Originally posted by john9001 i don't understand what your saying frogy, what do the vikings have to do with smallpox?anyway , the indians got smallpox by robbing the graves of english that died of smallpox.
Originally posted by Holden McGroin Small pox was indeed in blankets that were distributed to Natives in the 1800's.But the name of a modern sports team has absolutely nothing to do with what happened more than 100 years ago.To spend political capital on the name of a sports franchise is a waste of resources. It has been correctly pointed out that Notre Dame's logo is demeaning to Irish people as it deals with the steroetype that Irish are violent louts; no one is demanding change in that case.There are many other extremely important issues that the Native American community needs to address. Pine Ridge SD is the center of the most poverty stricken county in the USA, due mostly to what a welfare state does to the people who live within it.Drug and alcohol abuse if our youth, joblessness, and anti-social behaviors of all types do more than just tarnish our heritage. It is difficult to pass on the ways of the elders when the youngers are in such a state.We are becoming casino employees... profits go to outside investors, and bypass the tribes that they were intended to benifit. I doubt Crazy Horse would approve.
Originally posted by AHGOD Wassup cracka.
Originally posted by john9001 no , the redskins should change their name to SAXONS, then i will never have to read "redskins defeat vikings", instead it will say "saxons defeat vikings", which is historically correct.
Originally posted by Frogm4n how is it john? no one was calling them vikeings as they handed them smallpox infested blankets.
Originally posted by Eagler how bout a name change to the foreskins? does that insult any group besides some of the donutheads on this bbs?