Author Topic: An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst  (Read 2911 times)

Offline wells

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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2000, 12:34:00 AM »
If you wanna swear, yell at your monitor!  Why do you have to type it into the buffer?  How is that useful information for playing the game?  Isn't the moment gone by the time you find the 'F' key?  Why should I have to make up my own list of words that I don't wanna hear, when you have to do nothing and you are the minority here.  It's a democracy, majority rules!

Offline Hangtime

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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #31 on: September 27, 2000, 01:38:00 AM »
Ok Bota.. take off the devils advocate pin, and sit down and shaddap. Wonderful debate; and I want you to apply immediatly for a postion at the ACLU. If my civil rights ever get violated in a meaningful way; I want you to take care of it for me.

But IMHO, my rights; our 'rights'; in this game have not been violated. It's not our game. Its' HTC's. They control the horizontal and the verticle in the game, and even on this BBS. If you don't like the game and their rules; keep yer thirty bucks. Take yer buisness elsewhere. Thats your right.

I love America.  

Look.. This is a game. Shoot the red planes. They shoot back at you. Do-dah; do-dah.

Get with the program.


P.S. 'Jap' IS a racial slur on the same level a 'cupcake' or 'chink' or 'slope' or 'gook'. Soory.. but that's a fact Bota.

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Offline -lynx-

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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #32 on: September 27, 2000, 02:13:00 AM »
I'm getting tired of morons who apply "respect" only to what they feel like respecting, who simply DON'T GET IT although a bunch of reasonably intelligent people is trying reasonably calmly explain to them.
If Saudi Arabians find "Saudi" offensive, would we ban it?
Of course we should - if it offends some people while making no difference at all to you (being a normal person you claim to be) why would you carry on offending them? Sheesh!

Can we please have .squelch on this board?

13 Sqn RAF

[This message has been edited by -lynx- (edited 09-27-2000).]

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2000, 02:21:00 AM »

How is it a racial slur? "Jap" refers to a nationality, not a race. "Kraut" does the same, yet is not consider a racist slur. More like a patriotic slur, if you will.

We have such nicknames for most; meant to be derogatory in a funny sort of way, even if they weren't from the start.

Call me Daney or whatever  

JG54 "Grünherz"

Offline Naso

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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2000, 02:25:00 AM »
Botabing, you are questioning about respect and rights without understand either of them.

Right is never a one-way question, if it is granted to you the right to speech freely, your part is to be responsable of the thinks you are saying, and make your part to grant the other's rights.

Respect is to consider others as equals to you (implicitly with the same rights), and to grant them the same treatment you wish they give to you, mean to understand the differences and act to avoid to force your behaviours on them, mean to consider their points of view at least equivalent to yours (even if wrong).

For your behaviour it's clear you dont have ANY respect for this community.

And, for the above statement, you cant be respected, because the respect has to be always MUTUAL.

Back to the old jap theme.

Let's see how a mature person act in this situation:

You are now in a community where there are big cultural differences, and for the beginning you have to be particularly sensible to the others feelings.

Like me you never felt the word "jap" as an offensive word, but one component of our community raise up and said that for a lot of people from Japan this word cut be offensive, and because i am a mature person, and i respect this great community (<S>!!), i decided to force myself to try to not use this word (can happens when i am not paying attention), the same way i avoid (for my culture is easy) the word cupcake.
The above in contests where using this words cut be offensive.
I explain better, i have a black friend from afrika, and for joke (since he is racist) i call him cupcake, in that contest both of us know is'nt offensive.
But in the arena or in the bbs this understanding is impossible, and a smart guy (hoping you are such a guy), have to be REAL carefull before saying this kind of racist words.

A mature person understand the rules and act to respect it.
A kid have long way before to understand it, and in this anonymous contest feel free to act without responsability.
Since childlish attitude has growth more and more, HTC has chose to act as a parent and force the knidergarden to have more educated behaviours.
Is rules enforcement, teorically to avoid, but pratically to made when there are persons not enough mature to respect rules without any enforcement.

Better this than a quakelike community.

You dont like it?

Well, this is HTC's house, so YOU have to step out, and go back to play Quake.  

I dont respect you?

Well, show respect, and you will be respected.

4° Stormo Caccia "F.Baracca"
L'è Buna!!

Offline Dowding

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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2000, 04:54:00 AM »
These furballs are a constant joke in my mind because noone cares about the consequences of their gaming actions. You shoot at the wrong time, you drop a bomb in the wrong place, nothing happens. Yet the same people who really like that are the same people who want a censored communication channel, where profanity, racial slurs, or whatever else offends people is prohibited.

What would you want to happen? People get fined for messing up in the game, or just get kicked off? And I think that's the point, THIS IS A GAME - people play it for enjoyment and to escape from real life for abit, upon which this GAME has no bearing. This GAME has to make certain comprimises with reality, just to be fun. For instance you can die more than once (in ww2, this didn't happen too often) or go through a thousand spitfires; the GAME would be pretty crap if it were otherwise. I don't see how you can advocate anythung else - you'd be playing on your own with about 10 people if you wanted it hyper-realistic (and you'd be paying a hell of alot, with newbies going to the competition for a more enjoyable experience. I don't see the problem with liking the gameplay as it is (however 'unrealistic' it is), but still supporting the filtering of swearwords.

As for racial slurs etc. - you are happy with hearing that kind of ignorant rubbish? Most people aren't in my experience, and are uncomfortable with it. There is no place for it anywhere, especially in a global, multi-cultural environment such as AH.

Regarding your right to free speech (point of contention considering this is HTC's arena) - with every right comes RESPONSIBILITY, and that is something you don't seem to have considered.

[This message has been edited by Dowding (edited 09-27-2000).]
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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2000, 05:04:00 AM »
You can make use of your right of free speech by cursing at the top of your lungs at the monitor.  We also have the right not to be subjected to vocabulary challanged childern cussing because their mom went to bed.

Be an adult.

Squadron Leader, Igloo.
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Offline Hristo

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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2000, 05:04:00 AM »
Originally posted by Toad:

It's a damn shame the FW-190-D9 got delayed another 6 months while you guys were working on the filter. <G,D,R>


Offline pzvg

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An Ironic Trend in Online Gaming - Political Correctness at its Worst
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2000, 09:24:00 AM »
(pop! pzvg appears)
Stsanta, Trying calling one of us germans
"Kraut" face to face, you might not offend, but then again, you might. Hint; "I" would be in the aforementioned "offended" group.
(Pop! pzvg disappears)

Offline fd ski

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« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2000, 10:08:00 AM »
Came and call me a Pollack to my face.

Bartlomiej Rajewski
aka. Wing Commander fd-ski
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Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2000, 10:21:00 AM »
Though trying to reason with the un-reasonable is fruitless, I will add this:

If one person finds it offensive, then you should stop using it altogether[/i]...that's what respect is all about.  Period.

Offline BotaBing

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« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2000, 10:47:00 AM »'re kidding yourself. If we had to limit what we say based on whether or not there was one person who found it offensive, there would be no talk on the public channel.

Feel free to join the reality that the rest of us live in at your earliest convenience heheh...

I guess you never went to school at a big state college? There's a group against everything and anything.

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2000, 11:21:00 AM »
Originally posted by BotaBing:
Feel free to join the reality that the rest of us live in at your earliest convenience heheh...

I guess you never went to school at a big state college? There's a group against everything and anything.

Nice to see that you have to make personal insults to players to get your point across.

Offline BotaBing

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« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2000, 11:34:00 AM » on earth is that a personal insult??

You wrote:
If one person finds it offensive, then you should stop using it altogether...that's what respect is all about. Period.

That is a comment so far removed from the reality of the internet gaming environment its hard to think you really believe that.

If you find that to be a personal insult, then its more evidence of why you would make a claim like that in the first place.

There are people that play this game who dont want anyone to talk about WWII History, politics, religion or sex.

Do you honestly believe that talk about those subject should be banned in this game?

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2000, 12:06:00 PM »
<SIGH>....<Rip walks away, closes  the door behind him, passes the orderly a 20 spot>"Give him an extra dessert tonight while he's debating with himself in the corner..thanks"