Author Topic: Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?  (Read 4692 times)

Offline Preon1

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #60 on: November 09, 2003, 03:12:12 PM »
edit out

Offline SOB

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #61 on: November 09, 2003, 03:41:33 PM »

"You know the Frenchman? Remember how he was such a badass in the second movie with like wraiths and werewolves working for him? How did he get taken down by two human and a computer program?"
The Frenchman was in this movie?  Are you sure?  I remember staring down in the lower-right side of the screen for a few minutes and I thought I might have heard him at that time, but I was thinking of something else at the moment and couldn't be bothered with the rest of the screen.

"Did anybody wonder where the other side of that train connected to? I mean, one was the matrix... was the other a place where errant programs get bodies and become humans?"

Didn't think about that.  I doubt errant programs would want to leave the least not out into the real world.

"Did anybody wonder why the defense of zion wasn't made with emp mines instead of auto cannons? Seems to me that a mix of the two would have worked MUCH better."

No.  If they built a smart defense, the writers would have had to trouble themselves to come up with a smarter way for the machines to break Zion's defenses.  They were too busy smoking crack and watching reruns of the Emeril Legasse show to be bothered with that.

"In a world where computer programming is the link that dominated everything, why can't humans come up with an electronic fire control system for the cannons on their ships?"

Maybe they have an inherent distrust of computer technology.  Maybe they're stupid.  Maybe the movie sucked...just maybe. ;)

"Why didn't the machines find a way to send those huge bellybutton city killers after zion? I mean, what are all those weapons for?"

Why would they need to?  They had enough to beat the defenses that the writers wrote in for Zion.  Remember, more machines means more writing means less time hitting the pipe.

"There were really only two characters in all of zion that we even remotely cared about (I wouldn't have given it another thought had everyone else in the city died... especially after that dance scene in the second movie). Was it silly, or vindicating that they just happened to be the ones that saved it?"

You cared about any of the idiots in Zion?  I hoped for the wifey to die...and found it incredibly amusing that the machines were not able to squash her like a bug when they tried.  As for the kid, I think he was transported in time out of a 1950s war movie, replete with his dialogue.  I was hoping he would die an especially slow death.  "the machines don't care what age I am sir..."  Oh man!

"Did trinity take WAY too long to die?"

"Neo I love you.  I didn't tell you I loved you last time I died.  I want to tell you I love you this time.  Did I ever tell you about the time I saw tank jerking off in the simulator?  It was pretty disturbing.  I don't think you'll be able to save me this time.  Like you did last time.  I love you.  The other day I ran into Morpheus and he seemed preoccupied.  I didn't ask him about what, but I'm sorry I won't be able to find that out now.  Oh, I have some big spikes sticking through me.  And, uh, I love you Neo.  "  On a funny note, there was a group of die hard Matrix nerds directly in front of us all dressied up for the occasion.  One of the guys sitting in the row directly in front of us was actually weeping when she got killed.  I poop you not.  I thought I must have been imagining it until I confirmed it with my friends after the movie.

"Did anybody look at the fight between neo and smith and think of REALLY bad anime?"

By this time in the movie I was crying for the $8.75 admission that I would never be seeing again.  Even through my tears it looked like crap.  Althought I found the knuckle prints to be quite amusing.

"How about that part at the end when smith is about to win and he decided to talk about it instead of just killing neo. Wasn't that a little too cliche?"

Apparently he's never heard of internal dialogue.  One minute he's good ole smug Agent Smith, the next he's a quivering tard.  He should have just assimilated him without the *****-footing around.

"What the hell happened to all the philosophy and mythology? Why was the reason that the matrix so good get so surgically taken out?"

Neo is Jesus.  He is the second coming.  I think he died for the machines' sins this time though, they're more deserving than anyone in Zion.  And on that note, I'd say it was nice of the machines to ignore logic and not kill the rest of the tardlings in Zion after Neo helped them with their Agent Smith problem.  I'm just trying to figure out what comes next.  The sequels or the prequil.  Like the dip**** that I am, though, I'm sure I'll watch them.

PS...the rainbow was fantabulous!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2003, 03:48:52 PM by SOB »
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Maniac

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #62 on: November 10, 2003, 05:49:18 AM »
What about the machines using the humans as batteries...

Cyberjesus and Trinity went above the clouds in the hover craft and voila there was the sun....

I´m sure the Machines must have tought of solar power...
Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline BlckMgk

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #63 on: November 10, 2003, 09:33:28 AM »
I liked it alot, the love scenes between Neo and Trinity just like #2 (that dance scene) just not needed..... If she hadn't talked for ten minuted they coulda made out for longer! Action scense are just insane!

Enjoyed it, and I think I made sense of all that was going on.

Offline AKIron

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #64 on: November 10, 2003, 11:23:50 AM »
Originally posted by Maniac
What about the machines using the humans as batteries...

Cyberjesus and Trinity went above the clouds in the hover craft and voila there was the sun....

I´m sure the Machines must have tought of solar power...


Whattsa matter with you, the machines figure that out and we'll all be dumped in the giant pool of soylent green. ;)
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Offline Octavius

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #65 on: November 10, 2003, 11:45:49 AM »
Hehe SOB!  After walking out of the theater, I said to my friends "I just watched the new testament!"  But it was closer to a 7th coming instead of 2nd :D

The thing that allllwwaaayyyysss pisses me off is the fact that they leave it open ended and NO epilogue or aftermath explained.  I want to know:

1)  So the war is over for now... do the machines continue to use humans as batteries?

2)  What about reconstruction?  Do the humans build a city on the surface or continue to be underground moles?  

Three)  (some reason the number three key doesnt work on this keyboard):  In the Animatrix, the writers explain that the sky was clouded due to small nano-machines in order to halt the usage of solar power.  Now, wtf is that?  Why can't the machines a)  go above the clouds like Neo and Trinity did or b)  Frickin take control of the nano-machines and/or "part" the clouds with some neato technology?

Either the Wachowski brothers purposely dumbed it down "for the masses" or they did need more time for the pipe as SOB so elequently stated.

The end fight scene looked a lot like Dragon Ball Z... and I laughed hard at the slow motion right hook on Agent Smith.  I'm still a fan of Smith and I wish he won.

Anyone notice the Oracle's earings?  Not only were here ears SUPER SAGGY, but they were a yin-yang... representing neo/smith as opposites?  

Blah.  Beginning sucked, battle for zion had some neat effects and was cool overall... I give it a six out of 10.
Fat Drunk BasTards (forum)

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Offline Tarmac

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #66 on: November 10, 2003, 11:53:51 AM »
Didn't the humans purposely block out the sun in Animatrix with a big ol' nuclear holocaust, to deprive the machines of solar power?

Offline Octavius

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #67 on: November 10, 2003, 02:11:51 PM »
Yep.  Operation Something or Another... I can't recall the exact name.

If you want some "history" leading up to the fall of civilized human society, then rent the animatrix.  It's pretty good, although some of the "episodes" are a little bizarre.  I liked it a lot and was worth the purchase.  The 3D animation is second to none.  It's really amazing how lifelike they make the characters.  

The Machine City that Neo refers to in Revolutions actually has a name.  It's called "01".  It has its roots as a machine refuge.  After a machine servant turned on its masters (a household thing) and killed them, a huge "purging" of machines everywhere came about.  It almost looked like a machine holocaust... the animations are very similar to scenes from mass graves and concentration camps of World War II.

Anyway, so the machines create this city in the middle east near Babylon.  They create their own technology, their own currency, high-tech industry, etc...  In an attempt to make peace with the human governments, the machines send ambassadors which look human.  The humans detain and destroy them.  The battle begins and after many nuclear devices are used on 01, it somehow survives the sheer kinetic energy of the blasts and the machines live on.

The humans resort to blackening the sky using tiny nano-machines as I said earlier.  All nations and humans everywhere unite and join together in a very erie apocalyptic battle (ground forces)... which they lose.  Humans then = batteries and the matrix comes about.  

Now that you know the basic story, go get the animatrix, I enjoyed it :)
Fat Drunk BasTards (forum)

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Offline Tarmac

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #68 on: November 10, 2003, 02:16:18 PM »
I know Oct, I've seen it.  :)

I just thought it was nuclear winter/dust clouds that blocked out the sun; must have missed the nano-machine bit.

Offline Octavius

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Anyone seen Matrix 3 yet?
« Reply #69 on: November 10, 2003, 02:17:03 PM »
oy!  all that typing for nothing :D

They dont say it in the story itself... I watched the commentary and one of the writers/creators explains that they are machines.
Fat Drunk BasTards (forum)

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