Author Topic: The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore  (Read 3541 times)


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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2003, 08:52:33 AM »
Originally posted by fffreeze220
I did not mean they doig a bad job.  But they are, as americans, not very welcome.
European troops migt solve at least that problem.

Why do you think they would?

Offline ravells

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2003, 08:55:52 AM » I was perfectly serious.

If I was a high profile anti-gun lobbyist in the US I would make sure that I had a lot of security around me too.


Offline fffreeze220

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2003, 08:56:11 AM »
more acceptance of european people in the middle east then about US troops.

Offline lazs2

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2003, 09:01:03 AM »
rav... would you say that the huge number of anti gun guys killed by gun rights/2nd ammendment defenders is the reason you would have.... armed... security?  

Like most high profile anti gun nuts you would deny the rigtht of protection to the "little people" who didn't need or understand it or were too stupid, careless and mean to own guns while allowing the elite like yourself the protection of firearms.

rosie odonnel did not fear that her children would wrest the gun from her bodyguard for instance.

gun control is a caste system.... some have human rights and some are denied... in this case it is based on money and power.

Offline Capt. Pork

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2003, 09:05:42 AM »
Originally posted by ravells I was perfectly serious.

If I was a high profile anti-gun lobbyist in the US I would make sure that I had a lot of security around me too.


Again, his lobbying against guns or against Bush is irrelevant. He's simply picking the fruit of the month as far as politics go and running to the bank with it. I sure do admire his shrewd sense of selecting a topic, but no more than I would admire Howard Stern for putting a masterbating Lesbian on the air. Can you say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this guy cares about any of what he writes about? How much of his royalties did he funnel into non-profit organizations supporting his goals? Did these contributions stop him from becoming a millionaire? If not, then I'd say it would be in his best interests to stay amongst us gun-toting Bush fanatics of whom 95% can't find the Northern Hemisphere on a map.

Offline Jack55

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2003, 09:10:44 AM »
I think he is a venomous, abrasive weasel, but he is entertaining.

Offline muckmaw

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2003, 09:13:45 AM »
Originally posted by fffreeze220
more acceptance of european people in the middle east then about US troops.

I strongly disagree.

Can you post anything that might be more convincing?

Offline ravells

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2003, 09:21:30 AM »
I hear what you say Lasz,

Given the number of crazy people with guns in the US and Moore's high profile stance against guns, I think that there is a real threat that he will be shot by one of the said crazies. Bees to the honeypot if you will. On that basis there is a case for him to have security guards. But tell me - is it a fact that his security personnel carry guns? I don't know.

As average citizens do not have his profile they are less likely to be targeted by as many gun owners.

I'm sorry I don't know who Rosie O'Donnel is.

Capt. Pork - I do think you're being a tad cynical. It is not inconsistent that he believes that what he is saying and doing is just and making a difference as well as making himself money. The guy enjoys his work - what's wrong with that?

I don't know what he does with the money he makes from his books and you?


Offline Animal

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #38 on: November 21, 2003, 09:33:32 AM »
Like most activists, he makes some very stupid points, but also some VERY good ones. Especially on gun control, and violence in America.

Originally posted by ravells

Given the number of crazy people with guns in the US and Moore's high profile stance against guns


He is NOT against guns. He owns several, and is a lifetime member of the NRA.

What he is against is how easy it is for guns to fall into the wrong hands, legally.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 09:35:33 AM by Animal »

Offline Capt. Pork

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2003, 09:56:56 AM »
Originally posted by ravells
I hear what you say Lasz,

Given the number of crazy people with guns in the US and Moore's high profile stance against guns, I think that there is a real threat that he will be shot by one of the said crazies. Bees to the honeypot if you will. On that basis there is a case for him to have security guards. But tell me - is it a fact that his security personnel carry guns? I don't know.

As average citizens do not have his profile they are less likely to be targeted by as many gun owners.

I'm sorry I don't know who Rosie O'Donnel is.

Capt. Pork - I do think you're being a tad cynical. It is not inconsistent that he believes that what he is saying and doing is just and making a difference as well as making himself money. The guy enjoys his work - what's wrong with that?

I don't know what he does with the money he makes from his books and you?


two years ago I read that he owned apartments in Both the Beverly Hills area as well as Mid Town Manhattan--both worth over 2 million and that was before the height of the monster real-estate boom in New York. Does he still have them? Don't know. Does he live in either of those two cities? I can only assume that if he does, he'd prefer the West Coast. I do know that he has an agent somewhere in Baltimore.

But my and your not knowing of what he does with his money does speak volumes in another sense. He's not being nearly as Gung-ho pro-workingclass with his finances as he is with his mouth. If he was, he'd be the first person to let you know about it. Am I cynical? Maybe. I came to the US with my family at the age of 4, from Russia, and absolutely love what it has done for me and my family. Are there problems? Yes. But, as Mr. Moore has proven, however, indirectly, not being able to accomplish ones goals on one's own terms is not one of the problems here. Do I care that he kept the cash? No, he deserves it, if nothing else. Does he love his work? WIth two multi-million properties purchased before the market boom, who the hell wouldn't.

Rosie O'donnel is the 350 older brother of Michael Moore posing as a Comedienne and co star of League of Their Own with Madonna.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 10:00:37 AM by Capt. Pork »

Offline ravells

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #40 on: November 21, 2003, 10:06:07 AM »
I have just taken a look at his web site and he says this:

One thing you get used to when you're in what's called "the public eye" is reading the humorous fiction that others like to write about you. For instance, I have read in quite respectable and trustworthy publications that a) I'm a college graduate (I'm not), b) I was a factory worker (I quit the first day), and c) I have two brothers (I have none). Newsweek wrote that I live in a penthouse on Central Park West (I live above a Baby Gap store, and not on any park), and the Internet Movie Database once listed me as the director of the Elvis movie, "Blue Hawaii" ( I was 6 at the time the film was made, but I was quite skilled in directing my sisters in building me a snowman). Lately, my favorite mistake is the one many reviewers made crediting the cartoon in "Bowling for Columbine" as being the work of the "South Park" creators. It isn't. I wrote it and my buddy Harold Moss's animation studio drew it.

I've enjoyed reading these inventions/mistakes about this "Michael Moore." I mean, who wouldn't want to fantasize about living in penthouses roughhousing with brothers you never had. But lately I've begun to see so many things about me or my work that aren't true. It's become so easy to spread these fictions through the internet (thanks mostly to lazy reporters or web junkies who do all their research by typing in "key words" and then just repeat the same mistakes). And so I wonder that if I don't correct the record, then all of the people who don't know better may just end up being filled with a bunch of stuff that isn't true.

Offline fffreeze220

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« Reply #41 on: November 21, 2003, 10:06:58 AM »
Originally posted by muckmaw
I strongly disagree.

Can you post anything that might be more convincing?

No sorry, that is what i believe.

Offline muckmaw

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #42 on: November 21, 2003, 10:13:32 AM »
I feel otherwise, obviously.

I would point to the recent attack on the Italian forces in Iraq specificaly. As a percentage of personnel in the region, I believe they have suffered the same amount of combat casualties as the Americans.

Offline Capt. Pork

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The fun and exciting world of Michael Moore
« Reply #43 on: November 21, 2003, 10:19:43 AM »
Well Ravells, I guess since his website, like his books and movies, propells only the unadulterated truth, then you must be correct. He is a starving working class activist with a documentry that set revenue records and two best-selling books--one of which took only three weeks to sell a million copies and is currently in the NY Times top ten.

How could he bare to live above a morally corrupt branch of the evil GAP corporation? Didn't he make another documentary about the 'predatory' corporate structure this country tends to promote? Perhaps his proximity to one of their shops is just another example of his self-imposed suffering for the benefit of the proletariat.

To tell you the truth, I'm starting to like this prettythanghole a little myself.

Offline ravells

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« Reply #44 on: November 21, 2003, 10:29:13 AM »
Well....I doubt that he would put up a rebuttal like that on his own website if he knew it could be shot down in seconds.

He did write a book called 'Downsize this' which as partly about some corporations which 'extort' money from the american tax payer, amongst other things. You should read it - it's a good book although there is some repetition in that and 'Stupid White Men'.

I really don't think he's trying to promote a socialist culture. Just a more enlightened capitalist one. But you can read the books, watch the movies and make up your own mind on that one.

