Author Topic: Possible Solution to Killshooter?  (Read 1439 times)

Offline scJazz

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Possible Solution to Killshooter?
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2003, 09:44:05 AM »

Care to comment on my idea? Seems to cover all possible angles. Your thoughts sir?

Offline RTR

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Possible Solution to Killshooter?
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2003, 09:50:37 AM »
Still think it should just be turned off a couple times a week, unannounced.

Although it is rare, it happened again last night to me in MA.

Both times I was within 300yds of my intended victim only to have someone fly through my steam of bb's.
Poor SA? you bet it is, but not on my part. Both times I knew where the friendlies were, and both times I was unable to react. It happens that fast.

This means at least three possible reasons.
1. Poor SA on the part of the guy flying through the stream
2. Kill stealing ( intentionally killshooting you in order to take the kill you set up and worked for)
3. Having no clue there is such a thing as killshooter.

So, how often does Killshooter really affect each of us?
Has happened to me 3 times in the last 2 weeks, and prior to that....? (can't remember, it is pretty rare).

Now, it is entirely possible that the perceived increase in killshooter incidents are related to a fairly large influx of new people to the arena, and will settle down in short order.

But....given the fact that it is a rare event, why have it?
Turn it least a couple of times a week (although I would really like to see it disappear).

The Damned

Offline meddog

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Possible Solution to Killshooter?
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2003, 10:24:13 AM »
I agree there needs to be something done to penalize not only the shooter but the guy that zooms in at warp factor 9 and cuts right infront of the line of fire.  If actual damage is appied to the plane that cuts off another plane while firing, that person would be more leary of and more Situationly aware of those type of tactics that will increase his probability of sustaining friendly fire damage.  Also there needs to be more of something that lacking in this game "communication".  If you see an enemy plane extending with frienly planes in trail firing, hoping to get a long range kill shot, it maybe more advantageous to all parties concerned if you announce your intentions of zooming infront of everyones line of fire because you have a higher probabilty of getting a gun solution based on your higher energy status.  Or better yet communicate and coordinate with those players to formulate a gun solution. That way there are no surprises and none gets KS damage.
Yes I know I suck, other wise youuuuu would be dead so stop bragging.

Offline Innominate

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Possible Solution to Killshooter?
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2003, 11:49:49 AM »
Originally posted by hitech
Innominate. Thats the one change we made to KS in AH2.



Offline sourkraut

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Possible Solution to Killshooter?
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2003, 11:46:50 AM »
Since Beta I have had no more than a handful of KS incidents,
three of which occurred during a squad night when we were
trying to steal each others kills.

Just don't see this as a big problem. Of course I try not to
get in the big kongo lines chasing a single baddie...