Author Topic: Pearl Harbor Terrain Available  (Read 1370 times)

Offline NUTTZ

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2003, 08:03:02 PM »
Dux, I made some GREAT tiles for the cliffs of Dover.... let me dig them up


Originally posted by Dux
Hmmm... Bendover; that sliver of the English Channel measures about 220 miles east-to west, according to my atlas.

So there's one or two possible problems going on here... maybe it's a metric system miscalculation. But my guess is that you're using a bitmap-based image to generate your elevation data, and that you're measuring 512 pixels across to get your scale.
REMEMBER: while the tile resolution is 1-mile, the elevation resolution is one-half-mile. so your elevation bitmap needs to be 1024 pixels across in order to get a 512-mile distance.

There is a Ruhr terrain in the works (you may have seen the forum open up just today) and it is a 1:1 terrain that includes half of England and reaches down to Innsbruck. You can cover quite a lot of area with a 512 map.

Esme; I didn't say they definitely wouldn't share, only that they may not. It's kind of an artist thing, I guess. But I am not speaking for them, and it certainly would not hurt to ask. :)

I'm a R/L pilot, so the LOOK of a terrain is very important to me also... from down on the ground to way up high. It is my dream to someday have (in AH) chalk cliffs at Dover.

When AH2 comes out, we will be able to make actual fog, using the Arena settings... it won't have to be built into the terrain. We will soon be looking at scenarios that we never thought would be possible.

Offline brady

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2003, 08:14:31 PM »
Ya those Dover Tiles looked awsome!:) Was realcool fling over them.

Offline Dux

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2003, 10:10:10 PM »
Nuttz, that would be great... also. if you could find that Pearl terrain while you're at it...? :)
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2003, 05:56:56 PM »
Aye, Dux, I understood.. :-)

That is wonderful news about fog! Does this mean that clouds might be CM-settable too? And - dare I hope? - the clouds might automatically follow the set wind direction at their altitude?

Awww.. this feels like an early birthday present, hearing that the weather options are going to be improved further!

Ooh! Just in case it hant been thought of, an option to set the icyness or bogginess of terrain/runways would be nice... not expecting a reply on that, of course, but if HTC might like to take it into consideration...

Question: I understand that the spot-height horizontal resoultion is half that of the terrain tile size, but is there any limitation as to the actual spot height settings themselves? Could two adjacent terrain tiles vary in altitude by as little as 1 metre, for instance (theoretically, I mean).


Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2003, 06:21:08 PM »
Originally posted by Dux

There is a Ruhr terrain in the works (you may have seen the forum open up just today) and it is a 1:1 terrain that includes half of England and reaches down to Innsbruck. You can cover quite a lot of area with a 512 map....

nope, cant find it. Can you provide a link? Although preferentially a LW bomber pilot, I'll happily take a crack at the Ruhr in English bombers, too! (fond memories of flying a Mossie IV NOE at night over France otw to the Ruhr in a game far away and long ago... )

Esme (pleeease can we have a Mossie MkIV and a Halifax, and a Wellington, and, oooh, LOTS of other planes?! ;-) )

Offline Dux

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2003, 06:55:19 PM »
Here :)

New Ruhr Forum

About terrain height... yes, you can manually set a vertex height to any integer you want. I believe that the unit of height is the same as the horizontal... 1 foot.

If you are using an imported bitmap to make elevations, consider this: you are translating an 8-bit image (0-255) into number values. If you set the maximum import height to be 10000, the TE will divide 10000 into 255 increments (10000 / 255 = 39.22). This will give you an elevation "step" of ~39 feet. If you need to get more precise than that, you will have to tweak it manually.

Yes, it is great news about the fog. I wish I knew more details about the weather beyond that. That's a really great idea about the ground friction... I wonder if it's possible? Type in a number from 0 to 1.
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Offline reddad

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pearl map
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2003, 03:29:23 AM »
i would like to have your pearl map

Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2003, 01:59:14 PM »
Aye, Dux, that's the kind of thing I had in mind ideally, with 1 being 100% friction (representing bog or deep sand), .5 being average going, and 0 no friction at all, if a decimal number can be used. If it has to be binary bits, then mebbe at least two bits would be good, giving slippery, standard, hard going and impassable.  If vehicles were then also given a "cross country" rating (0 for 4 wheeled  vehicles, 1 for 6 wheeled, 2 for half tracks, 2 for fully tracked, for example) then the terrain value could be compared to the vehicle value so that 4 wheeled vehicles really couldnt cross impassable terrain, but fully tracked ones might just about manage it.

Juts had another thought... if small hillocks or ridges could be added to terrain as if they were buildings (so far as the software is concerned) that stopped shells without damage it would allow terrain builders to provide more interesting areas of terrain for ground combat.  Tanks could go hull-down on the reverse of a small ridge, and hillocks and ridges could block lines of sight...  something like the Normandy bocage might be put together... lots of possibilities.

Offline Roscoroo

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2003, 03:35:45 PM »
Id like that Pearl Map Also Nuttz  Pwease ... i'll host it up on my website if ya ever find it ...   <-- any file size here is ok
Roscoroo ,
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Offline Ike 2K#

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2003, 04:14:46 PM »
Nutts, can i also get a copy of P Harbor pleeeeesse :) (send it here!!!:) )

Offline Dux

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2003, 11:27:43 PM »
Originally posted by EsmeNhaMaire
... if small hillocks or ridges could be added to terrain as if they were buildings (so far as the software is concerned) that stopped shells without damage it would allow terrain builders to provide more interesting areas of terrain for ground combat.  Tanks could go hull-down on the reverse of a small ridge, and hillocks and ridges could block lines of sight...  something like the Normandy bocage might be put together... lots of possibilities.

Esme, you really NEED to get your hands on the latest version of the Aces High 2 Beta and check it out for yourself. They even have a name for what you're describing... MTFs: Micro Terrain Features.

Consider it another early birthday present from me. :)
Rogue Squadron, CO
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Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2003, 04:36:44 AM »
Dux, I cant run AHII. Yet. As it happens, though, I'm off to a computer fair at the NEC tommorrow with a tecchy friend, hoping to get a nice new motherboard, CPU and RAM.  Other bits to follow as and when.

If you can offer any pointers as to what to look for in graphics cards, 'twould be appreciated, although I'll say now, I have to go for the cheap end of things, I cannot afford cutting-edge stuff, and I'm gradually migrating over to Linux, so that may be some consideration (be interesting to see whether AHII can run under WineX like the current AH can. Be nice if HTC released AHII binaries for Linux, but I'm not expcting miracles this tiem around!)

Thanks for the extra early birthday present! Hmmn... I feel Panzergruppe Esme may be on the horizon, for when I want a change from flying... :-}

I'd like that Pearl terrain, too, please:

Aand.. Dux, coudl you drop me an email too, please? I;d like a quick wee chat...



Offline Dux

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Pearl Harbor Terrain Available
« Reply #27 on: November 30, 2003, 11:13:01 AM »
Sorry to hear about not running AH2... I think I'm due for a graphics upgrade soon also, but I don't know what's out there at the moment. Skuzzy or one of the Hardware Forum regulars could advise you better than I, anyway :)

e-mail sent.
Rogue Squadron, CO
5th AF, FSO Squadron, Member

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