Author Topic: Abuse of Power??  (Read 3912 times)

Offline Löwe

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Re: You must be kidding Me!
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2003, 10:00:29 PM »
Originally posted by shoppe
I just read my email and had to read this from a senior member of AH???? Displays a certain lack of class if you ask me!

Also the reason Axis had numbers on the night in question was that Lokee and Mcgee went on a recruiting drive to get all allies to change to Axis and get a reset. Get you facts straight please!

Here is said letter.


     In the recent light of the shouting match on the BBS over what I
did in the CT the other night, it has really cut to the bone to hear my
ex-squad mates accuse me of all things, "Cheating" and then when I
explained what I was doing to be accused to my face of "Lying About it".
Especially since I did the same more often for the Axis players. Well
that is neither here or there. I gave you my reasons -  like them or not
is up to you. You pay your money so you got the right to ***** about
anything you want.=20
     I will give you credit 2851, that is the "NICEST" I have ever been
stabbed in the back! !  Twodogs, well words just escape me
there.......... guess no good deed goes unpunished.

     Since you think so "highly" about me, I have decided to remove my
name from the JG 3 Website and on my own site for the 322nd BG as ever
having belonged to the squad. Since Lowe and I left I have to admit that
JG 3 has improved in the CT and the squad seems to be doing well.
However IMO the "Character" of the squad has really went downhill.
Sounds like Storch is talking every time any of you get on Ch.1 or post
on the BBS. Might as well change the name to "JG 3 SLOBERDONKIES"  and
invite Shane to join and be the head Clown. It has always been my object
in any squad I have helped form that not only did we strive to be the
BEST but also to be a "Class Act." You guys have pretty much blown that
to HELL for JG 3. I can't complain too much about that though as I
turned over any command position I had with the squad for you to run as
you seen fit.  However, I really don't want to be associated with any
squad or any players like that.

     You know what is funny? I really got on Lowe's bellybutton when he sent
that letter to you guys when he left. Thinking back on it - you guys
probably deserved it.

So consider my Bridges with JG 3 & it's "members" not only Burned but
****ing Napalmed!  BURN BABY BURN!!!!

Happy ****ing Holidays! Hope you all get Crabs!  ;)

Shoppe I got a copy of the letter myself. You left out one important part...................... The letter was addressed to the LEADERSHIP of JG3, Not the pilots of JG-3. As said above by Skernsk I believe. It was a private e-mail between the individuals originally addressed. It should not have been forwarded to the pilots of JG-3 much less posted here.

Yeah Jester should have announced it over God channel.  I agree with Twodogs on that. I'll bet he never makes that mistake again. I can understand questioning his intelligence over what he did , not his honesty though.

This whole thing has gotten blown into a big stinking crap pile. Jester screwed up adjusting the map, and not annoucing it. Others screwed up thinking he was trying to screw the Axis squads. I understand Jesters side, he thinks he's doing the right thing. I understand Twodogs, and Mike or 2851's side. It screwed up their mission , and they want answers.

The lowest, and most ignorant thing on this thread though, was the public posting of a private e-mail.

 Everybodys so damn quick to insult , and be insulted  , you can't get nothing done on this BBS anymore except practice your witty comebacks.

Everybody take a break calm down, then try talking about it instead of bashing each other.

Offline B17Skull12

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« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2003, 10:19:15 PM »
wolf how fast ya type in terms of g.w.a.m.?

Offline wolf05

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« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2003, 11:42:40 PM »
I am really sorry Lowe, but I cannot agree with you. When someone is placed in a position of trust and authority they have to perform their duties in a fair and unbiased manner. They have to show that they themselves are worthy of everyones trust, and will perform their tasks without prejudice, and to also show a little class, something that we have been accused of being short of. Who is the hypocrit here?

I also defend Shop and what he did, as it was addressed to the command staff, but when you and Jester left the squad, we decided that JG-3 belonged to all of us and that we were all equals with nothing to hide from the membership. I think that Shop was just trying to show the lack of integrity and class, which is what we have been accused of not having.

Yeah, I am sure that some wish that they had done things a little differently, but they did not, and now it is biting not only them in the arse, but us too.

the way this whole situation was handled can in no way be considered an oversight. It is quite obvious that Jester had no quams about telling the allied side of the board that the arena was indeed going to be reset, but purposely failed to make any announcements to the axis side. Instead, for just bashing or rubbing it into our faces, Magee was allowed to not only be in on the insult, but to help deliver it in the typical fashion that seems to be directed at not only JG-3, but to the axis players in general these days. We can only imagine their laughter as Magee typed in the 'Hey JG-3, Check Six" taunt, and within seconds Jester reset the arena and we were caught in the middle of a hail of ack and gunfire. I guess that Jester and the lot of them had a real belly laugh on that one, but it was just pure BS as far as the rest of us were concerned.

It was also unfair to label us as milkers, when it was in fact the allied players that jumped sides and started to make a run on all of their own bases. We still do not understand what that is all about, but as Jester already stated... It was the axis forces that were milking the field. Did they just need more material to rip us for. If they would have waited, we would have done it ourselves and they could have had a good reason to insult us for doing it.

I just do not know Lowe, and a few of us are curious if we in fact will even be around to see the long term effects of all of this crap.
Again, we have suspected for some time that things were being done to make things hard on us, but cmon man, what have we done to deserve all of this. Is it because we can get the job done and give them a good fight? Or is it because there is just bad blood that will never allow us to gain any respect.  I give up.
I just wish the whole thing would have never happened, but we were not the ones to let it go as far as it did. At this point the only thing we are guilty of is trying to right a terrible wrong, and look at what it has done to everyone. Enough already.
This is like beating a dead horse and I do not want to do this anymore. I am done with it!

Offline wolf05

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« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2003, 11:47:29 PM »
I do not know B17skull12, I do not have a calender handy!

Offline LtMagee

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« Reply #34 on: December 14, 2003, 12:52:31 AM »
Wolf (twodogs) Did Jg3 just now inform you that I was P-6E HAwk?   LOL, if so, you are slower than my P-40B. Even Shane knew this months ago :rofl

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #35 on: December 14, 2003, 01:28:43 AM »

Joseph, I think this whole matter is much less sinister than you think. I don't know how I missed all this  Thursday. I wasn't even aware there was any reset of the map, or contraversy at all until this morning. I'm not saying your wrong for what you think, and I'm not at all trying to insult your intellegence.  This will be my input on the matter , and believe me if I didnt think it was all a missunderstanding I wouldnt butt in.

We in the 78th have changed our squadtime to start at 9:00 PM EST, so our east coast guys can get more flying time in. Because of my schedule I barely make it at 9:00 PM EST on the dot. When I arrived seabees and I hit the arena about the same instant. since we're a new squad 4 to 5 is about the most we can field on a squadnite right now. so when I saw only seabees and I, my first reaction was, Yikes this is gonna be rough. Then seabees informed me LtMagee was on the Axis side. So I asked him what he was doing joining JG-3??  He laughed and said no I'm over here trying to help them reset the map.

The only part of the map I was looking at was the very northern most, and there was a cloud of red on Bar Dar. So I gave Ltmagee a few choice words, and told him it didnt look like the Axis needed any help at all reseting the map, and to get is prettythang back over here so we could start our squadtime. So he comes back, and not only Magee but he took one of our new pilots with him. Your right he did make the comment hey JG3 watch your 6. I assumed it was his way of saying he was going back to the allied side. I really didnt give the matter any more thought, I just assumed it was Magee being his usual self,, full of mischief.

At that time I also assigned us to roll from A25 to A24 , where the majority of the fighting was. From the moment Magee left the Axis side he was busy with the 78th. If you recall Thursday , that was one big battle up there. So yes the four of us were way too busy for him to be in cahoots with Jester to reset the map. On another note the 78th usually tries to provide escort for the 322nd BG. I looked for Jester before our first take off because I wanted to inform him that we would be in Hurri II's , and not doing escort, but would try to sweep ahead and take the fight low so the 322nd 's Bostons could sneak in. I didnt see Jester on the roster, at that time. We usually PM each other when we arrive on squadnights to get an idea of what the plans are going to be. If he was on I missed him. Add to that I didnt have any contact with him until about 45 minutes later , when he informed me of the 322nds target.

I'm not saying he wasn't there, and if he was he must have ducked out when I initially looked for him. I do know however that I kept LtMagee busy the rest of the night , and there was no conspiracy that I know of to reset the map. Again... That I know of...

I understand if people knocking JG-3 gets under your skin...... To hell with em is all I can say. Looks to me like you guys got yourself the most succesfull Axis squad in the CT. Anybody complaining about JG-3 must like playing with themselves , because the Axis squads are what makes the CT. The majority of people usually want to fly Allied iron, that includes me. How are we going to able to fly, and fight , and enjoy this sim without an adversary? I'm happy that theres a big leathel Axis squad waiting to duke it out with the allied pilots. Anybody that complains of competetion , needs to play offline.

I can understand that if your catching grief , and getting smartprettythang comments from Magee , and then the map resets, your going to think it's a communist plot!!!;)  just threw that in because we were russian last week. If Magee gets on your nerves sic Storch on him. Them two going at it is as balanced as any setup I've seen. One secret about Magee........... The guy is much smarter than he acts. Some of the outlandish whines he dishes are just that outlandish. He knows it, and complains on purpose, I swear I think he does it just so storch will insult him.
He seems to enjoy the replies from your guys more than his own comments.

Okay Joseph, thats what I know of Thursday. Do I blame you for thinking you got rear ended. No not really, however I think you should just keep on keeping with what you guys are doing in JG-3. don't worry if people whine, most do when they get their prettythang whipped. I havent seen anything from the allied squads bad said  about you guys. I think the majority of them are like me, glad somebodys over there willing to do it, and do it well.

I still say Jester had no evil intent adjusting the map. He's just too damn serious about what he does. He also is way too fond of JG-3 to screw you guys on purpose. He may have done it on accident, and then got offended by the backlash, but he would not have set out to pork anybody especially you guys.

AND YES HE SHOULD HAVE ANNOUNCED IT ON GOD CHANNEL. I won't disagree with you there.

Okay Jospeh I'm off my soapbox, and off this topic, I hope it comes to a satisfactory conclusion.

Offline wolf05

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« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2003, 01:34:58 AM »
No Magee, I knew it as soon as you snuck back in. It was not hard to peg you as the whining was exactly the same as it always was. You are very distinct it that area.

Offline LtMagee

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« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2003, 02:05:06 AM »
wow, I just read your other post as well as Lowes post. I had no idea this had developed.

I must say that I went Axis to try and help capture the rest of the bases so the arena would reset before 10pm eastern. It would have been nice to be able to fight with some room and radar. I deported to axis with skastjr ( I think jr but may have been sr). There were about five of us.  When squad time rolled around I went back allied (per lowes yelling ;-) ! and made that check 6 remark as a sarcastic The truth is, I am rather "quiet" during squad times and save the bad words for my wingman when I get shot down. :cool:

You guys are doing a great job capturing those bases. I dont like that in the CT but its part of the game. Frankly its not what I think the CT should be about. After our conflict with the BoF were you guys ignored the map theme, then the Finn map were you continued the capture craze....then the current map being ten times harder for our "Liberation" of  Okinawa.....I kinda lost my cool. The sequence of events didnt look good and I can certainly understand why you (you guys) think jester did what he did.

For what its worth, he did not .
« Last Edit: December 14, 2003, 02:08:04 AM by LtMagee »

Offline wolf05

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« Reply #38 on: December 14, 2003, 02:20:52 AM »
I am sorry Lowe, but knowing how close you are to Jester, I feel that this is damage control. I was there, lifting off with several of my squad members when the taunt came through and within seconds the stuff hit the fan. But you would have us believe it is all just a big coincidence.  As far as how Andy feels about JG-3, well, his letter to us explains his true feelings on that matter. And no, I do not care for seafood, but thanks anyway, and Happy Holidays right back at you, and I am being much kinder than you were.

This is strange, as all of a sudden we are now being recognized for our ability to take it to you guys and now we are just chips off the old block, Like nothing ever happened.

Is that what all of this was about? Not being able to beat us on the simulated battlefield, so we were sandbagged. This is getting richer by the moment. You know, I wish we were wrong, as it would at least be clear cut and we would finally have a difinitive answer to this whole mess.

I am sorry, but at this point of the game, the only person we are interested in hearing from is Skuzzy. And what he has to say on the matter. You really cannot blame us at this point if we do not trust in any of these last minute praises and slaps on the back.
And you trying to come across as some kind of calm, smooth talking go between is humorous at best. You have already shown us that you are quite the Jekyll and Hyde when your buttons get pushed. You flip flop like a squid on a hot dock, so please Lowe, just knock it off. It got old on your first attempt.

Offline wolf05

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« Reply #39 on: December 14, 2003, 02:24:51 AM »
Yes maggie, you are quite the fountain of honesty arent ya, but it is great to see you all still working together for the cause... Yours!

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #40 on: December 14, 2003, 05:34:50 AM »

Your right my attempts to help straighten this out are stupid. I should have stayed out of it , I just figured you , and Jester would regret this later.
Why should I or anybody else try and reason with you?

Knock yourself out.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2003, 07:18:41 AM by Löwe »

Offline Swager

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« Reply #41 on: December 14, 2003, 01:46:48 PM »
Blah, Blah,Blah, Blah and Blah!!
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline LtMagee

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« Reply #42 on: December 14, 2003, 01:48:56 PM »
ok now I am confused (which doesnt take much). I know Wolf and Twodogs are the same person but is joseph ?

Anyway, what I said is the truth but oh well, life goes on and this is a game. I aready know I have a bad rep and frankly I dont give a rats prettythang. There are a few players that I still consider "friends" in Jg-3 but the squad as a whole has lost all my repsect how they operate in the CT (not that you care..hehehehehe Im sure you dont ;) .

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #43 on: December 14, 2003, 02:26:43 PM »
Originally posted by LtMagee
. There are a few players that I still consider "friends" in Jg-3 but the squad as a whole has lost all my repsect how they operate in the CT (not that you care..hehehehehe Im sure you dont ;) .

Did this loss of respect have anything to do with one of em shooting your butt off???:lol  

 I think you should have to ride the little short bus to school the rest of the week Magee.:p

Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #44 on: December 14, 2003, 03:46:46 PM »
I would like to point out jester, dont be surprised about how twodogs is acting. If you recall in may of this year you had a member of your squad by the name of BBBB, I left your squad due to the verbal abuse I had to deal with from twodogs, I told you then he was a person of little value, and should not be trusted, its pretty sad that  JG3 has been reduced to this. In the short time I was a member of JG3, I was always impressed by the squared away apperance of both the squad CO (Jester at the time) and most of the members.
 Twodogs, your tatle-tailing is nothing new, I think it would be best if you took a break from AH for awhile, back when you were bashing me you used the exscuse that you were "stressed out" I have to ask now, what is your problem? I mean get over yourself, the allies seem to always get the short end of the stick, the map was changed in the face of fair and fun game play. So lose the chip, and just shut up and fly.
 Jester, good looking out, I have never been disapointed in how you handle things, as long as I have known you I have noted two things, you are fair and you are honest. I back up your call to change the way the game was being played. Thank you.
 Ohh and one more thing.... stop playing with your hose, sparky. ;)