A lovely little snit you're having Dowding! Cheerful to oblige!
It is your personal problem. Sorry. With and obvious solution; don't watch this stuff if it bothers you. It's certainly not up to anyone else here or elsewhere to save your from this outrage. These films exist and will be shown. DON'T WATCH. That's a PERSONAL decision.
However, the History Channel, Wings, et al have shown there are a very, very large number of folks that DO have a desire to watch footage from wars where people die, either individually on camera or in flaming aircraft cockpits where their features are indistinguishable. War Photographers have been lauded and awarded prizes for showing pictures of war dead; for caputuring history.
The books spark imagination; films correct imagination. The book presentations usually are more indepth but there's no way they can convey what it looked like. From your little rant there, I wonder if you support the development of the camera. After all, for example, we could have just read incredibly detailed descriptions of exotic, non-native flowers instead of seeing close ups.
What it adds is a clear visualiaztion of how the Apache weapons system actually works at night, with and overlay of the command and control used. It adds a clear understanding of how the Apache is used in war, in coordination with C&C. YOU should have just read about it somewhere though, since it bothers you.
Now go ahead and tell me you didn't/don't watch old WW2 guncam films.
Or even that you watch them while screaming "OH! The humanity!" at the telly.
While you're "getting off", on purely proper "impersonal death", of course.