Originally posted by Toad
I mean, you can't do stuff like that if you're being inspected right? No way, no how. The inspectors would easily find it, right?
No, not necessarily. And the implicate comparison to the UNMOVIC inpections in Iraq is unfair. The two programs were different in intent as well as size. I find it interesting though that you are taking Kadaffi's word at face value though.
And it certainly isn't really to surprising a move and no it's some sort of intant turn around for him. Kadaffi's being trying to turn around western opinion on him and his government for quite awhile now. An example is his desire to pay compensation to families that had members die do to Libyan sponsered terrorism. The seat Africa voted Libya to have on the Human Rights Council. And his attempts to help tyr and form a United States of Africa.
This is certainly a fantastic gesture, but I wonder how much of it is just gesture.
To assume because the UN was wrong about Libya it was wrong about Iraq is pretty silly as well. Once again totally different operations.
As fair as the UN Scurity Council being cowards. There's a couple of ways you could look at it. One that they were cowards because they didn't invade Iraq. One wonders what they could so afraid of, especially after seeing the pasting Iraq got in the Gulf war.
Another way is to see as courage for not kow-towing to the US government, it's bribes, or it's blackmail. Especially in light of the manufactured "evidence" poor old Powel had to present to the UN.
The UN is corrupt. Well it must be, some Cambodians sure apparently thought so three decades ago. That's called a fallacy of biased sample. Sure there are problably corrupt people in it, as was said earlier, huge organisation, it wouldn't be surprising. But to then somehow conclude that it's deep systemic problem with no evidence is poor reasoning.
But just remember, the US went to war too stop Libya from making WMD, no wait, it was for Iraqi freedom, no wait, it to stop SH's WMD program. Whatever else, it wasn't because the Bush administration told you and your elected representitives that Iraqi WMDs were an immediate to the US.