Originally posted by AKIron
Would or will vote for him? I suspect that if and when they are found you'll find some other reason to despise him. But hey, you're free to prove me wrong.
Whether I do or not... so what.
I can explain my reasons for liking him or not liking him.
Unlike many on this board who only bleat out the mindless message Fox News and the right wing media programs them to repeat.
It's rather simple, Bush justified the Iraqi war by saying they had WMD - stock piles of them, ready to use against Americans... they haven't been found - his words don't match the truth.
400 Americans are dead...worse. over 6,000 are wounded and maimed - those numbers are not being reported!
Those are Americans who must live with disabilities for the rest of their lives, because of a war justified by lies.
Bush is violating internation law and the US consitution with his actions at GITMO.
The courts will settle this... cases are before the supreme court... there's talk in congress of redrafting the patriot and war powers act...
This is democracy at work.... right now Bush as the freedom to do his thing... and history will be the judge and so will the American people come November 2004.