Originally posted by strk
I love how the right's failed impeachment still chaps their ass. They were pissing in the wind then and its even more funny to hear you spout about it nowstrk [/B]
very presumptuous of you
Here is a clue - noone cares that the president got a blowjob. It sure as hell wasnt the first time.Here's a fact... yes "there's a few" who do care when the man who's supposed to be our president makes a mockery of the office (and gets his dumb arnold caught)
maybe your panties are in a wad because he lied about it in TV.... I don't wear panties, I prefer a thong. Besides, lieing on TV is one thing, doing so under oath is another.
First, it was none of our business,...In fact.. it was. Why? Because the Presidents business is our business. Has something to do with "by the people, for the people".. but never mind all that right?
but second, can you name a recent republican president who hasnt lied to the american people?What do they have to do with it?
Here is some help(and by no means an exhaustive list)
Reagan - didnt know anything about Iran contraSo go file a law suite
Bush1 - I aint gonna raise them taxesThere it is.. "read my lips". Cut a deal with the Demodorks and have them use it to help lose the next election. Moral of the story.. NEVER TRUST A DEMOCRAT.
Bush2 - wmds! nigerian plutonium!Reported directly to him, backed by the CIA (with thier knowledge of the poor intel) and last I heard some other clown in the cabinet "failed" to read some report about it being bad info. Hey... Even Clinton stated it was an honest mistake, give it up man, old news.
here is a clue, politicians lie. If you think your party is above it you are naive. Im not saying its right, but it just is. personally I dont have any use for either party, as both dems and repubs are simple little piglets sucking at the nipples of big business.So vote Libertarian... LEGALIZE POT! A stoned president would be far less likely to run around starting wars, or defending against terrorism.