Yet another amazingly poor analogy. Explain to me how shopping for groceries in any way approximates a game where the entire purpose is to shoot down opposing players? Aces High is, by definition, a zero-sum game with activities centered around gaining by others losing.
It's not a poor analogy. There is no written law that says you can't cut in line. Some will do it, some won't. Many will consider it impolite to do so, some will try to justify it. In Aces High there is nothing that says you can't shoot a chute. Some will do it, some won't.
The most common reason people shoot a chute is to aggravate or annoy the person who is helplessly dangling in their chute.
It is NEVER ok to intentionally anger/annoy/aggravate our fellow human beings. Thats what I mean by playing nice. Some people just can't understand something that simple