Heh, the local DZ is at a combined military/civilian airfield. They fly AWACS, F-16s, C-130s outta there. And of course visiting planes from over the world come in now and then.
It's great. The F-16 pilots know where the DZ is and usually make low passes right over our hangars before they land, kicking in burners for extra effect.
Anyway, under canopy we sometimes have military planes coming in to land. They fly reasonably close as our landing area is adjacent to the runways.
Me, I've gotten a salute outta a Canadian F-18 pilot once, along with numerous waves.
I just saw a video a friend shot. Some American planes were coming in (F-15s I think) to land. Friend had camera mounted on helmet. He waves.
American wave back. And then give him the finger. Wingman does the same. ROFL. It's clearly visible on the video, there's no mistaking it. Then plane is obscured by my pal's hand as he returns the one fingered salute.
Heh, I can just imagine the coms between the two yanks.
1: "Look, there's a guy who lost his plane. Let's give him the finger"
2: "Yeah"
Rude motherf...kers