Author Topic: 6 discos in 1 month plz read  (Read 1191 times)

Offline Zosma

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6 discos in 1 month plz read
« on: November 27, 2003, 02:29:58 AM »
Hello, i have Adelphia cable internet. Whenever im online they do random emergency broadcasts testing and i get discod almost everytime. I cant predict when they will do it or wven what days they do it, i cant get them to tell me heh. As i understand it..doesnt a disco lower or alter in a bad way your ranks? Im number 2 in my squad in discos i think. Is there anything that can be done here?


Offline Estes

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6 discos in 1 month plz read
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2003, 10:00:19 AM »
I'm no expert by an means on internet connectivity. But, run a pingplot, then email that to either Skuzzy or your ISP. Then, see where that will take you.

Offline WhiteHawk

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« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2003, 04:01:56 PM »
hmmmm.. id let them (adelphia) know what the problem is and surely they will help to fix it.  That is some stoopit sht.

Offline Zosma

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« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2003, 12:19:50 AM »
Good advice but last time i did that they pretty much told me where to go and what to shove where when i get there. ADELPHIA cable internet sucks and i hate it so bad, very high rates bad service ect....ill point out there there is no other broadband services in my schitty town and i gotta have my BB.

so as ya can see talking to them does not work cause they could care less about it. as in my previous post....asked a question about the first reply to my message...(about tracert and ping)

can anyone answer it?

Offline B17Skull12

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« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2003, 02:15:25 AM »
well unles you get say a second line of your internet it might not be stopable or you could just nah nevermind. i dont know if it is possible but getting a second line might work but will cost $ so there is really not much you can do sorry :(

Offline Zosma

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« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2003, 12:31:38 PM »

driving me rank today is 153 much lower would it be if i had no discos? there has got to be something i can do........

Offline bockko

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« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2003, 09:11:16 PM »
i have adelphia. never heard of an emergency broadcast as far as cable internet service goes; if the emerg broadcast is for the tv signals it shouldn't interfere with your cable. Running pingplotter is a great idea, you may have an overloaded local network. When I had comcast my service was crummy with constant discoes.  Adelphia bought our local area coverage and hooked up extra trunk lines; no more issues.

Offline Zosma

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« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2003, 02:19:30 AM »
ok if you have adelphia their number is 1 800 346 2288 i suggest you call it because you are wrong my friend. perhaps you dont play after hours or something because thats when they do it, and before you suggest i play in the work pretty much prevents it. CALL that number and ask about the EBS what times they do it and i bet they blow you off like me and if not YOUR THE MAN. one other thing i can thinkof is maybe your in another state and laws from state to state are different so your state may not require testing.     if this doesnt settle it maybe i should email adelphia about it and post it here for all to see.

and ill ask again...whats that ping plotter your all talking about. you say to run it but i dunno what your talking about ...cant get an answer. also, if its just a simple ping what address am i pinging?

Offline Zosma

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one more thing
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2003, 02:28:40 AM »
ok i see what ping plotter is...............

make that 7 discos now.......

what good will running ping plotter do? what do i do with it? submit it somewhere for credit? and since it doesnt last long nuff but to just disco me...what good will pinging it do when by the time i start to ping its over...see what i b sayin

maybe in a future patch (if anymore) could include something to discriminate tween alt f4 discos and general "unavoidable" discos. i was in the process of landing a few kills with my squad bud when it happened this time HAWKFD and RACRX

Offline SNO

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« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2003, 09:09:16 AM »
Maybe try running a dedicated line directly to the modem, not as it is in a normal house a split here and there and back. Use 1 splitter right as it comes into the house to split to tv's then directly to the comp

Jagdgeschwader 11


Offline bockko

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« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2003, 11:33:57 AM »
#1 - don't get pissy with us because you have a problem; most of the bbs denizen actually spend time to HELP you.
#2 - go to the 1st thread in the Internet Connectivity thread on the ah bbs. You will find some IP addresses. Once you download pingplotter, you input the ip addresses for ah and let pingplotter run. Pingplotter will send a series of test pings to the server and measures how long it took for your ping to get to the server and back to your computer. It will also tell you how many packets just plain never come back. If you have big red bands in the pingplotter display you can rest assured that your cable company's connection is lousy and that is your problem. You can post the results to the Internet Connectivity forum for guidance. You can also send them to your cable tech support, but if your connection is overloaded you may want to check out dsl.

Offline Zosma

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« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2003, 01:19:05 PM »
firstly i wasnt getting pissy, upset at your post yes but pissy no
secondly, if your going to try and help me at least know what your talking about b4 you post please. its not my fault that you posted info that wasnt correct and when i pointed it out ...your the one that got pissy about it bockko. i asked for help not for someone to pretty much call me a liar, which is what you did in a nutshell. but oh well, i do not want to argue about it any further.

"i have adelphia. never heard of an emergency broadcast as far as cable internet service goes; if the emerg broadcast is for the tv signals it shouldn't interfere with your cable."

SNO: that option will not help because when the EBS happens ALL tvs in the house first goto white noise then to the blue screen along with the EBS message of the same time my activity light on on my modem goes out for the duration of the EBS test. at this time i get the udp switch to tcp message then a nice disco. EVEN running a dedicated line will not help cause the cable and tv signals are both takin offline when the EBS test happens. see what i mean?

one thing about getting a different internet service. i currently pay upward of 50 per month for cable net. if i were to switch to DSL i can expect to pay 65 to 70 per month. Verizion provides DSL at 40 per month but after that its up to me to find an isp to carry me and according to verizion they usually charge 25 to 30 per month for that privilage. dialup is not an option (those of you out there with BB know what i mean.)

i will want to thank all of you who tried to help me (even you bockko), but ill say in most cases i have already been down that road but to no avail. this is a pretty unique situation i will admit. i will not download that ping plotter because it will not help me in the present. so i guess ATM the is no help for this situation.

oh well thanks neway

Offline MaddogJoe

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« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2003, 03:34:45 PM »
Well that looks like thats about all the help your going to get here. You keep "snappin" at any one who trys to help you and nobodies going to bother!

I have charter cable, and in Ma they have to run that EBS test a number of times a month and I have NEVER gotten discoed because of it.  TV broadcast signals and internet data signals are totally different phazes and frequenses. they never intertwine.  It just may be by chance you get dumped when you see an EBS test.

OverBKil has been discoed 8 times this month and hes ranked 6th over all, so Im guessing the fewer disco's isnt really going to change your ranking very much.

Internet connectivity is a fickeled thing and anything from sun spots to tornadoes can have an effect on it. Be happy you only got discoed 7 times this month  :aok

Offline mrblack

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6 discos in 1 month plz read
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2003, 05:50:47 PM »
LOL I get 6+ disco's in a week!
just play and have fun.

Offline Zosma

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« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2003, 12:40:31 AM »
whatever stfu