I had a sony in my jeep for a bit over a year, loved it, everything in mp3, 10 albums to a disc, 6 disks in the visor. 60 albums in the car and no origanals to be stolen. ufortunatly a month or 2 ago soemone decided they needed it more than me, still haven' t replaced it.
I've been thinking of just getting an mp3 reading diskman, for about $35 you can get an adapter that plugs into the headphone jack that will broacast on an fm station so you can tune it in on your car stereo.
on very important feature that is a must is the ability to read folders. most of the new ones I've looked at lately don't. goodguys only had 1 or 2 brands that did. without this you have 170 or so songs to flip through. with it you can set up a folder for each album and browse the disc by album (or however you want to sort them).