Author Topic: Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut  (Read 5405 times)

Offline ravells

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2003, 06:00:18 PM »
I can't see how suicide bombing can be called cowardly...just not in our mindset.  I don't recall us thinking that the kamekaze pilots were cowards.

As for having your throat cut...well, same as being killed any other way to my still end up dead.

As for davidpt40, the guy is sick and ought to have his head examined...or he's the best troll I ever met.


Offline Yeager

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2003, 11:43:45 PM »
To compare japanese kamakazis to islamic militants is an excercise in blatent ignorance.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline mrblack

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2003, 11:50:07 PM »
Originally posted by Yeager
To compare japanese kamakazis to islamic militants is an excercise in blatent ignorance.

RGR that the Japanese had some sense of honor and a code.
The bushido code in fact.
The rags on the other hand have nothing but a chickenchit
way of sending young people to there deaths in the name of there God.
How assanine is that!

Offline mrblack

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2003, 11:51:50 PM »
Originally posted by Fishu
Whats wrong with saying that..
Should they have perhaps slit throats of civilian bystanders as well, like those stupid suicide bombers, who kills bunch of civilians to kill couple westerners?
That is cowardish, pitiful and stupid.

Otherwise, it is war and this was basically an unusual thing to happen, since most dies by the explosives or bullets.
Not much different, except it needs more courageous men than the ones with weapons capable of killing from a distance.

shot, blown, stabbed... too bad, the end result is same and it's still a war.

Well if it is so easy then maybe you should join up and be the next in line there tough guy:D

Offline Fishu

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #34 on: November 24, 2003, 02:59:36 AM »
Originally posted by mrblack
Well if it is so easy then maybe you should join up and be the next in line there tough guy:D

Isn't my mess, I didn't tell anyone to go have a war there :)

Offline davidpt40

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2003, 04:27:26 AM »
The appropriate thing to do would be to pull out of Iraq within a few months.  Given enough time and resources, sure the U.S. could 'win'.  But why?  Iraq has NEVER attacked the U.S.  They did not even have weapons of mass destruction (at least no ones that were invented since 1915).

Another post talked about Iraqi teenagers pulling U.S. troops out of their trucks and smashing them with concrete.  I would not even want to see that.  Things are getting too brutal, and anti-U.S. sentiment is too widespread.

Offline muckmaw

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2003, 07:56:01 AM »
Tell me again about the guy who was put on probation for starting an insult post, but this ghoulish creature is not being warned?

Offline Dowding

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #37 on: November 24, 2003, 08:01:30 AM »
I don't know that one muckmaw. Is the punchline good?

I do know one thing though. This davidpt40 guy is a full-weight ****.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Boroda

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2003, 08:13:57 AM »
Originally posted by davidpt40
The appropriate thing to do would be to pull out of Iraq within a few months.  Given enough time and resources, sure the U.S. could 'win'.  But why?  Iraq has NEVER attacked the U.S.  They did not even have weapons of mass destruction (at least no ones that were invented since 1915).

"Pulling out" of Iraq is the most stupid thing US can do now. Prepare for losses both in the US Army and among civilians, prepare for partizan warfare, do what is nessesary for your goals - war is war, and if you'll "lose" it like we did in Afghanistan it will literaly blow up the whole Middle East.

Carry the White Man's Burden that you picked up from your precessors.

Offline ravells

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #39 on: November 24, 2003, 08:15:56 AM »
RGR that the Japanese had some sense of honor and a code.
The bushido code in fact.
The rags on the other hand have nothing but a chickenchit
way of sending young people to there deaths in the name of there God.
How assanine is that!

Hmm let's see:

Man gets into an aeroplane packed full of explosive and flies it into a ship.

Man gets into a truck packed full of explosive and drives it into a building.

One believes he is dying for the glory of his emperor, the other believes he is dying for the glory of his god. Either way, both know they are on a one way mission.

Seems to me that both are equally corageous and/or indoctrinated.

BTW From Buddhism, Bushido gets its relationship to danger and death. The samurai do not fear death because they believe as Buddhism teaches, after death one will be reincarnated and may live another life here on earth.

Well, OK one lot believe they get another life on earth and the other believe they get to sleep with a new virgin every night in heaven.

Same difference to me.


Offline muckmaw

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2003, 08:38:00 AM »
Agreed Ravs.

I'd imagine these 2 cultures simply do not put as much value in human life as others. Or pehaps if I believed no matter what happened, there was an afterlife waiting for me, I'd be more careless with my life.

I don't know, but I simply cannot call either group corageous, because they both killed Americans and innocents. I find calling them corageous is simply too much of a compliment for these scum bags.

But let me put it another way. If you know or think you know that as soon as you detonate yourself, you will either be reincarnated, or go to heaven where there are 70 virgins waiting for you, is it really brave to pull the trigger, or are you taking the cowards way to easy street?

Offline ravells

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2003, 09:26:11 AM »
A number of factors here muck:

If the target is a military one, then I'm afraid that this is the horror of war. We cannot expect them to fight to our strong suits.

What made me despise these people are the civilian targets they often choose, be they young people in nightclubs or even worse the Red Cross station in Iraq.

But let me put it another way. If you know or think you know that as soon as you detonate yourself, you will either be reincarnated, or go to heaven where there are 70 virgins waiting for you, is it really brave to pull the trigger, or are you taking the cowards way to easy street?

The survival instinct is probably the most deeply ingrained instinct we have, probably only second to a mother's instinct to protect her young. The brainwashing involved to override the survival instinct must be phenomenal.

Certainly, Medieval Japanese culture, as refined as it was, was also utterly brutal.  Samurai would use convicted criminals to 'test the sharpness of their swords' and just chop them to bits. Often, the bodies were sewn back together again so they could repeat the exercise. For peasants, survival depended on the whim of their masters.

We saw signs of this brutality again in the Second World War where the Japanese used Burmese babies for bayonet practice.  I cannot tell you how much they were hated by the Malaysians (where I am originally from) even long after the war ended for the atrocities they committed during their occupation. But for every horror story there is also another side of the coin.

My dad was about 10 years old when the Japanese invaded Malaysia. Fearing that the Aussies and the Brits would make a last stand in Kuala Lumpur and there would be a huge fire-fight, the civilian population fled to the jungle. My dad forgot his favourite book and went back home to get it, only to run into a Japanese officer. Japanese officer put my dad in his jeep, drove him to the department store in the centre of town (which was deserted) and told him to take his pick of the wares in the store and then drove him back to the house and let him go.


Offline muckmaw

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2003, 09:48:43 AM »
Originally posted by ravells

My dad was about 10 years old when the Japanese invaded Malaysia. Fearing that the Aussies and the Brits would make a last stand in Kuala Lumpur and there would be a huge fire-fight, the civilian population fled to the jungle. My dad forgot his favourite book and went back home to get it, only to run into a Japanese officer. Japanese officer put my dad in his jeep, drove him to the department store in the centre of town (which was deserted) and told him to take his pick of the wares in the store and then drove him back to the house and let him go.



I simply cannot comprehend how some people are disgusting savages and others are compassionate human beings. I sometimes doubt these 2 very different people are the same species.

Offline maslo

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #43 on: November 24, 2003, 12:24:52 PM »
Originally posted by Dowding
I don't know that one muckmaw. Is the punchline good?

I do know one thing though. This davidpt40 guy is a full-weight ****.

why ??

Offline Pongo

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Two U.S. troopers get their throats cut
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2003, 12:30:22 PM »
The Japanese achieved a level of barbarism in WW2 that the Iraqis have not even put a dent in.
What happend to those two soldiers was no different then what happend in the riots after the Rodney King verdict.  Should we nuke LA because people when free to do so can be very mean to people they hate? That is a universal constant which many posters on this board amply demonstrate and expouse.