Silat: What is wrong with what she is doing? She wants us to keep "underused and outdated hospitals".
Why would we want to pay for unused hospital space? Why would we keep our veterans in outdated facilities?
She wants to "want to slow down a VA plan to shift the agency's health care focus to outpatient facilities"
Outpatient facilities are great and their use by civilians increases all the time. Why would we want to hold our veterans chained to the outdated system?
Moving the beds would allow VA to increase the number of long-term beds in New York and save an estimated $23 million a year by closing the hospital...
Does not seem a good thing to me - opposing the increase of hospital beds and saving a bunch of wasted money.
In addition to Canandaigua, the proposed restructuring would close hospitals in Pittsburgh; Lexington, Ky.; Brecksville, Ohio; Gulfport, Miss.; Livermore, Calif., and Waco, Texas. It also would open new clinics and add new hospitals. For example, Syracuse or Albany, N.Y., could get a new spinal cord injury center.
Does not seem like such a good deed either.
...another group, the Disabled American Veterans, has asked her to drop the proposed amendment
But what the heck do the disabled veterans know about the veteran's healthcare...