Originally posted by Gunslinger
I think that leiberman holds great contempt for sadam because he sponsored terrorism in isreal. Makes it a little more personal when its an attack against your own people.
Am I correctly understanding what you are implying?
You're saying Leiberman is motivated to hate Saddam, just because he's a jew?
Some how you think Leiberman has a bond with the Israelis because of they are jews also... so it's his "own people"?
Sheesh! That's a rather racist remark... don't you think.
Wouldn't you think that perhaps Leiberman is looking at the situation prima facia.
Or may not... so if Kentucky gets attacked by terrorist... does that mean all the Texans will be up in arms...because their own people (red necks) were attacked?
perhaps that's Bush's motivation for attacking Iraq!
There were some rednecks on the flights that flew into the WTC!