Author Topic: 50cal.  (Read 503 times)


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« on: December 03, 1999, 03:26:00 AM »
 Can we take a look at this. I was just getting pinged at 1800 yards by a buff. Ive been killed at 900 yards by dweebstangs.Not to mention the fellow that was on a #43 kill streak tonight in a buff. I dont care much about the math. (im probably one of the few people playing this game thats actully fired a machine gun in combat). I think this is a game play issue. Even given the lag this is just too far.

Offline Wardog

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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 1999, 05:05:00 AM »
TT it was #23 kills & he was in a buff but his pilot bailed on request over our field.There is a bug that lets the gunner full ammo so this dweeb stood on our field and gunned every plane on take off untill rooks flew in a c47 for capture..

This is cheating at its worst,he knew about the bug & insisted on abusing the fact.

he respone is,is only beta & he was having fun..

This is the kind of crap we dont want in AH. One of the reasons i think 29 buck is just going to attact 6 year old mentalities like his..

Anyone taking advantage of a know bug gets no resect from me....


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« Reply #2 on: December 03, 1999, 05:39:00 AM »
I think TT was referring to himself's run up of over 40 kills last night/early this morning.  I was driving the buff and he was gunning, but his kills weren't getting reset with each new sortie.  Himself ran up 43-45 kills over the course of 15-16 sorties, which just confirmed the bug in the sortie kill count for gunners on the 17s

As for 'cheating'  I guess that's all in how you look at it.  If had wanted to abuse the bug I certainly wouldn't have stopped at 23 kills now would I?  I could have continued and run up a sortie score into the hundreds.  As it was, playing with that bug, which I did just for fun, led to finding the bug in the gunners kills/sortie not resetting.  Those 23 kills you're crying about came from 2 sorties, and a good number of them were actually "legit" kills made while flying.

This isn't the first beta I've been in, and sometimes you can find new bugs by playing with a known a bug.  That happened to be the case today.

[This message has been edited by 214CaveJ (edited 12-03-1999).]


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« Reply #3 on: December 03, 1999, 07:01:00 AM »
Those 23 kills you're crying about came from 2 sorties, and a good number of them were actually "legit" kills made while flying.

...which one could infer means a "good number" of the kills were illegitimate? Look, cheating is cheating. You were running that experiment at the expense of other people, and that they complain about it isn't "crying". Saying you did it "just for fun" does not legitimize the act. Trying a bug test such as this might be better accomplished at a place where the action isn't so hot, prearranged, and with warning sent out to pilots you were checking for a bug. After all, if you want to run a controlled test, don't you want all involved to objectively record their observations? Not much chance of that after popped this little surprise on them, is there?  

Had I been there, and seen anyone crowing on open channel how they had run up a big streak by this type of action, I know I would have felt anger towards that individual. From what I'm reading here TT and Wardog hit it squarely on the head.

Offline Fishu

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« Reply #4 on: December 03, 1999, 07:42:00 AM »
They should put a sign always into MOTD(message of the day) telling something like: "This is BETA, if you see some UFOs, report them to UBB, sit back and relax"
Beta should be the time when fun is had, when theres no payaments  
If someone cheats, you prolly can't do anything for that, at least not by yelling at them and so on (if they see that everyone hates them, why would they quit cheating, huh? they are already hated, no loss   )

So, there is bugs and we can't prevent people from using them until those have been fixed. No need to break nerves when it is still beta and bugs are OBVIOUS.

But about .50 caliber and what I have experience of those in B-17, they sure do kill alot and from far..


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« Reply #5 on: December 03, 1999, 08:18:00 AM »
Well, I wasn't crowing about anything kier, tried it twice, shook loose the gunners sortie kills thing, then climbed in a gooney bird to deliver some drunks and went about flying "normally".
Some of the kills were from sitting on a runway in the pilot's chute.  I was bored, got a wild hair, and decided to check out this bug I'd heard a little about and see if anything would shake loose.  In actual game play conditions, in the heat of a battle, and had a willing accomplice.
As I said above, if I were wanting to abuse this to 'game the game' and cheat I wouldna have stopped, I'd have kept going.

The bit about crying was a barb thrown out at WarDog, which shouldn't have been, and I apologize for.  Some 8 or 10 hours after my shindig, and without me repeating it, I come back into the arena with my usual "hello again, my excellent friends" on the world radio and he starts going off on channel 1 about cheating and how he's squelched me and how I was exploiting a bug to run up my score because I can't fly and should go back to AW.  I could possibly see this type of tirade had I used the bug constantly or been bragging about it to God and everyone.

Air power is a thunderbolt launched from an egg shell invisibly tethered to a base.         -  Hoffman Nickerson

[one of these days I'll actually learn to type and get thing grammatically correct on the first go round =)]

[This message has been edited by 214CaveJ (edited 12-03-1999).]

Offline Wardog

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« Reply #6 on: December 03, 1999, 08:20:00 AM »
The ONLY reason you didnt get more than 23 kills is because the c47 drooped troops with you safely standing at the end of the runway killing everything that came up..

Once the field was captured you had nothing to shoot at.It woulda takin you 3 hours or so to walk to f22 so i guess you didnt like the idea of walking to the next field..

Yes,cheating is taking advantage of a known bug..

And himself found the other bug.. You just abused a known bug to easily capture a field that you didnt own,which many worked hard to get. With you standing on runway in your chute killing everything that appears,you used this known bug for capturing a field.Or at least helping to..

Totally ruining a good fair fight..

You just dont get it.

Regardless,you found many who have no resect for you after this stunt..

It will be fixed. This aint Quake,there are no pickups,powerup or other cheats..

If you want to have fun,fly a fighter..

You may see this bug as fun,but many dont.


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« Reply #7 on: December 03, 1999, 08:21:00 AM »

I can only agree with you to a point. We aren't here to only load test and find bugs, we have a secondary purpose; to develop a core of fliers intending to see this project through beyond the end of the beta, that is, a community.

It may be moralizing, but communities are based on acceptable or unacceptable behavior. When the doors to AH were opened the PR started as well. If you allow an "anything-goes-'cause-this-is-beta" approach to run rampant, you will soon find yourself left with only those players who want "anything goes" as the daily fare. I'm not the voice of the AH community, I'm one voice in it and I speak for what I believe to be what AH should be, but I hope this project doesn't devolve into a chaotic jumble of daily abuses heaped upon one another.

To put it another way, I fly here not only because I enjoy the arena, but also because I have "friends" here. If the purpose of flying becomes seeing who can shaft who in the most clever manner, then I have no interest in being here. If you purposely exploit a bug you know exists for any purpose beyond a test, then you are shafting your fellow fliers. My opinion, of course!  


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« Reply #8 on: December 03, 1999, 08:46:00 AM »
War, how hard do you think it would have been to have gotten another B-17, flown to another field, had the pilot drop eggs on the acks then bail out to do it all over agian?  All I would have needed to do was ask.  Did I?  No.  I had seen what I'd wanted to see, and went back to flying.
Perhaps you're the one who dinnae get it.  I was curious, did a test, satisfied my curiosity, and went about my business, all w/o blowing my own horn about how I can cheat and game the game to rack up hundreds of kills.  
But I suppose you find sitting on the runway in a gooney bird and release drunks to prevent base take over perfectly acceptable?  I dinnae see you ranting and raving about that.  I've seen this on field 4 several times, even after I've personally flattened _every_ building/structure on field 4, yet the goons still somehow have troops to disperse and stop a capture. (maybe another bug, no barracks to kill on f4?)

keir you said:
"If you purposely exploit a bug you know exists for any purpose beyond a test, then you are shafting your fellow fliers. My opinion, of course!"

That's all this was.  Plain and simple.  Anything else and I wouldn't have stopped using this bug (how many times do I have to say this?).  In your first post you mention a "controlled test" in a quiet corner.  How many people are going to leave the furball just to let some guy kill them just to satisy his curiosity about something, considering how hard it is sometimes to get someone to bring a C-47 to a field you killed the acks on?

Air power is a thunderbolt launched from an egg shell invisibly tethered to a base.         -  Hoffman Nickerson


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« Reply #9 on: December 03, 1999, 09:30:00 AM »
In your first post you mention a "controlled test" in a quiet corner. How many people are going to leave the furball just to let some guy kill them just to satisy his curiosity about something, considering how hard it is sometimes to get someone to bring a C-47 to a field you killed the acks on?

I don't know. I do know the ones that do show have a choice about being in on the experiment. I'm more than happy to help test bugs anytime anyone wants to. How many people do you need to run this type of test? How many people did you kill on the runway until you determined the bug did exist?

Offline Wardog

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« Reply #10 on: December 03, 1999, 09:44:00 AM »
He wasnt testing anythig.. He clearly stated he did it for the fun..

Why would he or anyone else test a known bug??

Anyway,it will be fixed....

This is why bugs like these should be emailed in.. Graphics bug,server host bugs can be posted. But any bug that allows anyone to abuse it should be emailed in..

The little people know about this kind of bug,the beter.HT & Pyro are the only ones that need to know..

Surprised the Alpha testers missed it.

Offline juzz

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« Reply #11 on: December 03, 1999, 10:01:00 AM »
Geez, some of you people seem to have a bug of your own... up your arse that is  

Lighten up, it's not like you're even paying yet; and by some people's amazing logic a high fee will eliminate this type of "cheating" behaviour - I very much doubt it!

[This message has been edited by juzz (edited 12-03-1999).]

Offline Thorns

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« Reply #12 on: December 03, 1999, 10:57:00 AM »
Ah, so that's what all the banter was about.
I see a lot of vulching at a base when it's ready to be captured.  If a pilot tries to take off at one of these times he deserves to get whacked.  I would think this would be true in real life also.  Answer: MOVE TO ANOTHER LOCATION AND FLY INTO THE FIELD BEING OVER TAKEN.  

"There's no crying in baseball"


Offline ra

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« Reply #13 on: December 03, 1999, 11:06:00 AM »
If I understand the original post, the question is about the effective range of the .50 cal.  Yes, it is way too easy to hit at long range (or even at short range).  It used to be like this in WB, but they fixed that somewhere around v2.5.  I hope HTC improves the gunnery model soon, but I'll bet they are not going to leave it like this forever.  It is obvious that a lot of the higher level stuff like engine overheating, structural limits, and bullet drag/dispersion  was left for later releases.  It's still a great game for a beta.


Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #14 on: December 03, 1999, 11:14:00 AM »
What I want to know is....

Who were the 23 guys that were stupid enough to keep coming up at the field to get wasted?  Sureley somebody figured it out after the first few kills....

The Flying Pigs