Author Topic: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.  (Read 2001 times)

Offline titanic3

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2008, 03:14:07 PM »
According to one of my aircraft history book, it says that the Storch can take up in a space of less than 50 feet. And was able to "hover" in 20mph headwind. If this is true, then this thing could probably be the most manuverable plane we have in the MA, excluding the Rv-8.

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline Rockdog

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2008, 04:59:17 PM »
I think that a "check 6" type of look at the bad guy and click a pre-mapped button in order to mark them on the map would be good. It would also give it a way to be scored, and additional points if a designated target is destroyed while still in flight. It would add to the loiter and update aspect of spotter aircraft. If landing next to a downed pilot and allowing you to rescue him was also added, it would add a whole new dynamic to the way people play. I could see both of these getting alot of use in FSO's.

Thank for all of the great suggestions and feedback. I'd really like to see some of this happen.
a.k.a. Raji (Warbirds 1994-99)
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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2008, 05:20:18 PM »
i've always been a fan of recon in this game so......
 :aok :aok :aok :aok

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2008, 06:15:10 PM »
we need the american british german/italian due to the part that i have never heard of a italian recon plane (if there was it was probley a licence built coppy of a storch) and jap the one of the jap ones i belive had the ability of carying 4 50 kg bombs
snowey flying since tour 78

Offline BnZ

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2008, 06:18:49 PM »
According to one of my aircraft history book, it says that the Storch can take up in a space of less than 50 feet. And was able to "hover" in 20mph headwind. If this is true, then this thing could probably be the most manuverable plane we have in the MA, excluding the Rv-8.

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2008, 03:53:13 AM »
2 infantry troops  and a (chuteless)vehicle supply enabled from a vehicle field.
Ludere Vincere

Offline Odisseo

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2008, 06:47:48 AM »
Why try to distor the reality for the game when it should be exactly the opposite?

Any artilelry and GV battle, air recon, artillery blast was done with map coords (map grid, ruler, compass ect..)
1st: only infantry/GV/artillery with a topgraph was able to give targets. For the artillery was a FD fire director (scout) for the GV was usually an airplane.
2nd: artillery tanks had to be very close since there was no GPS sistems or inertial navigation sistems (wich now allow to the PCF post of command fire) to give the fire elements to all artillery cannon or GV indipendently from theyr position. In the WWII was needed a battery topograf wich, with the FD elements, and depending on the GV/battery position, it calculated the bearing and azimuth giving the same element to all cannons (wich was usually in a range of 50 meters).
The same for GV, the tanks was getting theyr info from the CC "carro comando" (translated command tank) where the group officiers was getting enemy position, informations ect and then with theyr short range radio they was giving those information to they tank commanders. Why a short range? in WWII you didn't had satellites to spot enemy GV, the first way to fid out enemy was with triangulation of radio transmissions or by observers.

Now, how would be really "deep" the GV experience in AH?

1st: use the radio transmission (by vox or chat) would give to the enemy the possibility to spot your position (anytime you talk you give your position)
when? when there are camping GV, recon airplanes in a XX range.
2nd: GV vox and chat range should be decreased
3d: any map coord (position distance) should be visible only for tactical GV/planes (ex Storch and jeep) wich would be the FD giving his information to a PCF. (since we'r talking a bout MA and not a scenario) anyone should be considered as a PCF. According to the 1st point, FD is also visible when talking on radio (long range), the PCF would only listen, talk to the DF would give your position.
4th: if we will see artillery addon in AHII I wish it will be limited as it was IRL and not having decades of artillery tank hide in all map corner firing on a target with an easy mode like we already have with the land mode on CV. Due to his long range, artillery would need a DF giwing coords, a PCF (jeep) getting those coords and with a FARGO (wich was the artillery tablette used to calculate the bearing and azimut) give to the artillery GV the fire elements. Maybe by Map clipboard, put your coord, put target coord and get the fire elements.

Just some thoughts about how do I see GV in AH :)
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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2008, 09:36:06 AM »
...If landing next to a downed pilot and allowing you to rescue him was also added, it would add a whole new dynamic to the way people play...
That's going too far. Search to find out why.
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Offline Rockdog

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2008, 10:40:20 AM »
That's going too far. Search to find out why.

I respectfully disagree that because a new feature was suggested before and not adopted it should never be revisited. The main objection I have seen from HTC to the pilot rescue feature was a lack of intrest and use in the MA combine with the delay it would impose on other upcoming features as they would have to be pushed back in the cue. With the addition of a VTOL recon bird that is already on site over the GV battle field, there would be many opportunities to perform rescues in the heat of the same battle.

As for scoring it, someone once suggested awarding some of the downed pilots perks (i.e. the portion he would have lost by bailing or ditching) to the rescue pilot. This would be a great incentive to use it and would not throw the perks balance out of whack.

I'm just trying to build the same frame work in order to justify getting my hands on a Storch or Cub in the game. ;) I truly believe that a VTOL aircraft that can be used as a spotter on the GV battlefield with the addition of pilot rescue would add a very compelling reason to add the plane. As for everyone who doesn't see the value in this bird, don't you still want a nice slow, unarmed, target to shoot at?

p.s. I had HTC tell me that widescreen for AH was not possible and unnecessary, but now we have that wonderful goodness, why not a new support aircraft?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 10:51:12 AM by Rockdog »
a.k.a. Raji (Warbirds 1994-99)
a.k.a. Rockdog (1999-2002)
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Offline Denholm

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2008, 10:56:30 AM »
I'm not disagreeing with your aircraft wish, I'm disagreeing with your thoughts on pilot rescue. I've mentioned it before, and I'll mention it again. If pilot rescue were implemented, which message are you more likely to see on country text:

Pilot: Is anyone in the area of ##,##?
Pilot: Just curious if anyone could pick me up.
Pilot: If not I'll just end sortie.

Pilot 2: Someone pick me up NOWWW!!!!
Pilot 2: OMG! That plane just flew over me!
Pilot 2: You're all idiots! PICK ME UP!

Now, based on what you think is more likely to occur, would you like to see it on country all the time?
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Offline Rockdog

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2008, 11:08:56 AM »
I see your point, but if our goal was to eliminate annoying comments on range and country text, we would have to disable the ability for two planes to pass each other head on. Also, if you are flying around the GV battle field, you constantly hear requests for supplies and people to tell them where the enemy is. No matter the function there will always be those that annoy you because of it.

Why punish the rest of us? You can always make use of the squelch function if someone is abusing the vox. I do it all the time, and it works great.

One way to address this would be to have support aircraft and downed pilots be indicated in a different color on the clipboard map. You could also have a designated text channel for rescue (i.e. country/ range/ squad / rescue) This would let downed pilots know if there were any support aircraft around without asking.

p.s. If the reward for the downed pilot was minimal (maybe just affect their k/d ratio) then they would not have the incentive to be a pest about it. For FSO and for the support pilot, though, it would add a ton of fun!
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 11:17:32 AM by Rockdog »
a.k.a. Raji (Warbirds 1994-99)
a.k.a. Rockdog (1999-2002)
a.k.a. Hayduke (2002-04)
a.k.a. Rockdog (2004-Current)

Offline Eustace

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2009, 12:01:53 AM »

Offline moot

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2009, 12:06:25 AM »
Allow the Fi156 to up from V bases and ports, not just airfields. Give all the bases some fixed artillery and allow the Storch and maybe Jeeps to spot for it. Top ranked guy gets priority I guess. Maybe give it a reduced icon range to help it survive as well.
Put the recon reports (automated data format or user written) into a table like missions, and let the players decide who's data to use.  Maybe add a skill-filter of some kind, like bomb calibration, where the arty user has to do something that commands the salvo's accuracy.

 - Odisseo seems to have a more accurate and more fun pov on the realistic elements.  The gameplay criteria above still would apply, no need for player rank, that way.  You have to follow some sort of calibration for your recon data to be accurate, only see on your map the data that you've chosen in the recon reports listings, and have to actualy use that data to calibrate your mobile or static arty. 

Reduced icon visibility is probably required though. Maybe 1K for something like the Storch and 500y for something like a recon jeep (no MG) or motorcycle/sidecar.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 12:18:28 AM by moot »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Plawranc

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2009, 12:09:13 AM »
I say YES to this a new gameplay dynamic

I can help my buddies without having to drive those piles of junk :salute
DaPacman - 71 Squadron RAF

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Re: Fieseler Fi 156 (or Similar) for GV recon.
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2009, 12:14:19 AM »
I like the Idea of a "Spotter Plane", no matter what nations it is!  But limit it to having just no explosive "Colored" Smoke rounds that you could pick in the hangar.  Just a few colors. Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple and White I believe were common WWII colors.

The Air/Sea rescue idea is good, but for later down the road in AH.