A post about "how to get a high rank" by someone with an overall rank of 38th (Tour 47) is interesting. Credible, I would say.
A thread involving 0.7%* of the player base comprising the top 18%** rank overall (top 13%** fighter) that says rank has no meaning is suspect.
The rank/scoring system is a joke, yet it is what most of us peons are measured against by the same illuminati who insist that rank has no meaning.
We recognize the caste system in dogs because we rank ourselves by the familiar dog system, a ladder arrangement wherein one individual outranks all others, the next outranks all but the first, and so on down the hierarchy. Thus is rank perceived by the majority of players in Aces High.
Yet the top ranked players in the game always espouse the "rank has no meaning" POV, and see themselves more akin to the feline caste system, which is more like a wheel with a high-ranking individual at the hub and the others arranged around the rim, all reluctantly acknowledging the superiority of the despot but not necessarily measuring themselves against one another.
Yeah, right...
The majority of players in this game regularly measure themselves against one another based purely on rank and time in-game (and number of posts to this BBS). I was in the TA recently, assisting where I could, BS'ing quite a bit, when the subject of AH Conventions came up. What did the new players want to know? If I had met any "big names" at the Cons. I took that to mean HiTech et al, but no, they wanted to know if any of the top ranked players were there.
* Percentage based upon 37 of 5200
**Percentage based upon the averaged overall and fighter ranking (Tour 47) of the 37 players who participated in this thread