Author Topic: New Beta Version  (Read 2888 times)

Offline Pyro

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New Beta Version
« on: October 31, 2003, 05:15:02 PM »
A new beta version can be downloaded here:

Aces High II Version 1.992 Open Beta

Fonts are cleaned up in this version and should be nice and readable.
Continued work on forrests and UI.  Trees are starting to come
together pretty nicely.  Make sure you look at the new ones as some
of the old ones haven't been replaced yet.

The feedback we're looking for in this version is another frame-rate

This test is simple.  First turn off tracers in the setup menu.  Select
a P-51D and launch from the default field facing NE.  Keep your engine
off and allow frame rate to settle.  Note frame rate.  Fire both sets
of weapons and allow frame rate to settle.  Note frame rate.  Take off
and climb to 3000 feet and level out.  Note frame rate.  Fire both sets
of weapons and note frame rate.  Please report your results and system
specs in the AH2 Beta Bug forum on our message board.

We're also looking for any collision bugs with building.  To test this,
enter CM EYE mode using the F5 key.  Run the CM EYE along the buildings
and ensure that you cannot go through any walls or anything like that.
This only needs to be done on buildings as we're still working on some
collision bugs on other objects.