Author Topic: Beta 1.995 bugs  (Read 3805 times)

Offline osage

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Beta 1.995 bugs
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2003, 09:46:57 PM »
p2.8C 800
Abit IC7-G
Radeon 9700 pro Catalyst 3.9 drivers
Saitek X45


First, I gotta say I really like what I am seeing and feeling.  The planes look incredible, the landscape fantastic.

Another cool thing is the smoothness of  rudder inputs.  I use the hand rocker thingy on the Saitek and, no matter how much tweaking of J/S settings I do, they are way oversensitive and I never get even close to a full throw to one side or another without maxing it out.  In AH2 it's finally working the way I suspect most peoples' rudder pedals have always done in the MA.  I finally feel like I can fly properly!  The flight model seems to requires a lot more rudder input in general.  So cool!  Doing a slow roll is really satisfying.

Taking off is much more like what I imagined flying a real warbird was like.  No firewalling the throttle and blasting off anymore.  It takes a sensitive touch with lotsa rudder and you wanna add some downstick as soon as possible  to get off that tailwheel  for control's sake (I read some planes had a tailwheel lock to keep it from grocery carting). Taking off in a fully loaded Pony requires a notch or two of flaps or you're gonna look like a fool trying to stay alive.  The 109 G-10 seems just as twitchy as it's been reported to be with that narrow undercarriage and massive torque.

The flight model seems (to me, a non flyer) more realistic, especially when landing.  If you sideslip with full rudder you really lose speed in a hurry.  


I actually had some hard locks that required me to hit the power switch to reboot until I installed the latest Radeon Catalyst 3.9 Drivers.  The ones I had been using dated from around June.  That also seemd to take care of some freezes and stuttering around crowded airfields.

With all details maxed at 1280X960 I was only getting 26-30 FPS in the air.  When I brought the object size and detail sliders down a notch or two I was getting 50-65 FPS. (this with 4x Anti-aliasing and 4X Isotropic Filtering).  Damn, things looked good.

Zoom was porked (intentionally?).  I shot down a P-51 and it sure looked cool.  His wing came off and the fuselage spun around like crazy as I flew past.  I did a close front quarter pass on a 190 and actually heard his engine sputter out at the same time his engine started smoking.

The clipboard in all planes was obscured by the canopy and gunsight in flight.

I collided with lots of stuff on the ground and it appeared to kill me properly.  Even got a glimpse of broken landing gear bouncing away before I died.

I 2K bombed an enemy hangar in a stang and the crater kinda flickered as I flew around it.  Rockets didn't seem to do anything but flash on impact.

The G-10 has so much torque in autoclimb that it can't keep wings level.

Alt-Tab rebooted the system.

Goon and Spit IX were almost impossible to take off in.

Where da splosions at?


Wow.  This is a quantum leap forward.  As such it will probably be the subject of much weeping and rending of raiment.

Man, I am so looking forward to this when it's optimized and polished.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2003, 10:31:58 PM by osage »

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2003, 10:51:42 PM »
my prop slows down when I kill someone elses engine. it starts again later.

bad stutters when shooting at very close target sort of like a freez stutter.

Interface of hanger slows down usage alot.

icon text still stutters on any movement at periferal view of it. not very steady

explosion marks of 1k bombs at field had weird z buffering with hanger I was bombing

lessend visiblity effects are pretty good. but maybe seem like they are always on when much of the times things should be clearer.

washed out exterior graphics conflict with rigid interior graphics.

tech probs with my joystick unrelated to beta but planes feel very nice I think. Sissors are a blast.

 view system still rocks, maybe even is more effective with this level of detail.

Gunnery seem accurate in crossing shots. good hit indicators.

glare on insterment console makes it look like the hole thing is polished glass not a matt finish like they were.

zoom doensnt work.

new models are nice.
nice improvements to 190A5

Offline Sarge1

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« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2003, 09:44:21 AM »
And you can forget about auto pilot take off. it is now auto Crash  take off. .
............Frame rates still no change for radeons on my end. have details set to middle and all boxes unchecked, disabled Pal text. to get any frame rate up enough to fly..Ground seems to flash alot when in gv
.... too much on the rudder for taking off . damn near impossible to take off in a spit.... need wheel lock for take off. If anyone says they can just up and take off with no problems seem to be using different game had 15 crashes from wheels breaking off.. and plane still moves on field with out prop damage. no landing gear but still can drive around field.
.......When i go to auto climb it dose not climb. I have to rasie nose to my climbing rate hit C then it will maintain that climb rate.
..............when typing and using back space to correct any spelling, frame rates go from 24 to 8.
............ little tiny clumps of grass will stop a panzer and casue it to get stuck and become unmovable. Ground always flashing when in gv ,.
.... saw a red triangle when in hull gun of pnzer outside of tank. .....Guns still disappear when turning them. and sight is off. your not behind the gun but along side it at times
.....No zooms in any position period.....
.pnzer main gun sight shows two. cross hairs and the scale.
........Still what the planes directions on runways and the directions for taking off and what the look like on runway are all off.. Liike on A6 it faces north south, plane on map faces north west. and when you hit deploy it faces North east
....Switching from map room positions are real slow

Offline Kaz

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« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2003, 02:35:11 PM »
Didn't have any problems taking off consistently in any of the planes after I figured out how or got tips from others (no autotakeoff and with a twisty stick) :aok

Frame rate took a hit in this version, down to around 10FPS in flight and around a couple other planes(though it WAS online so I guess that was to be expected). This is with sliders maxed for detail/object size.

With sliders around half I'm getting ~30FPS in flight same conditions as above. Wouldn't want to see what would happen in a furball...

With object size set to full performance and detail around half, got a slight improvement to around 34FPS


I got rear ended by a convoy while driving an m3 on a road, didn't die but went into this never ending spinning and accelerating state. Similar to the bomber gunner bug in AH, required me to exit game.
(Same thing happened near V217, the mountain to the South East, as I approached it to begin the climb in Panzer)

Also noticed some serious terrain texture flickering while in GVs around the base. Once out of the vicinity of the base, the flickering stops.

Cockpit disappears occasionally sometimes briefly sometimes for 2-3 seconds, wing also disappeared for a while, at least 10 seconds. At the time I was heading away from the sun with light shining on the right wing mainly.

To see the whole gunsight on the A5, I had to lower the view to the point where the sight was partly on the the mount, tried default view to make sure I hadn't accidently changed anything but the sight showed up partly on the mount as before.

Occasionally there are times after crashing that the clipboard does not show options for the tower etc. Can only go to the hangar but can't exit.

The engine doesn't stop if the wheels come off, also the prop sometimes slows in the 109g10 after hitting or firing on someone. On the spit9(maybe others as well), the prop became transparent when engine was hit and killed.

Shadows still cover wheels, A5 main wheels are in the runway.

109G10 fuel gauge readout font is too big. C47 copilot airspeed indicator still not functioning. Artificial horizon in C47, the white horizon line flickers in and out of the instrument, the copilot turn coordinator gauge still oversensitive.

Offline Angus

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« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2003, 02:53:39 PM »
Taking off in a Spit 9 is like taking off from Ice with thin snow. Very very tough, and the best way I could do it was by leaving it on autopilot, throttling up slowly to 1/4th while holding brakes, and not opening up untill I had NO tailwheel on the ground any more.
I've been so lucky to see lots of spits take off,it was nowhere near this. Actually, they needed less runway than a Cessna 150/152 and opened up quite a bit!
The FM...well....hmmm
Spit 9 is tougher....and faster perhaps...don'tknow.
But HTC, keep trucking :)
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Blagard

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« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2003, 06:22:57 PM »
Take Off is OK if you remember to start with about half right aileron stick. Open up to manifold 10 and keep that Aileron over (Stops the Duck walk!) You must have full rudder control from the start to hold it straight down the runway, I find booting in stabs of rudder better than holding it over a  little. If you lose heading early on, you will never get it back!
As speed picks up gradually ease off Aileron but keep some in
At 80/90 knots open her up and you are away.

Heck unless its a perfect 3 pointer I crash - That means I can only get down once or twice in about ten.

Take Off as above - Now I can get up every time.

Offline Kaz

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« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2003, 01:28:12 PM »
A follow up for those who might not have heard, HT was in the AH2 arena yesterday and said that they found a bug on the spits that's causing these problems with the tailwheel.

EDIT: OOPS wasn't the tailwheel but a problem with the left wing touching the ground.


Switching to any country leaves me on the field of the country I was last on and unable to change by clicking on a friendly field. Using .move <#> works to correct this though.

Clipboard does not always display the default options, for example after I switched to a different country I was stuck with the O'Club menu. I had to spawn to get the the main menu back.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2003, 03:51:17 PM by Kaz »

Offline Kaz

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« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2003, 03:46:58 PM »
New bugs found, see previous post.

Saw a convoy running across the airfield not following any roads, this was at the default starting field when switching to Knights I think... will post the field to confirm soon.

EDIT: confirmed as A1
« Last Edit: December 04, 2003, 03:52:06 PM by Kaz »

Offline sax

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« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2003, 08:01:19 AM »
Anything I do in the clipboard when in the tower only --causes about a 10 sec freeze.
FPS never dropped below 40 or higher than 50 at 1280 res. My flat screen won't go any higher for any application anyways.

From what I can see beta is looking close to dam fine:)

Offline Doctorr

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« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2003, 11:22:21 AM »
1.- cannot change gunsight from gallery other that the default
( downloaded some gunsights to sights folder but unable to use them ).
2. even after landing ON runway : system says : DITCH

 3. no acks seen at nme fields.

4. when shooting at ground- bullet hits are seen , but when shooting at objects in NME fields: no response.


Offline ramzey

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« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2003, 05:11:42 AM »
finally runnign on  my pc;) just got gf4 440 64mb for 20$ ;)


-engine turn on and propyler is not damaged after gear broke, so plane can still drive
-planes (spitfire) can  drive bottom up

-after picking up p51b got CTD

-when i was swiching detali level (online) got CTD

- got disco when processor is too busy or graphic card is to o busy

and i was only 15 min online ;)

HP pavilion P4 1.4
ram 384
nvidia drivers 45
modem lucent winmodem
connection dial up