Author Topic: Two week observations...  (Read 1051 times)

Offline Grits

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Two week observations...
« on: January 13, 2004, 12:13:45 PM »
After two weeks I have noticed some things. There is a LOT of complaining on Ch1 about various issues, and while I never respond online I thought I'd throw some IMHO's out here for discussion. In no particular order...

1. HO's. Lots of complaints about HO's, most of the Ch1 traffic is $h!t talking and HO beechin. $h!t talking is hilarious, HO beechin isnt. I dont often get HO'd, or go for a HO but it happens. Usually the average player (not that I consider myself above average, the contrary actually) does not even attempt for either vertical or horizontal separation at the merge and I do, so I'm rarely in a position to get HO'd, but it happens. The only time I take a HO is when it is obviously a good pilot because they manage the merge well (IE, better than me) and end up relatively nose-to-nose. At that point I'll take a HO, however I always apologize to the guy on Ch1 afterwards, but I dont get upset when I get HO'd. If HT didnt want us to take HO's then those hits would be thrown out like in the old AW.

2. Vulchin.  Why oh why do Vulch victims whine about getting Vulched?!? Its THIER fault. Getting Vulched once is not your fault, maybe you didnt look before you upped, but any time you get vulched more than once is YOUR fault, not the Vulchers. Dont wanna get Vulched? Up a different base, pretty simple. Complaining on Ch1 for Vulchin to stop is a guarantee that it will continue. I like Vulching and will do it at every opportunity provided it is not over the last base of an about to be reset country. Since I defect to the coutry with the lowest numbers every time I log on I have not been in that position yet.
I think that is just poor sportsmanship but I dont blame others for doing it, or for vulching me, which happens, ususally I think its funny because I upped without looking and paid the price.

3. Air Napoleon's. Holy cow some guys go overboard. Other night, cant remember which country I was in, some guy had a "Master Plan" to win the war in 15 minutes after a reset and broadcast it on the country channel EVERY 30 SECONDS for about a hour and then got his panties all bunched up in a knot because nobody was listening to him. Thank goodness for the squelch command.

4. Uber (insert pane of choice here). Someone's always complaining about a plane that is overmodeled and that is the only reason they got killed. I get myself killed by doing stupid things so often that I dont as yet blame it on the other guys plane choice. Funny thing is, I have seen almost every plane (at least the top 4-6 anyway) targets of this, but the Niki and La7 are the most common. Are we all supposed to fly P40B's? Or Hurricane I's? Or maybe D3A's? This one is often in combination with No 1, "that Niki/La7/Spit/P38 HO dweeb..."

5. Milkrunners. I dont mind milkrunners, its their $. What I dont understand is, several times I have chased a milkrunner and gotten into 'con range and they instantly bail. I dont get the point of this since they have a good chance to shoot down a single fighter with the guns on the buffs, at least a better chance than bailing. Bailing over enema territory you kow you will be captured so what is the difference if you try to fight your way out and die? Isnt your score the same either way capture or killed? I think they ought to take it like a "man", unless it Flossy of course.

6. $h!t talking. In general I think $h!t talking is funny, and is a big reason online games are soooo fun. Some folks are very good at it and those that do it well are creative and come up with some really good ones. However, if "Hey STFU" is all you can come up with, probably better to stay quiet.

None of this stuff really bothers me, mostly I think its funny. Its your dollar do what you want to have fun, I just thought that as someone with a fresh view on AH I'd throw out my first impressions and see what you Vets think.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 04:50:54 PM by Grits »

Offline WldThing

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Re: Two week observations...
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2004, 12:20:08 PM »
Originally posted by Grits
4. Uber (insert pane of choice here). Someone's always complaining about a plane that is overmodeled and that is the only reason they got killed. I get myself killed by doing stupid things so often that I dont as yet blame it on the other guys plane choice. Funny thing is, I have seen almost every plane (at least the top 4-6 anyway) targets of this, but the Niki and La7 are the most common. Are we all supposed to fly P40B's? Or Hurricane I's? Or maybe D3A's? This one is often in combination with No 1, "that Niki/La7/Spit/P38 HO dweeb..."

According to some people.. YES.

Dont mind those kind of people,  bunch of whiners that want to tell you what to fly..   Fly what you want,  and what you enjoy flying.  The more whiners that die,  the better you shall feel ;)

Have fun Sir! =S=

Offline Steve

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Two week observations...
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2004, 12:24:49 PM »
Air Napoleon's.. I feel ya.

I'd bet money it's a guy named Phaeton.  This guy was a rook the other night and he was issuing all sorts of commands/demands/insults.  I made the mistake of responding to him by saying: You attract more flies w/ honey than vinegar.

He responded by calling into question my AH skills and team play, along w/ assorted insults.  This from a guy who has played the game for exactly 2 months and only enough time as a fellow rook to get exactly 2 kills in his career.  :aok
Hehehehe, yet I was over the very base that he was attempting to coerce rooks to defend.  

Thankfully, the next day this guy was a Bish!
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Offline mars01

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« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2004, 12:55:55 PM »

Great post Grits!!!

If you play this game you have to take all the morons with a grain of salt.  At the end we are all a bunch of geeks playing a computer game.  If you dont believe me or think I am wrong, go explain what you do to your girl friend, wife or someone who could care less about this stuff and you'll find out the truth lol.

Alot of the wines are just venting frustration, myself included.  So to take this stuff seriousely or personally is crazy.  My motto - relax talk smack and laugh.

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2004, 01:15:43 PM »
That is an increadable amount of wisdom to pick up in 2 weeks. I know It took me 2 years.

Offline Hajo

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« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2004, 01:38:38 PM »
First of's just a game.

Ignore channel 1.....lotsa youngsters online...and some that are older and act like youngsters.

HO a legitimate shot.....someone comes straight for my nose he's gonna get a faceful.  I learned a long time ago not to trust that your enemy will break the HO for a different merge tactic.  A HOs' a HO....same as if it walks like a duck etc.

Andddddddd   secondly.....welcome to Aces High.....lots of old timers here from AW DOS days....gee...dare I say that some of us are in our 50s and 60s and still playing?  I dare :aok
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Offline Murdr

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« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2004, 02:15:10 PM »
Andy Rooney joined AH??  Welcome :)
Good post.  Fortunatly this was not the typical "too weak observations" post:aok

Offline Grits

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« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2004, 03:05:59 PM »
Well, I cant claim to have learned all that in two weeks, most of it I learned the hard way in the old GEnie AW years ago. Back then I chased scores, cried about getting vulched, talked a lot of trash on Ch1 and all that. Then I realized I was not having any fun, so I started doing what I liked and not worring about others. I come to AH with that previous knowedge which is a big help.

I guess I could have called this "The more things change the more they stay the same" post too.

Offline Flossy

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Re: Two week observations...
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2004, 03:08:17 PM »
Originally posted by Grits
Bailing over enema territory you kow you will be captured so what is the difference if you try to fight your way out and die? Isnt your score the same either way capture or killed? I think they ought to take it like a "man", unless it Flossy of course.
LOL!   :lol   Grits and welcome to AH.  Well if you ever chase my bombers when I'm deep in enemy territory, you definitely won't find me bailing!  I'd be only too glad to have a pop at you.... in fact just last week, in Trinity, I went for a deep strat target (Knit Refinery IIRC) and was attacked as I was starting to head back to Bishland.  Shot him down, then watched as he reupped and started to chase me back..... he never did catch up and eventually turned back to Knitland as I crossed into friendly territory - and I eventually landed successfully.  :)
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Offline Roscoroo

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« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2004, 04:17:14 PM »
Good observation and Welcome to AH ..

I remember back 2-3 years ago the 1st command when i'd enter the main was .squelch 1    its not as near as bad as it was back then but there seams to be alot more newbies wanting to run missions that dont understand the maps peticular strat and gameplay along with trying to grab a CV and take them on a 10 hour tour to the far side of the map . (boy they get mad when you interrupt their plans for a cv ):aok
Roscoroo ,
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Offline Grimm

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« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2004, 04:27:20 PM »
Great Post Grits!

Pretty good observations!   :)

Offline Delirium

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« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2004, 04:48:36 PM »
Howdy Grits and welcome to the bunch! Was good fighting you the other night in the extreme south-east of Mindano Sunday night.

Don't let em bother you, if they do type  

.squelch 1

and if you really want to be left alone

.squelch 6

Hope things get better for you. :)
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Offline eskimo2

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« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2004, 04:54:26 PM »
You're not welcome here, you've got too much common sense.  
Post again when you've turned into a stupid whiney tard.

JK, welcome to AH.  I like you.


Offline B17Skull12

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« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2004, 05:35:46 PM »
grits you must learn that shane is allowed to talk trash since only 2 people he can't beatin a duel are WldThing and BigMax.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2004, 05:51:31 PM »
Originally posted by Steve
... I feel ya.

Steve .... I've seen you do this to "newbies" in the past. If you're not making them nervous you're still kinda making me jittery. :D