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« on: November 22, 2003, 11:58:01 PM »
Welcome fellow americans and enjoy! :D

By Alex Dashevsky

Many older readers have e-mailed me, asking me to write an article exploring what has gone wrong with the younger generation. This is a complex question, and many traditional media outlets have written ad nauseum about the break up of the American family and the abuse of both alcohol or drugs. Yet, not a single media outlet has mentioned what is really destroying this nation, and that is that there are just too many Psych majors.

Such a statement might seem shocking at first, but Psych majors are at the heart of much that is wrong with young adults today. Psychology programs are big money makers for colleges, as they are cheap to produce and can attract idealistic, white, elitist, middle-class high school graduates (along with their parent's tuition money) who come to University knowing nothing of the real world or what they want to do aside from not wanting to take math. They are drawn into taking huge intro to psychology classes, where they learn that through grade inflation and minimal work, they are able to obtain the easiest 'A' in their lives. Encouraged by this, they continue to spend their parent's money on a degree in which they study theories such as behaviorism, social learning theory, and Freudian psychoanalysis. This leads to a feeling of superiority over their fellow students who weren't afraid of taking math classes.

The following four years are filled with partying, drinking, micro-waving gourmet food, listening to National Public Radio, good sex, and experimenting with marijuana and the knowledge that by coming to grips with their oedipal complexes and convincing themselves that the only challenge in life is not to make money, but to become self actualized. These students find that they have a lot of time on their hands. Believing that the combination of maximum grades and minimal work is the result of enlightenment (or what the non-enlightened would call grade inflation). Funded by their parents bourgeois life style and delayed pain of long term education loans, they are above the earthly responsibilities of earning a living. Suddenly, mastering Tetris is no longer fulfilling. They feel that they must give back to the unfortunate, uneducated, and unenlightened working class stiffs. This high mindedness mixed with boredom is a dangerous combination, because instead of volunteering at a soup kitchen, many end up volunteering to tell the unenlightened what to do. They are riled up by stories their parents told them of the 1960's, where students heroically and inspirationally fought and won for civil rights and against the Vietnam War. Yet, they have to look hard for a cause that arouses such passion in today's world. Whereas the 1960's saw visions of black only bathrooms and cohorts being gunned down in Vietnam, the 1990's saw nothing of the sort.

These idealistic young people are taken in by the industry of professional protestors. Too few times do legitimate issues such as global warming arouse passion, probably because such complex issues are very difficult to articulate to those who have a short attention span and are math-phobic. Too often, they are fired up by issues in which they don't really understand, yet makes them feel like they are battling for the underdog. Such issues that fall under this are helping the Chiapas in Mexico, the free Tibet movement, or supporting the Palestinians against Israeli occupation. These organizations have done a wonderful job using the internet to market support, and are good at organizing rallies that are fun to go to. Even the loudest supporters who enjoy meeting people and hanging out at rallies couldn't find the State of Chiapas on a map; think that Tibet was a democracy taken over by Red China; and are lost in the details of a Palestinian-Israeli conflict that are 5,000 years in the making. Whereas they faithfully attend rallies that have more in common with carnivals or rock concerts than political protests, they do not take this same passion to the voting booths. They also do not choose their issues very carefully. Whereas college students know more about the benefits of legalizing marijuana and expanding school loans than the rest of America, strangely these are issues that do not elicit the excitement that Israeli tanks shooting at terrorists. They were quick to march against US action in Gulf War I & II, yet Saddam's invasion of Kuwait nor his massacre of 100,000 Shiites could not hold their attention.

The day after Graduation is a sad day for many of these people who find that they are just not good enough to get into a clinical Psych graduate program. They find that the time they should have been dedicating to internships and networking interfered too much with their sorority and fraternity duties. Suddenly, they are shocked at how job interviewers are not impressed by their senior project of teaching a rat to run through a maze, and that these four (and for some unfortunate five) years of learning have taught them nothing about the real world.

It is at this time that they learn something that they haven't learned in four years in college: that student loans actually cost money when you pay them back. They learn that the conformist, anal-retentive accounting students, whom they have spent four years looking down upon are now making four times as much as they are. These people soon will find out that the guy (or girl) in their high school shop class has actually spent two years studying a useful vocation like being an electrician or mechanic has just bought a really nice house in their old neighborhood and drives a really nice car. These Psych majors feel that they are above spite, so they drown their sorrows away in generic chain coffee and bagel shops; bury themselves in their study of yoga; or shop away their problems by maxing out their credit cards like it was as real as monopoly money; or seeking solace by abusing substances such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Ritalin.

By the time of their first High School reunion, they experience their quarter life crisis. Some choose to work for nonprofits for a while, others brave their luck in cities such as Boston, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles or San Francisco. Finally, they make a major change in their life. Some jumped into the gold rush revolving around the internet boom, which led to the publicized boom and later bust. A good many others went to law school, where today they spent most of their time chasing ambulances and blaming health care, cigarette, and alcohol companies for everything bad that happens. Many others become journalists, who have no background knowledge of what they write about. As a result, they quickly give in to a 'flock' mentality, where they are too burnt out and lack the curiosity to actually look anything beyond the headline of a story.

Psychology continues to be the most studied major on many college campuses throughout this nation. Yet, we must not forget that there are many other Liberal Arts majors, like Sociology and Anthropology, that have also corrupted our middle class youth into studying that which will not get them anywhere. The main stream media can concentrate all it wants on children born out of wedlock and the effects of drug and violence on our children. But, they continue to ignore the problems facing the children who are fortunate to have come from wealthy two parent families.

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2003, 12:08:30 AM »
Oh... this is novel! Someone lamenting the younger generations...


The generations before me complained about mine just as mine complains about yours...

Personally... I think there is nothing to fear and our youth are doing just fine.

Offline Tarmac

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« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2003, 12:14:36 AM »
Ok Sand, would you feel better if it were someone complaining about his own generation?  :p

Offline bigsky

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« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2003, 12:19:40 AM »
i call them yuppies, thats why the 11th commandment should be "never trust a suit".:aok
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Offline Wolfala

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« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2003, 12:29:36 AM »
As a fellow psych major - I am proud to insult my major. Esp considering I came out knowing less about psychology then I did when I entered, but somehow fumbled my way into physics, teaching and doing research on boost phase ballistic missile defense with some of the greatest minds on the planet. I owe it all to my worth less the a sack of **** major. God bless the U of I.


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« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2003, 01:00:37 AM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM
Oh... this is novel! Someone lamenting the younger generations...


The generations before me complained about mine just as mine complains about yours...

Personally... I think there is nothing to fear and our youth are doing just fine.

I found it funny. :)

But I agree with you. Although most all media, for their own differing purposes,  focus on deviant youth left wing types most statistics show americans of my generation are more conservative, patriotic, and family oriented than their parents.

However I think we should dig up some pre WW2 commentary about the greatest generation - at times they were described as a "soft left leaning lot."  So yea innacurate, but I suppose funny in the proper context.

Offline Leslie

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« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2003, 02:02:20 AM »
I started out as a Psych major when I went to Auburn.  No easy A's there.  I changed majors when it came time to experiment with monkeys and rats in the lab.  This was an undergraduate course (sophomore level.)  Requirements were to perform an experiment that had not been done before.  The task seemed too daunting to me.

Anyway, I changed to Spanish because it was the only thing I enjoyed.  But I can say from experience, there are no easy A's in Psychology.  101 is fun and interesting, but after that it becomes science.


Offline davidpt40

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« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2003, 11:17:20 AM »
I am going to switch to psychology if I can get straight A's and not have to take math!

Offline mietla

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« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2003, 11:41:17 AM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM
Oh... this is novel! Someone lamenting the younger generations...


The generations before me complained about mine just as mine complains about yours...

Personally... I think there is nothing to fear and our youth are doing just fine.

You probably haven't read it , maybe just browsed through it.

The article is not complaining about the young generation in general. It is complaining about universities churning out legions of graduates who have no real life skills, and whose only qualifications is a "general compasion".

Be compationate towards everything and anything even if you do not understand underlying issues, and even if your action (although meant well) actually worsen the situation you wish to help.

Offline mietla

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« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2003, 11:42:40 AM »

You must be one of those anal-retentive  business students, aren't you?

Admit it dude, you've never had frappuccino grande, have you?

Offline Octavius

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« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2003, 12:11:30 PM »
As an Engineering student, I see nothing wrong with math.  The only thing I dont "get" are those who "get" it :)  Math-phobias, imo, are a result of laziness when attempting to understand.  I also feel lack of studying (with a result of bad grades) coupled with a lack of caring allows students to lose all interest.

Once you hit that curve in Calculus and it dawns on you "Hey!  I dig this stuff.  Calc is a beautiful art,"  then you're set.  And I think thats true for everyone.  If ya stick with it, you're bound to hit that point.  

I just might minor with psychology.  I've done a lot of independent reading in my free time... but I don't want have to take classes and relearn all the basic bs :)
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Offline Capt. Pork

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« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2003, 12:21:22 PM »
So it's official now, being white, middle-class, college educated(in something other than math) and from a household with two living, functioning parents that never once raped their children makes you the scourge of modern America and thus humanity.

In an effort to save the planet, I'm joining the Nation of Islam tomorrow and on tuesday will reorganize my DNA in order to open the first all-black investment banking firm/Dental office in any city excluding New York, LA, San Francisco, Chicago or Boston. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to get my mom to start doing IV drugs--which I'll chemically synthesize myself.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 12:24:03 PM by Capt. Pork »

Offline Animal

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« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2003, 02:12:07 PM »
What a load of bull****.

What colleges are those with easy psych and sociology classes, cause in mine we have bookworm our way to earning an A, and a big number of people are dropping out or switching to truly easier subjects such as marketing.     Really, what universities is he talking about that anyone can breeze through those subjects?

The author is ignorant of this generation, university education, and even psychology itself judging the way he thinks he's an expert on a generation he is no part of.

His condescending tone and anecdotal analisis hints that he holds a personal grudge against the type of students he demeans; maybe through college he hated and envied them because he was struggling with his math intensive major.

Unless this article was written as a form of comedy, then this guy is a total tard.

Originally posted by GRUNHERZ

However I think we should dig up some pre WW2 commentary about the greatest generation - at times they were described as a "soft left leaning lot."  So yea innacurate, but I suppose funny in the proper context.

Strange that you think that, cause it was the conservatives who obviously wanted to remain in isolation.

You just cant fathom that a generation that is considered "greatest" had in general a different political inclination than you. The war they fought was very, very different from the wars we are fighting now.

Hell, they saved the French, you on the other hand hate them ;)
Take a guess on what side you'd be back then. HINT- look at your nickname and avatar ;)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 02:40:16 PM by Animal »

Offline cpxxx

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« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2003, 03:54:13 PM »
I don't often agree with Grunherz but only that it's funny.  Somehow I don't think the author meant it to be. Conservatives are often funnier than they realise, same with liberals it must be said.

But Capt. Pork hit the nail on the head.
So it's official now, being white, middle-class, college educated(in something other than math) and from a household with two living, functioning parents that never once raped their children makes you the scourge of modern America and thus humanity.

In school in the seventies a teacher read to my class a criticism of student lifestyles. Much the same kind of thing as the above. Students not studying, drinking etc. The usual criticisms of 'young people now days.' and they way they live their life.  Only this one was written by some ancient Greek philsopher thousands of years ago.  The point we thought was that nothing much has changed for thousands of years. But the teacher thought differently. As far as he was concerned we were worse.  He turned out to be wrong as most of us dissolute wasters are scions of the community these days.

Mr Dashevsky's diatribe is more of the same and ignores the fact that most of these middle class kids who suffer angst about being affluent in an unfair world eventually settle down have kids and in turn become conservative themselves complaining about the attitude of 'young people these days'.

I think the headline I saw in a newspaper today typifies it all.

'I used to be left wing but I'm all right now'

That's the way it usually is.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 03:58:54 PM by cpxxx »


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« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2003, 04:05:15 PM »
Originally posted by mietla

You must be one of those anal-retentive  business students, aren't you?

Admit it dude, you've never had frappuccino grande, have you?

No frapuchino grandes but I must admit to having been to starbucks perhpas 3 time in my life - however I did not buy any coffe (inhale?). :)

As for my island mexican friend...

Of course I would have been a nazi in WW2, I fly german planes in a ww2 flight sim!  Thjankfully we have you here who can save us from that evil bad guy in the ninja turtle movies, and ripsnort can then clean up the mess, and Oct is uncle joe himself..  :lol