Been a member of NRA for decades.. The only dowside is that they dun you for money all the time. Not a big deal.
I think any gun owner who is not giving something to some pro gun outfit (there are a few others) is getting a free ride and making excusses for his being a tightwad freeloader. That's fine... but don't pretend otherwise.
What I figure I get for my money is this... I get a really good magazine subscription every year and some insurance for gun theft or accident... Yes airhead... they do insure against gun accidents. I also like knowing that when the NRA talks about guns to the spineless, lying, greedy politicians in this country they can say.... "we don't want this POS, useless law passed and we speak for at least 4 millon people (or whatever it is now).
I want them to say "we speak for 100 million gun owners".