Author Topic: Beta 5 testing is fun  (Read 648 times)

Offline Tilt

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Beta 5 testing is fun
« on: December 08, 2003, 05:12:01 AM »
Gotta say I have had some really enjoyable air to air combat in this Beta........

Plus this rudder authority has given me (a mediocre pilot) some new moves.

I can hammer head the Spit V! I know its not something you should usually do mid combat but it is a neat way to trade speed for angle when the other spit V is flat turning or yo yo'ing. I guess once your opponent realises the HH is a viable option then it would be rather suicidal.

Every manouver seems far more rudder dependant than AH1. Even a tight flat turn is far more efficient and easier to hold with significant rudder and rear quarter stick. In AHI when i try to sustain this close to the edge I will usually lose it......not so in AHII.

Downward inertia in a split S seems greater, what has changed to cause this I am not sure.but the ability to pull out of a loop is not as easy as AHI. Its not so much that the vertical speed picks up quicker (I dont think it does) it just seems harder to recover at the bottom. Throttle gains ever more importance.

190 roll is a delight. I dont know how accurate it  just seems a fun fast AC with crisp control authority at speed.

I struggle taxi ing. I have been practicing in the Spit V. Frankly I cannot be so accurate as to reach the re arm pad except after very long periods tapping on left and right brakes with some rudder assistance whilst crawling at avery low speed which is certainly well below walking speed.

I have not yet held an AC on the runway during a manual take off(needed in the future after refueling). Anticipating the rudder movements is (IMO) very difficult. The best I can do is a sort of  arcing take off which sends me to one side of the field. Basically forgetting the runway and concentrating on a path that does not hit any objects. This would not get me thru flight school.

Driving thru the country side is superb......avenues of trees, winding roads, the odd farm building......... ground stuff will be changed out of all recognition.

Is the absence of Gv spawn arrows deliberate? probably not such a bad idea. It would reduce spawn camping for a while.

I would pick up on general point raised elsewhere. This is the gloom. The ground overlays seems to dull the original terrain colours. The fog tends to shroud the blue skies. The fog may only be a matter of arena set up on this terrain. But if it is desirable to control the object count (in view) and hence the FR by introducing fog then I hope this can be done as a ground fog and not something that eliminates blue skies for ever.

One of the happier aspects of this game is that it does not come with the depressing closed in overcast/tunnel enviroment of many games. Blue skies are appealling to the human psych IMO.

The dull colouring on the terrain may be a function of the overlay over tiles that were not originally designed for overlay.

I look at the level of detail in the various cockpits and wonder at the time that must be committed to all this rendering before even the existing AC/Gv set is complete. Plus time spent per new AC must now be increased for future new stuff?

Using the sun in combat is an actual reality now
Ludere Vincere

Offline Zanth

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Beta 5 testing is fun
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2003, 08:49:25 AM »

Right click over clipboard for options.  Vehicle spawns show as small yellow arrowheads.

Offline Tilt

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Beta 5 testing is fun
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2003, 09:04:25 AM »
Right clicks? rgr thanks
Ludere Vincere