Author Topic: Frame rate :-(  (Read 640 times)

Offline 327thBS

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Frame rate :-(
« on: December 02, 2003, 08:07:49 PM »
i have like 1 or 0 Frame rate..when i play there any thing i can do to improve it??:confused:

Offline BlckMgk

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Frame rate :-(
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2003, 11:03:09 PM »
not to be a punk.. first thing to do is remove all system processes that are none essential... If you're using windows 9x/me goto start/run/ then type in msconfig, goto startup, and un check all that you don't need.. you need Explore and Systray, all else are optional to functunality of some of your devices.... i.e. powerprofile (saves user info).. clear your temp files.. and clear your desktop of the icons.. yes windows uses ram to display the desktop, it will slow your computer down to have to many icons on the desktop... had a 3% system resource free up from clearing my desktop... and well the most obvious option buy a new computer... If you have an older computer might mean an older mother board which means some of the new video cards won't be working at their full potential because your board won't be able to take advantage of them, aswell as the new types of ram... Upgrading drivers is another thing you could do...

Could get a half decent system with little headaches from Dell, then spend some dollars to upgrade it from local stores...
Or you could fork over 3k for a system you won't need to upgrade for another few years.. Or just wait around and see where people send you to buy parts and build your own computer (a big headache to get stuff to work sometimes)

Good luck bud,

Offline AKCasca

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Frame rate :-(
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2003, 08:23:57 AM »
dont feel bad.  In Beta 4 I was getting mid 50-70fps in most conditions. In Beta 5 on the ground in an aircraft it is now 7-15, in the air mid 20s.

Abit TH7-II MB
Audigy 2 Soundcard
ATI 9800 Pro
Adaptec 2940U

Ohh and not sure if online is supposed to be enabled yet under beta 5 but if i select it the machine locks hard and requires a hard reboot.

Offline 327thBS

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Frame rate :-(
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2003, 05:54:26 PM »
thxs fer all the help guys

Offline Gypsy Baron

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Frame rate :-(
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2003, 12:47:56 PM »
Originally posted by AKCasca
d not sure if online is supposed to be enabled yet under beta 5 but if i select it the machine locks hard and requires a hard reboot.

 Check your firewall. If it's ZA you'll need to add AH II to
 the list and enable it for internet access...

 A couple of us have been that route, again, already...

Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b