Ditto. I've used 3 different WRT54G models and they all worked well. The only problem I've had with a linksys router is that a wireless-N linksys router I have will lock up if I use bittorrent. I have a 10+ mbps service on my cable modem, and bittorrent stresses the router enough to lock it up requiring a router reboot. Annoying when I'm trying to get the latest linux distro or DL a recovery CD.
I ran into those problems years ago. Was using a Linksys router at the time (can't remember the model). Would lock up frequently on torrenting traffic. Eventually the wireless part died and I replaced it with a D-Link, which seemed to be more stable. But as my network security and needs progressed even more so, I made a move to IPCop, then SmoothWall, currently working with ClarkConnect.
IPCop and SmoothWall can run on really any old computer. For the longest time I had it on a 550mhz P3, it was a MicroATX comp and used 38-43W. Both ran rock solid and only rebooted during updates. ClarkConnect needs a bit more horsepower, currently on an AMD 2700+ system, uses a bit more wattage though, at least 100W. IPCop and SmoothWall IIRC can run on something as old as a 386.