Author Topic: 78th FG Recruiting  (Read 2040 times)

Offline Jester

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78th FG Recruiting
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2003, 07:33:29 PM »
Here is a little better history of the 78th FG "The Duxford Eagles" during WW2.  :aok

Group... Group Type...... Motto
78th.......... Fighter........... "Above The Foe"
Sqdn....Code.... Type....... Dates Comment
82nd..... MX..... Fighter...... 1942-1945  
83rd...... HL...... Fighter..... 1942-1945  
84th..... WZ..... Fighter...... 1942-1945  
Type.....Name............... Manufacturer

P-38.... Lightning.......... Lockheed
P-51.... Mustang............ North American

Constituted as 78th Pursuit Group (Interceptor) on 13 Jan 1942. Activated on 9 Feb 1942. Redesignated 78th Fighter Group in May 1942. Trained for combat with P-38's and served as part of the air defense organization. Moved to England, Nov-Dec 1942. Assigned to Eighth AF. Lost its P-38's and most of its pilots in Feb 1943 when they were assigned to Twelfth AF for service in North Africa. Began operations from England with P-47's in Apr 1943, converted to P-51's in Dec 1944, and continued combat until Apr 1945.
Flew many missions to escort bombers that attacked industries, submarine yards and docks, V-weapon sites, and other targets on the Continent. Also engaged in counter-air activities and on numerous occasions strafed and dive-bombed airfields, trains, vehicles, barges, tugs, canal locks, barracks, and troops. In addition to other operations, participated in the intensive campaign against the German Air Force and aircraft industry during Big Week, 20-25 Feb 1944; helped to prepare the way for the invasion of France; supported landings in Normandy in Jun 1944; contributed to the breakthrough at St Lo in Jul 1944; participated in the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944-Jan 1945; and supported the airborne assault across the Rhine in Mar 1945. Received a DUC for activities connected with the airborne attack on Holland in Sep 1944 when the group covered troop carrier and bombardment operations and carried out strafing and dive-bombing missions. Received second DUC for destroying numerous aircraft on five airfields near Prague and Pilsen on 16 Apr 1945. Returned to the US in Oct. Inactivated on 18 Oct 1945.

Activated in Germany on 20 Aug 1946. Assigned to United States Air Forces in Europe for duty with the occupation force. Transferred, without personnel and equipment, to the US in Jun 1947 and had few, if any, personnel assigned until Nov 1948. Equipped with F-84's in the spring of 1949. Redesignated 78th Fighter-Interceptor Group in Jan 1950. Inactivated on 6 Feb 1952.

Redesignated 78th Fighter Group (Air Defense). Activated on 18 Aug 1955. Assigned to Air Defense Command.
Air Offensive, Europe, Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Central Europe, Ardennes-Alsace  
Baer Field, IN................ Feb 1942  
Muroc, CA......................30 Apr 1942  
Hamilton Field, CA .........May-Nov 1942  
Goxhill, England............ Dec 1942 345
Duxford, England...........Apr 1943-Oct 1945 357
Camp Kilmer, NJ.............16-18 Oct 1945  
Name.............................................. Dates
Col Arman Peterson..................... ... May 1942
Lt Col Melvin F McNickle....................J ul 1943
Col James Stone Jr........................... 31 Jul 1943
Col Frederic C Gray Jr.......................22 May 1944
Lt Col Olin E Gilbert...................... ....29 Jan 1945
Col John D Landers...................... ....22 Feb 1945
Lt Col Roy B Caviness..................... .1 Jul 1945-unkn
« Last Edit: December 04, 2003, 07:38:11 PM by Jester »


Offline MajorDay

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78th FG Recruiting
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2003, 10:05:05 PM »
Thanks for letting me joined the 78th FG and looking forward to fly with you guys again.


Offline Löwe

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78th FG Recruiting
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2003, 07:47:33 PM »

Offline Okugi

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78th FG Recruiting
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2004, 05:47:15 PM »
Heheh, had to start up another allied squad to balance things out again? Looks like JG3 got filled out nicely.

How have y'all been? I think I might finally be getting over that severe case of flight sim burnout, thinking about messing around with AH again... I'll probably just run lone wolf for awhile though. At least until I start getting tired of losing all the time, heh, then I have a feeling JG3 would probably take me back... even if I had to drive the ugliest, most beat up bird they got. As long as it's a 190, I won't be complaining any :).

Hmmm... guess this could easily be called hijacking the thread, but I would like to fly "unofficially" with the old squaddies some. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to tag along with the 78th FG sometime too.

Hopefully, the new HD, RAM, and ISP will get rid of some of the problems I had before, lol.

Offline Reaper5

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78th FG Recruiting
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2004, 11:36:25 PM »
Do you guys ever fly Corsairs?

Offline Löwe

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78th FG Recruiting
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2004, 08:06:06 AM »
Yes we do, but we put a brown paper bag over our heads.;)
Just kidding. As a matter of fact our Ops officer LtMagee is a big corsair nut. Yes we will fly Corsairs , and other USN/USMC planes during PTO's.
P-47s, and P-51s are our main rides when available. Reaper I left you an invitation in both the Combat Theater and Training arenas. Just log into those arenas and you will get them.