Author Topic: Imbalence in the MA  (Read 2006 times)

Offline IHham

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Imbalence in the MA
« on: September 05, 2003, 08:06:24 PM »
This is really starting to get bad for the knights, you can call this a whine all you like, but its really starting to get frustrating. I log on today, to see knights with 40 bases, and down by 40 players against rook and bish. Its like this everyday, I have yet to log on and see knights with numbers atleast 10 people from bish in nearly 2 weeks! Now the rooks are really starting to get numbers, and right now, in the MA, its Bish with 150, rook with 140, and knit with 90. There has to be some way to even it out, maybe send the newer players to knit for a while, if the newer players want to join rook/bish, they can always do that freely, but im sure some of them will stay knit and even the numbers just a tad bit.


Offline RTR

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2003, 10:24:02 PM »
ruh roh, here we go again.
The Damned

Offline palef

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2003, 10:24:35 PM »
Rooks had this for about a year.

My squad went from Bish to Rook to help balance things.

Try asking some receptive CO to move his squad over. You never know your luck.


Offline ramzey

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2003, 11:11:58 PM »
Originally posted by palef
Rooks had this for about a year.

My squad went from Bish to Rook to help balance things.

Try asking some receptive CO to move his squad over. You never know your luck.


we do it same, and 262 was much less expencive;)

Offline palef

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2003, 11:14:49 PM »
Originally posted by ramzey
we do it same, and 262 was much less expencive;)

I remember the wonderful days of 23 perk point 262s :)


Offline bockko

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2003, 11:32:53 PM »
two things: #1 - it will change; #2 - fly a fast plane!

Offline Overlag

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2003, 07:03:13 AM »
Originally posted by RTR
ruh roh, here we go again.

come knights and SEE what its like then :rolleyes:
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline SOB

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Re: Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2003, 09:37:06 AM »
Originally posted by IHham can call this a whine all you like...

Thanks, you're a whiner.  Now, please take all the rook pilots you need.  I suck, so I don't have many perk points, and I'd like us to be low on #s again.

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Kegger26

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2003, 11:21:51 AM »
Knits are the AH redheaded step children

Offline Max

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2003, 11:38:46 AM »
Yup, flying for Knights can be an excercise in frustration, especially when Bish & Rooks are hammering both fronts. Yet I've seen the Knights rally, organize and kick bellybutton against some serious numbers.

Perhaps we can take a clue from the Rooks, organize some combined squad ops on, say, Sunday nights. Meahwhile I'll continue to enjoy my 20 pt Tempest :)


Offline Mathman

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2003, 11:56:54 AM »
This is absolutely one of the stupidest and most hypocritical things people whine about.  Why?  Well, it is very simple.  People whine when they have low numbers.  That is a given.  What is stupid about the whole thing is that they don't do anything about when they have a huge number advantage.

This ranks up there with the gangbang whines:

Knit:  Why do the bish and rooks always attack us?

Rook:  Why do the knits and bish always attack us?

Bish:  Why do the rooks and knits always attack us?

And who can forget the classic bishrook/knitrook/bishknit gangbanging hordes and conspiracy to deprive the other team of the win?

Numbers and gangbanging are going to happen.  When?  Anytime one side loses bases to both of the other teams.  Where?  In the minds of those who lose those bases.

Guys, get a grip, there is complete and total truth to the statement that it happens to each side.  You all know this.  You have seen it.  You have taken part in it.  The problem is that you refuse to aknowlege it until it is your team's time in the hole.

Offline stegor

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2003, 07:47:38 AM »
This is the Knight's turn to be low on numbers.
Times ago Rooks were low on numbers and they were crying loud.
I dont remember Bishes to be low , but... maybe their turn will come:D
Its a loss of time whining and crying , just try to organize, play a clever mission planning, dont disperse on many fronts and wait...time will change things....and  maybe this can be fine to have a better organization in flying;)
Whining is futile...:rolleyes:

Ehmmm...I'm  a knight for your knowledge:D
4° Stormo C.T. "F. Baracca"

Offline ALF

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2003, 09:41:41 AM »
At least with the modo maps the team i the bucket has a place to take off from.  Anyone else rememeber the endless 2 bases, no FH, caped by 50+ enemy that went on for almost an entire day (and happened more than once).

Ahhh the memories

Offline AtmkRstr

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2003, 11:21:20 AM »
Nits, just fly late war Luftwaffe planes and consider the gangbang a historical recreation :)

Offline mos

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Imbalence in the MA
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2003, 11:31:44 AM »
I fly knight, and it's a bit frustrating at times, but we've got the bad corner of the map, and although we're hurting pretty bad, we haven't been rolled yet (unless it happened sometime early this morning).  I think this is improving the knight's coordination and teamwork, and I definitely think our pilots are getting a lot better in the face of overwhelming odds.  When numbers are even, our borders expand on all fronts, and unless we're outnumbered more than two to one, it's not easy to take our bases anywhere.