Author Topic: NEXT AH Scenario - RURH  (Read 12900 times)

Offline jordi

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NEXT AH Scenario - RURH
« Reply #60 on: December 04, 2003, 05:47:51 AM »
We will be keeping an eye on the overall balance so it does not end up being too loopsided between 1 side or another.
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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NEXT AH Scenario - RURH
« Reply #61 on: January 01, 2004, 12:16:48 PM »
Um, I'll try to put this as gently as possible, but part of the problem here is the very fact that a game has been announced with the title "Battle of the Ruhr".

In real life, the LW would not have known precisely what forces we were sending where on any given day. And spoof raids, secondary raids, deception, etc was a major part of what kept our bombers alive, both by day and by night.

If the Allies are allowed none of the above, then what is to stop the LW from camping just west of the target area leaving teh rest of Europe undefended?

It might have been a better notion to have simply given the game a title that indicated the ETO in 1943, without giving specifics away.  Then the LW would have to try to defend potentail targets all over the place, much as they did in RL.

Another thing that is of great concern to me is that given the general imbalance between numbers of fighters and bombers in AH, and assuming that imbalance will exist in this game, starting the game with the odds tilted against the Allies looks horribly like a case of just regarding bombers as being there to be manned target drones for the opposing fighters.

IF - and I repeat IF that is the case (and not being privy to the planning, I do not know) then that is Not Good At All.  

I would like to take the opportunity to plead with the CMs that in future before announcing games like this that should be heavily bomber-centric that they take the time to ask the more experienced buffers amongst us what things are relevant to us buffers in the kind of game that you would like to put together. Otherwise, you can get a situation where you cause unecessary problems and end up needing to fix stuff broken at the outset that neednt have been broken with a little more effort bomber-side BEFORE making anything public.

Seriously - if what interest you most is the fighter-side stuff, I respect that, but bomber-side is a whole different kettle of fish, and the kind of planning that might work great for pure fighter vs fighter (with maybe a few JABOs thrown in) just does not work well with serious bomber involvement.  And of course, the more "broken" games are, so far as buffers are concerned, the less happy we'll be to fly in them, and the harder it is to attract more buff pilots to play in the games.  It simply is not as straightforward planning for buffs as it is for fighters, not at any stage of the process.

I'm sure that I speak for the other dedicated bomber pilots here when I say that we're all willing and eager to help, but you need to start things off without too many preconceptions, and also to ensure that those aspects vital to making it a good game for buffers are addressed.  We want the fighter-types to have a good game, too. In no way do we want to make things good for us at the expense of fun for the fighter pilots. We're just a bit tired of being left the dregs and then being expected to jump for joy when we get as much as that little - and that's across games in most similar software, not just AH.  AH could be sooo much better for us buffers.  Let's see if we can make it so, eh?

Over to you...


Offline jordi

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NEXT AH Scenario - RURH
« Reply #62 on: January 01, 2004, 01:14:10 PM »
The allied Staff is doing everything in our POWER to get as many Bomber pilots and squadrons registered for theevent.

The Numbers originally posted represent the MINIMUM number of bomber pilots we felt we need to run the scenario.

We hope and expect MORE than the minimum to register ( That is our plan ) so that the final numbers will be closer to a final REGISTERED NUMBERS have a BALANCE between the LW and Escorts and Bombers and even regsitered GUNNERS.

The Allied Command staff looked the rules, the numbers and gave the CM a list of changes we felt we needed to make the scenario more balanced. Almost all of the changes we asked for we got.

The ALlied command staff has a VERY GOOD MIX of experienced Scenario bomber pilots who gave me plenty of things to think about and to ask certain modifications.

With Formations turned on we hope to have MORE BOMBERS in the air than there are LW or Escorts !
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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NEXT AH Scenario - RURH
« Reply #63 on: January 01, 2004, 05:19:28 PM »
Aye, I know, Jordi. I'm not naysaying or belittling any of the effort going into the game, m'dear.  What I am saying is that to make it easier to recruit buffers, the games need to be thought out around buffers in the first place.  

You yourself have said that there will NOT be certain important aspects to the game that were present in RL and that one could have in such a game. And I've pointed out that handing the foe the name of the target in advance wasnt exactly standard procedure for those planning bomber operations, and that doing so in scenario games like this creates problems (because you then have to invent some way of preventing the defenders from camping on the target in an unrealistic manner) unecessarily.

Aye, no-one's perfect, we all make mistakes, oversights, etc. I know I do; I'm just trying to do my bit by making suggestions to help improve things for future is all.   You may recall that I HAVE been involved in helping get one of these together in AH before (as well as other times elsewhere, too), and the biggest problems then were that there were too many preconceived notions in place before any buffers were even asked about it.  What resulted went surprisingly well, considering, but could have been so much better had the buffing side been looked into earlier and in more detail.

Guppy pointed out a potential problem, I'm just speaking to that and pointing out other possible, and avoidable, problems.  Maybe they'll affect the game greatly maybe they won't - let us hope not.  What can we do based on what info we see here, though? And surely it is better to discuss these kinds of issues for the benefit of all, rather than just keep quiet and cross our fingers?  Pool our knowledge and experience, kind of thing?

One of the things that may be being overlooked here is that when trying to refight (in a way) a historical event, it isn't only the hardware but the organisation and skills of those using the hardware that plays a part in making it go in the kind of way wanted.  No disrespect to our friends that prefer MA-style gaming to realistic style gaming, but the two are very different, and I've come across a few folk quite enthusiastic about bombers who nevertheless think that all there is to using bombers is to learn the way AH works  and press the relevant buttons.  They see folk who like to try to do things in as realistic a manner as possible, and wonder why we dont fly at full throttle, why we dont just grab a plane from the nearest airfield, why we bother with formation flying (when appropriate), why we dont like taking off at airfields at extreme elevations, and why we carpet-bomb when we each have perfetly good bombsights, and so on.

I've seen entire units think like that, over the years.  And I've seen them take part in big organised games and wonder why the heck they got the stuffing knocked out of them when the other units that didnt go in "hard and fast" did not.  The reason is often that no matter their affection for their planes, that they did not understand bomber operations very well.

I've been surprised, too, over the years, at how tenuous a grasp on WW2 history some folk are who play these WW2 simulation games.  Again, it's no skin off my nose and nothing shameful that they don't know their history well, but if they don't understand the subject, it's not surprising that they have funny ideas about the best ways to do things, and end up learning the painful way what works and what does not., when history is there to show them what is liable ot work (bearing in mind that the software reality will have differences to teh real reality that impact things).

I don't claim to be an expert on all aspects of WW2 air warfare, far from it. I specialise in what the LW and RAF got up to in the West, and know least about what happened in the PTO.   I've also had experience of planning  raids realistically (insofar as the software allows) many a time over the years.  And  bomber planning is all about military intelligence, deception, and downright sneakiness.  Even the apparently in-yer-face daylight raids that 8th AF and near the end, the RAF ran used deception whenever possible to keep casualties down.   Bomber operations were suspended now and then in the face of unacceptable casualty rates, whilst they thought of new ways to get things done, or waited for new equipment to come into service.  

And its not just me or my unit. I know of at least two other units that play in online WW2 games that think the same way, and that are outstandingly succesful because of it.  Less casualtuies, more times through to target, more RTB's - all because we strive hard to do what we do as best we possibly can.  It might not seem as glamorous learning proper bomber skills as it does learning the finer points of ACMs and deflection shooting, but it rewards learning just as much.

Games that allow those skills to be put to use tend to go better than those that do not, in my experience.  And they are a lot more fun for the bomber pilots, and just as much fun for the fighter pilots.

So I'm just trying to help to nudge folks to "think bomber" more in future, is all.  It's just that points relating to the current game have, naturally, cropped up.  I'm not decrying the effort that's gone into the current game, OK?  No need to be so defensive, Jordi, none at all.


Offline jordi

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NEXT AH Scenario - RURH
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2004, 10:10:44 PM »
So I'm just trying to help to nudge folks to "think bomber" more in future, is all. It's just that points relating to the current game have, naturally, cropped up. I'm not decrying the effort that's gone into the current game, OK? No need to be so defensive, Jordi, none at all.



Hope I did not come across as defensive in my reply.


This is just to help carlify things.

I think you and other DEDICATED Bomber pilots and squads will be suitably impressed with the work the Bomber and Fighter XO's and Bomber and Fighter GL's in laying out missions, WP's and timings to get the bombers in formation - to get to the right point on the map at the right time - to get the Escorts to RV at the right place and time - to hand off Escort duties to other Fighter Groups as time and distance dictates.

Regardless of any of the rules - the work and prep and the actually flying that will actually be used in the Scenario frames will be very different than the "Usual MA" Style of flying that most are used to.

Thanks for your comments.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2004, 10:16:16 PM by jordi »
AW - AH Pilot 199? - 200?
Pulled out of Mothballs for DGS Allied Bomber Group Leader :)

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Offline EsmeNhaMaire

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NEXT AH Scenario - RURH
« Reply #65 on: January 02, 2004, 04:01:17 AM »
Good reply, Jordi, !

I think maybe transatlantic differences in use of the language may have appeared there... I find this occasionaly when I'm emailing Americans that sometimes the way one party in the conversation expresses things impacts the other party differently than intended, and so one can get impressions of agression or defensiveness where none is intended.  

Such slight differences in the way our two countries use the language, such potentially big problems as a result (and thats ignoring the usual person-person possibilities of misunderstanding) - always amazes me! One tends to be more on guard for difficulties with language when one of the parties isn't a native English speaker, but I must admit, I tend to forget about that potential when chatting with Americans.  It doesn't usually cause big problems, but when it does, ... (winces at memory of a few such incidents I've had).

Humans... pah! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, eh?



(This way, Mr Alien! Here! Come take me back home! ;-) )

Offline Grimm

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NEXT AH Scenario - RURH
« Reply #66 on: January 07, 2004, 12:46:21 PM »
I just felt the need to share this memory of misunderstanding the same language from other sides of the atlantic...

it was the first run of Tilts Neimen Scenario...  

The rule stated something like to capture an airfeild more than 3 GVs must be parked at the feild at end frame.    

Everyone in the USA read that rule,  we all played and  parked 3 GVs at each feild, figuring we had a bunch of captures.    

Tilt rightly did not count the captures and we were all up in arms,  after all  we had the 3 required GVs on the field right?.   Tilt refered us back to the rules.  

Yup... It wasnt 3 that was needed,  it was MORE THAN 3.   Right there in plain english.  Iv also respected Tilt alot for sticking to the rules.

 Funny we all misread it, and Ill always atribute it too a difference in how we tend to state things.   Pretty Funny when you think about it.