I was at 23k the other night flying with 1 1lefty and another 2 ship. I had a d-9 and he was in a LaLa. There we 2 x 38 's winging slightly below us. Lefty and I got the 2 guys separated and went to town pouncing the one guy we had by our self. Hey did a great job in that “POS” P-38. He managed to drag us both down to the deck and blow all of my much needed E in my Dora. I was so close to him most of the time I could see him working his flaps and rudder, but I couldn’t get my nose on to fire a shot. I finally got a good H/O on him while he had the La-7 on his 6 but dang, it was a good fight. There was no crying on channel 1 about the stupid dweeb H/O dork that just shot me down.. By the way, his wingman, the one we thought was killed by the other 2 ship in our flight swooped down at about 600KIAS and nailed me as I was making my victory roll over his chute.. Lesson here, in the right hands the P-38 is a great aircraft that should be respected when above you or has an E state better than yours. The aircraft you dont see is the one that is going to kill you every time reguardless of what type it is. I hate to say it, but its not the plane that kills you it’s the pilot. By the way Ak-Ak, I am looking for you. I will be at 30k all for the next week in my Dora. I have to land an Ak-Ak kill.
Long story short, dosent everyone have to much time on their hands if the only grip to yell about on the bbs is which planes suck the most.
Sorry about that, it was just a thought from a guy who is bored at work.. (S)