Author Topic: 50cal.  (Read 499 times)


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« Reply #15 on: December 03, 1999, 11:26:00 AM »
If a pilot tries to take off at one of these times he deserves to get whacked.

He does not deserve to get whacked by a gunner from a B-17 who has parachuted, with his guns intact, onto the runway. That is exploiting a bug.  

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« Reply #16 on: December 03, 1999, 11:39:00 AM »
-kier- wrote:

"It may be moralizing, but communities are based on acceptable or unacceptable behavior. When the doors to AH were opened the PR started as well. If you allow an "anything-goes-'cause-this-is-beta" approach to run rampant, you will soon find yourself left with only those players who want "anything goes" as the daily fare. I'm not the voice of the AH community, I'm one voice in it and I speak for what I believe to be what AH should be, but I hope this project doesn't devolve into a chaotic jumble of daily abuses heaped upon one another."

Well said Kier, and I agree 100%. This is a lesson learned from the CK/WB beta.

In my mind, there is no place in the game for exploiters. One way to deal with them is via peer pressure.

For those that want to claim "I'm only testing", fine, when you find a bug that you can reproduce, report it...and then MOVE ON. Doing anything more is BS. If I witness anyone doing this, I WILL rag on them. Period.

My $.02.



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« Reply #17 on: December 03, 1999, 12:41:00 PM »
 My only reason for mentioning an obvious bug, was to point out the effectiveness of the 50,s. I belive I saw pyro say online once that the guns were set. If this is so,
 there gonna have to change the name to the "HO in a P51 game".

 As far as pushing the buffing is concerned, gunners have a rock steady shooting platform. And they dont have to worry about
 flying a plane while there shooting. Thats more that enough advantage, without haveing magic bullits to boot.

The requirement to buff to get on the scoreboard insures buffing in the game anyway

 If I got to be king of AH land for a day. None of the guns would work out past 300 yards. That would take care of the HO,s. And they would be "lazer guns" inside that distance. Which would take care of netlag problems.

[This message has been edited by TT (edited 12-03-1999).]

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« Reply #18 on: December 03, 1999, 01:09:00 PM »
I was parusing this thread trying to figureout whats going on, but spied this little tidbit and thought I would mention WD

"Surprised the Alpha testers missed it"

Well, we tried to find everything we could while flying alpha.  There were tons of things we found.  This one however escaped us, and the only excuse I can offer is the fact that the Gunners didnt appear on 17s till 2 weeks after it went beta.

Just my .02