Author Topic: Filter on private channels?  (Read 441 times)

Offline joness

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2000, 03:45:00 AM »
.....give critical information.....

What kind of profanity is 'critical information?'

308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" in AH
44th FS <Vampires> in WB

Offline Replicant

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2000, 04:32:00 AM »
Does that mean 'banana' can't have his callsign anymore?  



Offline -duma-

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2000, 05:00:00 AM »
Trust me, prettythangh013 isn't far behind... compulsory swear filters, eek.

Offline Badger

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2000, 06:26:00 AM »
Interesting backlash to what some would think should be common every day mature behavior.  Perhaps my views are generational and well entrenched, but I have tried to think outside my own prejudices and see this issue from the other side.

I for one, fully support HTC's new approach.  I noticed an immediate impact last night on the quality and maturity of general interpersonal  behavior on Channel 1 and 2.  I believe HTC's "filter" response to the increasing degrading interaction that was happening there, indeed reflects both their personal values, as well as the general age, character and nature of the majority of players within the AH community.  We do not permit profanity in our on-line flight sims business focus group either.

However, as I said to Pyro in a separate thread, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter", so this general channel 1 stance is bound not to please everyone.

Although I don't appreciate BotaBing's style of making his point, I do support his position that private channels should be exempt (if technically possible) from this censorship.  A squad will police it's own based upon their group standards of decorum and as far as one to one conversation, it should also be uncensored and purely academic for purposes of this discussion.

IMHO, vulgarity in general is not the issue.  I spent 17 years in the military, many as a paratrooper and the colorful language was built into the culture.  The issue is about what any group endorses as acceptable behavior and it is apparent that besides the corporation that produces the product, the majority of the community also supports the standards HTC have chosen to represent.

Again, personally, I think one's use of profanity tends to diminish as one gets older.  One is usually less stressed out about life, have matured more and generally feel more secure, with less need to reinforce self esteem and self control using provocative expression.  Well, except when HT bounces me for the 10th time and nails my old badger's hide to the wall.    

Anyway, enough said as I've probably added to the tenseness of this type of thread and opened myself up to some pretty healthy flaming.

Salute to HTC for the stance and also a salute to BotaBing for the courage to challenge it using his right and obligation to dissent.


Looking for a different kind of environment to discuss your favorite on-line flight simulator?

P.S.  I'm curious about this membership.  Would any of you speak to HTC's staff such as RONNIE or YANKEE on-line channel 1 using profanity?  More importantly, is it simply about censorship of the medium some of you object to, or would you feel comfortable on the telephone with them expressing yourself with vulgarity as well?

[This message has been edited by Badger (edited 09-23-2000).]

Offline JoeMud

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2000, 07:35:00 AM »
Originally posted by joness:
What kind of profanity is 'critical information?'

Cant give any info after your muted.


Offline joness

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2000, 08:31:00 AM »
Then dont swear, problem solved....its that simple

Offline BotaBing

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2000, 08:53:00 AM »
A player can /ignore anyone he wants to.

A filter on/off could be programmed
just as easily as a mute feature. This
gives each player the chance to determine
for themselves if they want to hear
cuss words or not.

I happen to prefer cuss words because
there are many occasions when they
are used appropriately.

At the absolute minimum, there should
be NO obscenity filter on the
private channels, such as squad channels
or individual to individual channels.

There's nothing gutsy about painting
over a foul word with a paint brush
that is too big.

Censoring the public channel instead of
installing a filter is one thing. In my
opinion, thats not the best decision.

Censoring private channels is a totally
different manner.

I will be quitting the game unless this
is changed.

Offline Udie

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2000, 09:12:00 AM »
Originally posted by BotaBing:
A player can /ignore anyone he wants to.

A filter on/off could be programmed
just as easily as a mute feature. This
gives each player the chance to determine
for themselves if they want to hear
cuss words or not.

I happen to prefer cuss words because
there are many occasions when they
are used appropriately.

At the absolute minimum, there should
be NO obscenity filter on the
private channels, such as squad channels
or individual to individual channels.

There's nothing gutsy about painting
over a foul word with a paint brush
that is too big.

Censoring the public channel instead of
installing a filter is one thing. In my
opinion, thats not the best decision.

Censoring private channels is a totally
different manner.

I will be quitting the game unless this
is changed.

 Just because you like to use explatives doesn't mean you have the right to make other people listen/read them.  I can see leaving the squad chanel unfiltered or giving the options. But if they take it off the private chanels what's to stop somebody like you from flooding somebody else w/ undesired profanities?

 hehe I just wonder what kind of filter will be at the con.  When I drink I do tend to talk like a drunked sailor    But the one thing I know.  The arenas are HTC's playground, and they set the rules, PERIOD. This is a good thing. Will be nice to see if this actualy brings more customers this way. I hope it does, I love shooting down newbies  


Offline Dago

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2000, 09:16:00 AM »
LOL, some of you guys really crack me up.

Leaving the game because you cant type swear words???  Seriously?  Too funny.

Most players play to experience the competition and enjoy the challenge of a great flight sim.

I dont have any problem with swearing on a squad channel, that is for a limited audience.  But I dont think the most vulgar words have any place on ch 1 or on a country channel.

If you play AH so you will have an audience for swear words, save yourself the money and just go to some IRC chat and knock yourself out.

If you are going to quit because you cant type swear words and force others to see them, DONT LET THE DOOR HIT YA ON THE BUTT ON THE WAY OUT!!!      

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Offline Westy

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2000, 09:17:00 AM »
 I've seen 3 yr olds accept having to be potty trained eaier than some here like to give up being uncouth and classless.


Offline Lance

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2000, 09:58:00 AM »
I applaud the filter to squelch people on the public channels or person-to-person communication.  I don't like it on the squad channels.  We don't have the right to free speech here, but I don't see why we shouldn't be able to use off-color language on private channels.  We have the ability to filter language there (if we so desire) with the invite, eject and leave your squad functions.

Regardless, its not that big of a deal, I'll just trade sometimes-profanity-laced barbs with the other Bastards on RW.


Offline easymo

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2000, 10:11:00 AM »
 The implementation of the easyer FM, has made the game accessable to much younger players. My granddaughter can fly it now (in easymode), snd she has gotten a few kills. She is not old enough to read yet. But she will learn. And im not sure I want her reading some of the stuff that shows up in the buffer.

 I would have been against this filter thing before 1.04. Because the difficulty of the game insured, to some degree, childern would not be playing. The arcade nature of the new version has removed this restraint. So IMO this is probably a good move.

Offline jedi

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2000, 10:12:00 AM »
Hehe ROFL..."critical information"  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

"Break left, there's a f***ing 190 behind ya!"

"Clear my six, you d***head!"

Oh, yes, I can definitely see the "necessity" of being able to type swearwords on private channel.  I know that in RL, I certainly can NEVER get my wingman to do what I want unless I sprinkle my commands liberally with four-letter words.

Perhaps the dumbest rationalization I've ever seen on one of these boards, and that's saying something  

If you're typing "critical" information to a squaddie, don't you think you would be better served by eliminating NON-critical information, such as your opinion about the parentage of the a**hole who just shot you down?

And of course, your whole logical house of cards comes crashing down on you when you remember that AH has Roger Wilco support BUILT IN, and RW has NO "filter" whatsoever, so you can curse at your whole squadron in living color whenever you want.

Of course, part of the new age liberal PC I'm OK you're OK BS is that you MUST be able to curse, belittle, offend, and insult any- and everyone whom you so choose.  It's your "right," and, after all, you're a product of your environment, not any misplaced or misguided sense of right, wrong, or COURTESY.

If this is something that would actually make you QUIT, then IMO the sim is FAR better off without you.  "My right to swear in the text buffer is more important than my desire to fly in this sim with people I like."

Sounds stupid, right?  IS stupid, boys and girls.  


Offline milnko

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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2000, 10:33:00 AM »
Last Night I was on private to Spinout, when I typed "got my bellybutton handed to me" and was given a warning on profanity.

So I went on ch.1 and asked about "ASS being considered profanity.

I then ran thru a list of my favorite insults, which then started others doing thiers as well.

You'll be happy to know that the following are NOT considered profanity:


So as You can see with a bit of creativity one can still be quite offensive and still sneak past the censors.


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Filter on private channels?
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2000, 11:21:00 AM »
Originally posted by Udie:

 Just because you like to use explatives doesn't mean you have the right to make other people listen/read them.  I can see leaving the squad chanel unfiltered or giving the options. But if they take it off the private chanels what's to stop somebody like you from flooding somebody else w/ undesired profanities?

By whose standards are we maintaining the list of "offensive" words on the host?  "Ass" is unacceptable, but "squeak" is.  "Inflamed, puss-filled, hairy, anal wart" is also allowed.

Why the host-based, all-channel muting censor?  Why not put a real *filter* on the Rx end of the USER's FE (the host has better things to process)?  This would allow you to monitor the level of language (and quickly add new words) without waiting for a host update.  Plus, you could type in a profane word on accident by typo without getting censored, just muted.

Better yet, why mute the whole line?  The system already detects the "colorful adjectives": just yank em.