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg....yep yep yep yep.

Imaging using German tactics with German tanks. Shameful:D

As for field strat Batz, unlike Brady, I do agree with all of your points.   Anything that helps improve realism and strategy ought to be used, especially having bombers and twin engine's using medium/large airbases, target hardening etc. Historically, bombers were ALWAYS delegated to larger airfields...the runways just weren't long enough. :)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2003, 06:46:36 PM by Mister Fork »
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Offline Karnak

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2003, 07:03:07 PM »

I have to disagree with you on this.  The Tigers cannot be stopped that easily, and further more they didn't wait to be stopped.

On the Advanced BoB map keyapaha and myself had multiple sorties in Mossies trying to stop milkrunning GVs and each time the GVs would just go elsewhere.  They were actively avoiding fighting agist other players.  That is counter productive in a combat game and counter intuitive in a multi-player game.
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Offline brady

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2003, 07:39:01 PM »
I compleatly diusagree with Bats for the most part on that Post of his, but hey we cant always agree:)

 Karnak, I understand that for many people it is hard to drop a bomb and Kill a Tiger, I also understand that many people do it with ease and do so consistantly.

 If you were fighting aganst GV's that were atacking a base then they were not milking because they were fighting:), if they went else whear then you put a good defense and drove them off again fighting, if they dident want to fight you so what, they went else whear you can to, the map system is designed to show you whear they are by flashing bases bells and whistles. Also it is a very small percentage of players who actualy milk run so their impact on the whole in terms of avoiding fighting is minimal.

Offline Batz

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2003, 08:09:40 PM »
Sweat Jeasious your bias is so apparent its sickening.

You sound like an ex-main score potato who enjoys a bit of the ole' milk running yourself.


Offline Karnak

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2003, 08:25:31 PM »

I'd guess that it was a good 75% of the 50 or so players that were on at that time that were milkrunning.

As to the defense, well, no.  We put up no defense other than taking off.  They didn't even contest the issue.  They just left.

There were ~50 players on and the dar only showed about 10 total, but multiple flashing, undefended fields.

It was a complete joke and no fun.  It is why I logged off after only a few sorties.
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Offline brady

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2003, 09:15:52 PM »
I am the Milk Man....:)

   I think I know what you mean Karnak, somtimes their seam to be a lot of them, espichaly on the Finland map's.

Offline Batz

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2003, 09:42:42 PM »
Brady you are so inflexible when it comes to suggestion from our noble ct community. I wonder why you have become so jaded?

Just because we call you bias and a completely onesided F4U hater is no reason not to do what we say. Fix the maproom hardness.....

Well Brady?


Offline 10Bears

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2003, 12:32:29 AM »
But one of the mappers saw this milkrunner problem ages ago and did something about it on one of the Pacific maps....

Offline Dennis

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2003, 02:34:36 AM »
Shane's right.  Some maps are conducive to milking.  Some of them.
Fin-Rus is one of them.  It's a dandy map with lots of plusses -- including an attempt to cater to the ground war -- but one the largest problems from a gameplay standpoint is the relatively easy path to the axis hq.  Dead hq = dead dar = no fun for those looking for a2a on a big map with low #s.

If it is possible to up the # of troops needed to capture a field, I think it would be a good experiment.  Particularly on this map.  Hasn't this map, after all, been the scene of gameplay experiments before?

Anyway, what does closed-minded brady have to do with this setup?  It's Andijg's, right?   How about it jester?  Why not make it 20 troops to capture a field this week?  
What could there be to lose?  Surely not attendance numbers. For every milker you gain with EZ Base Capture (tm), I'm sure you lose at least one who wants to fly but can't easily find a fight.

If it's technically impossible (needs a map tweak/re-upload or something), nevermind.
