Author Topic: Winning the War is Fun  (Read 293 times)

Offline Hap

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Winning the War is Fun
« on: December 31, 2003, 09:30:08 AM »
a possible idea for some, maybe, who aren't happy with how others play aces high i.e. porkers, stratters, furballers, and any others i left out.

i play as if the game has 1 objective.  so my country can read the system message "you have won the war"  "you have been awarded perk points."  

now where the game (not the business--which has a different goal) has been desigend with victory in mind; certainly, many play for other objectives than winning the war and for other reasons no doubt.  winning the war and having fun doing it just happen to be mine.

as for the "war winners" winning is a matter of managing resouces.  and i can think of six that may allow a country to win or lose the war.  1) # of pilots.  2) # and position of operational fields.  3) each field's operational status or lack.   4) manufacturing output of your country, and on large maps, of each zone.  5) # civilians who are able to work in the factories.  (on this one i like to imagine there's 10,000 working in a city in each zone--since we're on fester map right now.  if my country has a city in a zone that is 61% operational, 3,900 have died and it'll be three hours before replacements can be found.)  6) headquarters where the brain-trust is plotting :rofl

trying to see that means you have to know the status of your other 2 opponents' resources too.   then find the best way to strengthen your country's war effort and weaken your opponents'.  it is fun.  a blast.  a hoot.

now the 6 recoures they have bulit in pre-designed, i'll call them, "spawn limits"  or "spawn time."  for example, #1 has a 0 spawn limit/time.  shoot me down.  i re-up lickity split.  

#2 is way way tricky.  and the most fluid.  its spawn limit/time, i guess would be the quantity of time to obtain a base from a foe.  how many minutes or hours.  also, its inverse, # of minutes or hours to defend.  and you might throw in the # of pilots necessary to do the job.

#3 is predefined for us but we and affect it.  ammo, fuel, dar, troops, ack are ded for 2 hrs. bldgs 45 mins.  hangars and sb's 15 mins.  but we can resupply if we have working factories and enough workers to man our country/zone's indursty.

#'s 4 & 5 have the same spawn limit/time 3 hrs to get stuff up and running.  though factories can be resupplied too.  to the tune of mega mega points.  though i don't know 1st hand how resupply affects industy.

#6 2 hours for hq to come back up.  but it too can be reupplied if it be totally destoyed and you have the resoures to do it

certainly is multi-dimensional.  for while this goes on, there's zillions of us it seems, doing what we like doing best be it fur, strat, pork, try to win the war.

i've not done hardly any buffing since the bomb sight changed.  but yesterday i did.  it was a blast nailing factories from 25 and 30k.  and the hoot of it is the 1 low alt buff run i made, which i don't know how to do failed even though i wasn't shot down.  from 1,000 feet i missed by 2,000 feet :lol

so for me it's all about winning the war.  but not for others.  they have more fun holding different objectives in mind.  

seems where friction stems is where the furballers can't fur under the conditions they most prefer after porkers pork.  merly an example there's probably others.  

except when the dismal end comes close, there's always something valuable one can do for their country's war effort.  that "fun" isn't taken away until the handwriting is all but on the all.

to all


Offline lazs2

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Winning the War is Fun
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2003, 12:14:14 PM »
I guess what is really happening is that we all see the way we play the game as fun.

I don't find what you do fun and no doubt you wouldn't find what I do fun either.   let's just hope that gameplay can accomadate us both.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2003, 02:22:56 PM by lazs2 »

Offline Ecliptik

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Winning the War is Fun
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2003, 01:10:15 PM »
Lazs, no matter how much you try to tell people what you think is fun, you won't convert people who have different preferences.

You're trying to convince people who like green that yellow is a better colour.  It just doesn't make sense.

Right now, AH is fairly receptive to many different styles of play, and that's good for business.  If hitech implemented your endless suggestions, everyone who doesn't play just like you do wouldn't want to play anymore, cutting out a large customer base and hurting this company.

Offline lazs2

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Winning the War is Fun
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2003, 01:23:19 PM »
yeah but.... you're from canada.


Offline MetaTron

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Winning the War is Fun
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2003, 01:51:15 PM »
In some ways I agree with lazs. I think the capture victories should be moved from goons to GVs, which he probably won't like. My idea would, however, slow the process of the land grab. In my view, the capture of a field is nothing when compared to the keeping of it. Overrunning a field should not capture it. There should be some other way to make it yours, and a C47 should not be able to take it alone. I don't think there were examples of that happening in WWII, but maybe WideWing can correct me on that. The goon should aid in taking down a field, or town, but possession of a minimum area around the field should be a requisite of a capture. Say, start taking down the next field, with GVs and/or troops on the ground. Loss of that peripheral area should loosen your grasp upon supplies, etc.

The orignal premise was good when the MA lacked numbers, but these days it's too easy to become proficient as a group (hoard). This will also even out the advantage a majority population enjoys.

Can't wait to see what TOD has to offer.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2003, 01:53:48 PM by MetaTron »

Offline nopoop

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Winning the War is Fun
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2003, 01:51:49 PM »
You know I can see how that might be fun. Depends on what you enjoy.

10 pilots hit a base, everyone a target, moves like clockwork. Seen it done. I could see that might be fun. It's fun shooting them down.

I have no problem with the master wargamers. I have a problem with fuel porkage.

I have a problem with the steamroller.

Something about sixty guys rolling over bases that leaves me cold.

That takes no thought, just have the horde move from base to base.

I don't see how that portion of wargaming could be fun.

But that's just me.

It's ALL about the fight..