GUys here is what I got back this mourning So I am with drawling my subbmittal.
Hello Bill,
If you had ever seen the actual limited edition print of the image to which you are referring, which shows much greater detail than a computer download, you might have noticed the worn faces of the bomber crew and the wound on the hand of the gunner. This indicates that what you are witnessing is an Eighth Air Force debriefing scene. In fact, the title of the painting is, "After the Mission". The crew is being interrogated by an intelligence officer after a harrowing mission.
As far as its use by Hitech creations is concerned, the artwork is copyright material. There would be a licensing fee for its use by Hitech. The company should contact me directly if they are interest in the use of my art. Also, the art should be shown as is, without anything added, subtracted or altered on the image in any way.
Thank you very much for your kind words about my paintings. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.
Gil Cohen