crabofix: US owes 370 billion dollars for the next budget. You shut up and keep your government buying those US treasury bonds.
crabofix: It was about 160 billion dollars, thats even more scary concidering the 9 millions that live here. Then why do you keep over 16 billion of US debt and buying more? It's not like we are paying you high interest or have trade surplus which will cause our currency to appreciate...
crabofix: Then the falling dollar has given us 25% of the original debt. Oh, I see - you are catching on. Your country got suckered into going into debt to buy dollars way ago when a dollar had much more value.
Then the value of your dollar holdings sunk while the debts remained, so that now we can taunt you after cheating you? Suckers....
Dead Man Flying: If you look at Debt/GDP, the United States debt burden represents about 31-32% of its total yearly GDP. Man, you got cheated by yout math teacher. We have over 7 trillion of the official debt - which is about 65% of the GDP of about 11 trillion.
But as comptroller general recently explained, the official debt does not include the US bonds owned by special trusts - SSI and medicare, so that adds anotehr what, 5-6 trillion? That makes our debt -
in legal notes issued by US government to be 13 trillion, which is 120% of GDP.
But what we owe in SSI/Medicare is not just the notes. The value of obligatuions that we legally have to pay must be estimated according to the actuatial tables and capital discounts. To make long story short, in constitutes conservatively 45 trillion dollars worth of current obligations. How is it? 50+ trillions against 11 trillion GDP (which is a fake number, btw, grossly overstated).
Udie: Why doesn't anybody ever talk about congress? Even ancient greeks knew this simple truth. The democratic politicians are only successfull in their careers if they concentrate on short term benefits.
Did anybody find it just the least bit currious that the first year we had a Republican controlled congress (House and Senate) in like 30+ years was the first ballanced budget we had in those 30+ years? False wealth effect of a credit-induced stock market bubble that confiscated a lot of capital under guise of income?
From 1983 on however, the Debt has just been rocketing upwards. Shortly after we created the "Great Society" on top of the "New Deal". Hmm, coincidence?